Chapter 21 Can We Just Talk

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So I sorta like just skipped ahead into the middle of August. Beca, Brad and the twins along with all the bellas and trebles have left the ship because they all wanted to be there for beca along the way of her pregnancy. Beca has moved into Brads house with the girls and that is probably going to be the last time she moves, lol.

This will be absolutly apreciated, I was wondering if you all could comment who you want Brad to be played by, so like you can imagine who he is and then know what he looks like. Comment anyone and I probably won't get a lot of comments so I'll pick one lol. Enjoy.


~beca's POV~

I was laying on the livingroom floor of brads house with Brad as the girls layed in between us. They were laying on a orange fluffy blanket and hanging above them were small little stuffies that went in circles. There was an elephant, a monkey, a bird and a dog.

"You know if I stared at this all day I could probably fall asleep myself." Brad said with a chuckle as he put his head on the blanket beside Trina. "Well the point of this was to get them to take a nap but I mean you can to if you want." I said and let out a giggle. "It looks to me that they are asleep." He mentioned as he got up to see there faces. "Yea I think they are too." I said and got on my knees.

I picked Bella up careful not to wake her and took her upstairs to her room. I layed her in her crib and walked back downstairs. I picked Trina up this time and took her upstairs. I layed her in her crib and went to there dresser to turn on the baby monitor. I kept the door ajar and went back downstairs. Brad was sitting on a stool in his kitchen at the island.

"So." I said as I sat beside him. "So." He said as he turned to face me. "So." I said again and he smiled. "I have to go pick some things up, are you ok with staying here?" He asked as he put his hand on my thigh. "Yea that's fine." I said and he leaned in to kiss me. I leaned forward to kiss him and we met in the middle.

I pulled away and stood up, he stood up after me and I walked to the door. He slipped his shoes on his feet and I opened the door for him. "I'll be back soon. 25-30 minutes at the least." He said and gave me a goodbye kiss. "Ok, I'll be here. Bye." He walked out the door with a wave. "Bye, I love you." He said and I blew him a kiss. "I'll love you too." He smiled and got in his car. I shut the front door and made my way back to the kitchen to get the baby monitor.

I grabbed it off the counter and took it with me to the livingroom. I sat it on the coffee table and I sat on the couch. I turned the tv on and started going through the channels.

Boring. More boring. Seen it. Re-run. Just at that second I heard something up stairs, it wasn't the sound of a baby crying but it was a big thump. A second later crying started coming from the monitor and then it got diconnected. I jumped to my feet and ran to the closet by the front door. I grabbed the baseball bat that I knew Brad kept in there.

I quietly made my way upstairs and the crying kept getting quieter, then I heard a voice. "It's ok, I'm not going to hurt you." The voice said and I couldn't make out who that voice belonged to. "Daddys here and he's not going to hurt you." Daddy? If that's who I think it is I swear to fucking god. I walked toward the girls room and looked in to see who it was. It was just who I thought it was.


He was standing above Trina and then he switched to see Bella and he kept switching back and forth. I opened the door and stood in the doorway with the baseball bat in hand. "What are you doing?" I asked sternly which made him jump. He turned around and my eyes caught his. "I came to see the girls." He said and not breaking eye contact. "And sneaking in the girls bedroom window is the way to that?" I questioned and he scratched the back of his neck.

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