Chapter 10 Dont Tell Beca

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~jesse's POV~

I was sitting on the couch reading one of the baby books that me and beca had gotten for the twins. It was very interesting, it was about a dog or something. I threw the book so it landed on the other end of the couch.

"That book was boring." I say to myself but beca hears me. "What?" She says and looks at me from the kitchen table. "Nothing that important." I tell her and she nods her head and goes back to doing whatever she's doing over there.

I went over to the playpen where Bella was laying down and playing and picked her up.
"Hi baby, what are you doing over here all alone? Shouldn't you be with me or mommy and not alone?" I ask her knowing she won't answer me. She starts smiling and that made me smile.

"You know beca, she has that same goergous smile that you have." I say and beca looks at me and smiles that goergous smile. "That's the one." I tell her and that makes her smile even more.

"Jesse you know your such a suck up." She tells me and I smile wider at that. "Well I have to be so you'll love me." I tell her and she giggled a little giving me a small kiss and disappearing down the hallway.

"Oh Bella your so ador-." I was interrupted when my phone suddenly went off, I quickly and carefully put Bella back in her playpen and grabbed my phone from my back pocket. I looked and the caller ID and it was Donald.
(D=Donald J=Jesse)

J- hello

D- hey man, you coming out with the guys tonight

J- maybe hold on I'll ask beca

D- ok

I took my phone away from my ear and started walking down the hallway to find beca. "Beca." I said as I entered our room where she was folding things.

"That's my name don't ware it out. What would you like?" She asked me. "I was wondering if I could go out for guys night with the guys?" I questioned her and she pretends to think really hard. "Hmm....ok go right ahead just don't do anything you will regret." She tells me and I walk a little closer to her. "Are you sure you'll be ok?" I ask her and she nods her head. "I'll call some of the girls over." She assures me and I nod my head this time. I lean in and kiss her and then head out but before I leave I tell beca bye.

"Bye bec, bye Bella, bye Trina!" I yell even though 2 of the people I called out to won't answer back. "Bye jess!" I heard beca yell coming out if the room. "Give me me a goodbye kiss." I tell her puckering my lips up big. She laughs and walks up to me and puckers her lips up big. She kisses me and we start laughing. "Love you." I say and she waves goodbye as I walk down the stairs of the building. "Love you to." She called out and I waved bye before exiting the building.

D- hello

I heard someone say and then I realize I still have my phone in my hand.

J- oh sorry man totally forgot I was on the phone with you, I'll be over in a few

D- ok me and the guys will be here

J- bye

D- see ya

With that I hung up the phone and got in the car. I started it up and pulled out of the driveway. The whole car ride was silent because I was the only person in the car but even the radio was off.

In a matter of 10 minutes I made it to Donalds house, well Donald and Stacies house. As I pulled into there driveway I saw stacie leaving the house. I got out of the car and greeted Stacie with, "Beca?" And she nodded her head. "Have fun." I tell her and she waved goodbye.

I walked up a few steps and opened the front door. "I'm here!" I yell and walk into the livingroom where the guys are. They start laughing at little before Donald spoke up. "Ok well I was planning on going to the club tonight, who's with me?" Donald asks and start thinking.

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