Chapter 7 There Coming

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~beca's POV~

I'm standing in the kitchen with chloe, yes chloe Beal a retired Bella from a long time ago, and we're just talking about the due date for the babies. "So many days away but it seems like it's tomorrow." I said and she giggled. "Not that many days away it's February 22nd and your due febuary 29th." She responded and I nodded my head and gave her a dont-correct-me look and she just smiled.

"I'm so scared, I mean I'm having twins so it's gonna hurt even more." I exclaimed and she rubbed my arm and looked at me more sternly. "Beca don't be scared, I can guarantee you will be a great mother and jesse will be a great father." She said to me and I looked at her more sternly like she did. "2." Is all I said and we burst out laughing.

She hugged me and a sharp pain went through my stomach. "OW!" I yelled in pain and Chloe pulled away and looked concerned. "Beca are you ok!?" She said in a calm voice but it seemed like she was screaming. "Chlo." I said and then water started flowing onto the floor. "Beca what's happening?" She asked me in a calm voice. "My water just broke can you not fucking see!" I shouted in her face.

"Holy shit!" She yelled and I started walking toward the door and she was pacing around. "Chloe drive me to the fucking hospital!" I screamed at her and she looked at me. "Oh yeah, ok get to the car." She said calmly and then grabbed my arms and started leading me to her car.

I got in the back and sat across the seats. "I'll call jesse and you try and stay calm." She said and I nodded my head as she started talking on the phone. "OW!" I screamed as another contraction hit. "Ok please hurry." Chloe said getting off the phone and tryed comforting me and telling me what to do. "Jesse is gonna meet us at the hospital and on are way there stay calm and breath in and out, in and out and in and out." She explained and I did just that and tryed to stay as calm as possible. Another contraction hit and i gripped the seat and held my breath, when the pain went away I let it out.

We pulled into the hospital parking lot and chloe helped me out of the car. We walked inside the hospital and the desk lady saw us and imediatly called for a doctor. She rushed to my side and the doctor was making his way to me. "Hi there, I can see that your in labour." she said pointing out the obvious. "No shit sherlock!" i freaked at her and she stepped away and walked back to the desk and decided not to help.

The doctor came rushing down the hall and he told chloe the directions to my room and we went there. We got there right when another contraction hit. "HOLY FUCKING FUCK!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and I could tell chloe didn't want to be here anymore. She sat me on the bed and helped me get into my hospital gown. We finished getting it on when someone came rushing through the door.

"Beca!" He yelled and rushed over to me. "Jes-. FUCK! I you so fucking much!" I shrieked and he took a step back. "I know you do, we will get through this together ok I won't leave your side." He said and I looked deep in his eyes. "You won't?" I asked and he smirked at me. "Of course not." He replied and I smiled at him and then it hit again. "GOD FUCKING DAMNIT!" I freaked and then chloe decided it would be a good idea to leave the room.

The doctor came in after chloe left and looked at us 2 and smiled. "Hi, I'm doctor andrews and im going to be delivering your babies today, would you like some apadural?" The dcotor questioned and I imediatly answered. "YES!" I screamed and he chuckled and left to get it. "Jesse I don't think I can do this." I said and held hid hand tight. "You can, but you don't beleive in yourself. You will have these babies and they will grow up happy and healthy." He responded and I smile at him.

"It hurts!" I shouted. Jesse held onto my hand and tryed to comfort me. "It'll be ok bec, I love you and I beleive in you." He said and I nodded my head breathing in and out trying to keep calm.

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