Chapter 22 The First Ultrasound

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~beca's POV~

So Brad and I are going in to the hospital for my first ultrasound. I told jesse he could watch the girls until I'm done and I made sure ahead of time that lisa wouldn't be over at his appartment. He said that she had to go somewhere with her mom to get something but I'm sorta just thinking she'll be hiding in his closet or something just waiting for me to leave.

I grabbed my jacket, baby bag and keys off the island and made my way outside. Brad was buckling Trina up and I went to see if Bella was buckled. She wasn't yet. I buckled her in safely and then walked around to the drivers side to find that Brad was in the drivers seat. I threw my arms up just above my shoulders and walked back to the passengers side. I got in and handed him the keys.

"Did you wanna drive?" He asked ready to open his door. "No its fine I just thought that I was." I said and he laughed. "Do you know where his appartment is." I asked as we reversed out of the driveway. "Yea, I remember. Don't worry." He said and I turned the radio on. The song best day if my life by American authors was on and I started humming along to it.

Eventually we made it to jesse's appartment building and we parked outside. I got out of the car along with Brad and we both grabbed one of the seats. I took bellas and I had the baby bag and he took Trinas. He opened the building door and I walked in. He followed me to where jesse's appartment was and when we arrived I knocked on the door

I didn't hear anything at first but then I started hearing footsteps I think. "Are you sure about this?" Brad asked taking a deep breath probably nervous. "Brad I just want him to see them for a little bit." I said and then the door opened and revealed jesse.

"Sorry, I needed to grab my pants." He said and I nodded. "Ok well we gotta get going." Brad said and jesse moved out of the doorway. "Come in and put the seats down they must be really heavy." Jesse said and I went inside and Brad followed close behind. I knew he was really close because Trinas seat kept kitting me in the butt.

I put Bellas seat down by the couch and Brad did the same. I bent down and gave bella a kiss on her forehead then ran my fingers through her small little head of hair. I turned to Trina and did the same exact thing.

"We'll be back soon and when I get back, please make sure that they are both breathing." I said and he laughed but I was serious. "No I'm serious, I don't want anything to change about there appearance, the way they look now, is the way I want them to look when I get back." I said and jesse's smile faded from his face and he nodded. "Ok, I promise it'll be fine." He said and I turned and walked out the door with Brad.

"Don't worry beca!" Jesse called as we walked down the stairs. "Now I'm a little worried." I said when we got outside. "In his own words 'it'll be fine'." Brad said and I laughed as I got in the car. "You know maybe after your appointment we could call jesse or text him and say that we'll be a little longer then expected and go home for a little alone time." Brad suggested and I nodded my head. "Maybe if your lucky." I said and he put one of his hands on his heart. "I was hoping you would just say yes, you broke my heart beca. No you did more then break it, you shattered it. Into millions of pieces." He exclaimed and I laughed. "Oh just shut up and drive." I said with a laugh and he smiled at me and continued to drive to the hospital.

When we arrived at the hospital we had to find a parking spot. When we found one we parked and continued on into the hospital. I grabbed Brads hand when we entered through the hospital entrance. There was a lady sitting behind a desk so we went and asked her where the ultrasound area was.

"Excuse me, I was just wondering where is the ultrasound area?" I questioned and she looked up, smiled and nd then pointed left. "The ultrasound area is down that hallway, and it's the third hallway to your right, there's a sign that actually says ultrasound so you'll know when you've arrived." She said with a smile. "Thank you." I said and smiled at her. "Not a problem." With that we started walking down the hallway and we saw a sign that said ultrasound and it had an arrow pointing down another hallway.

We went down the hallway and sure enough there was a sign on a door that said ultrasounds. We walked through that door together and there was another lady behind another desk. "Hello, I'm here for an appointment." I said and she looked at me. "Name." She said and looked down at her computer. "Mitchel." I stated and she typed that in. "Here you are, so your here for a baby ultrasound?" She questioned and I nodded my head. She smiled and tilted her head a little. "Congratulations. Have a seat over there and when the doctor is ready she will come and get you." She said and I smiled. I pulled Brad with me to sit down and we sat together obviously.

"I'm actually a little scared." I said and he looked a bit surprised. "Why are you scared, it's just an ultrasound. It's just gonna tell us if it's a girl or a boy, or girls or boys or a girl and a boy." He said and slid his arm around my shoulders. "It'll be perfectly fine, don't worry a single bit because I will be right beside you." He went to kiss my cheek but I turned my head so he kissed my lips instead. I caught him off guard because I could tell he didn't know what was happening for a second.

He pulled away and shook his head but he had a smile on his face. "You sneaky little thing." He said and then a lady stood in the doorway that led to the ultrasound rooms. "Mitchel?" She asked, I didn't really get shy she asked there was like no one else in here. I grabbed Brads hand again and walked to the door where she was standing.

"Hello, follow me this way." The doctor said and my hand squeezed brads for just a second and he squeezed back. We entered a dark room like last time and I layed down. "I see that you already have kids yourself, twins actually," She said reading off of a clip board, "So you should already know what to do." She said with a warm smug smile.

I lifted my shirt up to where the hem of my bra is and looked into Brads eyes. He put his hand on my thigh and smiled at me. "So if you remember the gel will be cold so be prepared." She said with a laugh and I forced one out. She squirted the gel onto my stomach and grabbed her tool to swirl it around. She looked at the small screen and I lifted my head a bit to look at it to.

"Well im sorry to say but I can't really see anything, the baby is a little to small to actually tell right now. But I think that is the head, I'm sorry the baby is to small to tell right now. I'll call you sometime to reschedule and hopefully then we will figure out if the baby is a boy or a girl." She explained and I let out a deep breath.

She handed me a towel to clean all of the gel off of my stomach and then I sat up. "I'll call you sometime next week to reschedule. Have a nice day." She said and walked out of the room.

I was now pretty worried, I mean I'm pretty sure that's not a good thing if you can't tell what the baby is or maybe it's just a little to early to tell, like the doctor said.

We walked out of the ultrasound area and then out if the hospital to the parking lot. I got in the car and Brad got in to. "So, are we going to pick the girls up or are we going to have some alone time?" He asked me and I looked him in the eye. "I sorta just wanna get the girls and head home, sorry. Next time though I promise you." I told him and he smiled. "It's all good bec, I know your just a little worried about what just happened. Next time though, you promised." He said and I forced out a laugh.

I wasn't worried a little bit about this I was worried a lot about this.

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