Chapter 11 Keeping The Secret

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~Jesse's POV~

I woke up and my head was pounding. Last night was the night that everything happened and man am I really regreting it now. I turn my head so it's not planted in the pillow and see beca sitting on the chair that we have here in the livingroom breastfeeding one of the twins, I'm guessing it's Trina. I sit up rub my eyes with the back of my hands. I start stretching my arms and now I'm really feeling the headache.

"Hey, your awake." I heard beca say and I looked at her and she had a smile planted across her face. "Well im not gonna sleep all day am I." I said jokingly with a chuckle and she giggled. "You know you could have slept in the bed last night." She says and I nod my head knowingly. "I know but you just looked so comfortable and I didn't wanna disturb you or anything." I said and she nodded putting Trinas head up on her shoulder to burp her.

"So how was your night last night?" She asked me and I was sorta hoping she wouldnt ask me that. "Oh you know like any other guys night, normal nothing happened I was good and I didn't do anything bad." I said fast so she wouldn't hear me correctly. "Ok then?" She said in a questioning tone.

I picked up my jeans off the floor and grabbed my phone. It said 11:07. I put my jeans on and buttoned them up. "Oh will you look at the time, it's time for me to go to the bathroom." I said just trying to get out of the conversation. "Um." Was all I heard beca say as I walked by her and to the bathroom.

I opened the door and then closed it. I stood there looking at my reflection in the mirror. "I'm not a bad person, I'm not a bad person, it was just a mistake and besides beca will never find out." I whisper to myself. I turn on my phone and start looking through my contacts for Donalds name. I find it and click it. After a few rings he picks up.
(D=Donald J=Jesse)

D- hello

J- hey man, what's up

D- oh you know feeding elephants

J- seriously?

D- no god damnit I'm trying to keep your secret from Stacie!

J- why would Stacie wanna know anything?

D- because she thinks somethings up and I keep telling her nothing but she knows something is wrong

J - just don't act like anything is wrong

D- that's nearly impossible! You cheated on my girlfriends best friend! It's sorta hard to act like nothings up!

J- well your not the only one keeping a secret here ass hole, I'm actually keeping a secret from my fiancé!

D- ok and? Stacie finds out everything she wants to know, sooner or later that secret of yours is gonna come back and bite you in the ass

J- listen man just try to keep it in a little longer, I'll tell beca when the time is right

D- ya I'll try but if anything happens I blame you

J- fine whatever, but keep this in mind, if this secret gets out my life could end with beca and I love her to the moon and back so keep it quiet

D- you love her to the moon and back huh?

J- ya I do and you should know that

D- well I did know that before last night

After he said that I didn't know what to say. My mind just went from all these things to a complete blank. I'm so surprised he said that, I mean we are best buds and all but wow.

J- I gotta go I'll call you later

D- I thought you might say that. Bye

I hung up the phone and looked in the mirror again. "I'm in some deep shit." I said to myself and then walked out if the bathroom.

I walked back to the livingroom and saw that now it was only beca sitting in the chair and noticed Trina in the playpen. "Hey, where's Bella?" I asked and she pointed down the hallway to the twins room. "She woke up a lot during the night and I'm surprised she's still asleep." She said changing the channel on the tv.

"So what was that phone call all about, I heard the words my fiancé?" She asked and I became speechless. "Oh, um I was just talking to Donald about awesome my fiancé is." I said trying to cover it up and to me it seemed like she fell for it. "Oh really?" She questioned and I nodded my head. "Ya I was talking to him about how nice, awesome and understanding you are." I said trying to make it as believable as possible.

"Ok what do you want Swanson?" She asked me sternly and I put my hands up in surender. "Nothing, I can't brag about how amazing my fiancé is, I mean that's just cruel if I can't." I said and she smiled and bit her bottom lip. "Ok," She said, "ill be right back." She then got up, gave me a quick kiss and walked off to are room. When she got there she shut the door and I went over to Trina.

She was laying there opening and closing her eyes trying to make herself stay awake but it didn't look like that was gonna happen. After about a minute she looked like she was out. I picked her up carefully and went to her and bellas room. I layed her down in her crib and went over to look at Bella. She was wide awake and not crying, that's surprising. I picked her up and she smiled and giggled a little.

"Hi there baby girl, are you hungry? Let's go find mommy." I said in a cute little baby voice. I walked out of the girls room closing the door behind me and went to open my bedroom door but stopped because I heard beca talking.

"-Stace he's hiding something and I know it." She said and I know she's talking about me. "No listen he's acting a bit strange and if you ask me it sounds like he's hiding something...really...then ask him what's going on...he won't tell you...why not...because it's a secret, see I told ya...ok...ya I'll talk to you later...bye." She said and I quickly speed walked to the livingroom to make sure she didn't know I was there eavesdropping.

A second later the bedroom door opened and out came beca. She walked past me and sat down in the chair she easy sitting in earlier. "Oh look who's awake!" She said cheerfully and Bella started squirming around so I gave her to beca. She started getting herself ready to breastfeed her when I just had to ask. "Who were you on the phone with?"

"What? Oh, I was just talking to Stacie. How much of the conversation did you hear?" She questioned me as she positioned Bella. "Oh nothing I just heard you say something so I thought you were on the phone." I lied. "Oh, ok." She said.

"So becster your birthday is in a couple of days, what do you wanna do for it?" I asked her trying to change the topic. "Oh Uh the former bellas are gonna come and probably some of the former trebles to have like a little party or something." She answered and sat Bella up to burp her. "Are the girls gonna be there?" I asked and she nodded her head. "Yes, it's gonna be a controlled birthday, maybe a couple drinks for everyone else, food, you know." She explained and I nodded my head.

"Ok, nice to know." I said and then started flipping through the channels on tv. "So um what exactly did happen last night?" She questioned me and my mind is blank again. "You know, we all went out to a club, I had a few drinks, I danced, you know the usual, didn't get to drunk." I told her and she nodded her head. "Fascinating." She said and then got up and put Bella in the playpen.

"So uh what do ya wanna do?" I asked trying to change the subject as quick as possible. "Take a break." She answered and I nodded my head as I walked over to her. She was standing beside the playpen watching Bella as she stuck her tongue out and then put it back in her mouth and did it over and over again. I put my arms around her waist and rested my head on her shoulder.

"Hi." She said and I saw a smile form on her lips. "Hey." I said and she just stood the sniffing. She kept sniffing and then turned around and started sniffing my shoulder and made her way down. "You smell like your wearing perfume." She said and began sniffing me again. "Oh Uh probably from last night, there were a lot of people on the dance floor, I guess in other words it was crowded." I said grabbing a shirt that was on the chair beca was sitting on earlier. "Oh." She says and that was about it.She walked away down the hall and I let out a sigh.

Jesus she's gonna find out soon.

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