Chapter 25 The Twins First Christmas

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So I just sorta like skipped through the next few months and it's Christmas now. Nothing happened anyways so, it's Christmas now. DEAL WITH IT!!!! Lol sorry.


~beca's POV~

So.....It is December 24th and that day is also known as Christmas eve. I've done a lot, and I mean a lot of Christmas shopping. From the beginning of November to today. It's the twins first Christmas so I went all out, I bought them both a bunch of stuff. I'm in the mall with the twins, fat Amy, Adam and Stacie. We're all looking for gifts to get for bumper, Donald and Brad. We pretty much waited until last minute to get them there gifts.

"I should have done this a long time ago." Stacie says looking around the men's clothes isle in Winners. I would have done this a long time ago but you know whatever. "Well do you know what at Donald wants?" I asked her as Amy scampered off to look at some other things that bumper might like.

"He said he'd be happy with a shirt as long as I got him something, but I seriously just don't know." She says sighing.

"Do you know what Brad wants?" She asks as she picks through a couple shirts. "You know I was thinking of getting him like a, a, um. You know he never actually told me what he wanted." I tell her adjusting Trinas hat on her head as she lays sleeping in the stroller beside Bella.

"Maybe you could get him like a leather jacket or something. Or I know! You could get him like a bracelet or something with B.M engraved in it or something. Or like B.M + B.T = LOVE." She says and I start nodding my head. I like that idea.

"That's an awesome idea but where would I find someone to do that today?" I ask her as Amy approaches us again. "I found what I'm getting bumper! He sometimes says stuff about how he likes the New York Yankees, so I'm gonna get him a New York Yankees jacket." Amy explained and smiled as if knowing it's the best present she could get anybody.

"That's awesome Amy! And beca you know that jewelry place somewhere in the west end of the mall, maybe they could do it." She says and I nod my head. I bet they could do it in the right amount of time for the right amount of money. "Ok, sounds good." I say and look at a couple shirts Brad would probably like.

"Screw it, I'm just gonna get him a couple new t-shirts." Stacie says taking a few off the rack and walking toward the checkout line. I grab a couple t-shirts for Brad and follow her. Amy follows closely behind me practically running my feet over with Adams stroller.


The three of us and the kids were at Stacies house after a long day at the mall. I got a bracelet chain type thing for Brad and engraved in it is B.M + B.T = LOVE.

What I did was I took the two t-shirts I bought Brad and put the chain bracelet in between them and wrapped it. Stacie wrapped her t-shirts and Amy wrapped the Yankees jacket. We put them aside under Stacies tree.

All the bellas and trebles are gonna be here soon and everyone is gonna pick one present from someone else and then two random presents will be given to us from two others and we open those, then tomorrow everyone else is gonna come back here and open the rest.

Five minutes passed and everyone started arriving. "Hey." I greeted everyone as they came inside and I hugged a couple bellas.

Jesse and lisa arrived and I didn't bother saying anything to them. They put there gifts by the tree and took a seat on the floor and leaned back against one of the livingroom walls cuddling.

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