Chapter 27 Crawling Vs. Walking

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~beca's POV~

It is officially a brand new year and wow I can't beleive I made it through the last one. For new years we had this huge party at the house and all the bellas and trebles were there, my dad was there, brads parents were there, I'm pretty sure both Stacie and Donalds parents were there, and then a bunch of other parents and brothers and sisters were all there. Trina and Bella were ecstatic seeing a bunch of new faces and they had a wonderful night.

Right now I'm with Amy and Adam sitting in the livingroom, Adam is laying on the floor on a blue blanket that Amy brought and the twins are sitting against the couch in front of me and Amy.

"So, what do you wanna do for the new year?" Amy asks scrolling through the tv channels. "I wanna sleep is what I wanna do for the new year." I tell her and she laughs. Trina was up forever last night and when I finally got her to sleep Bella started to cry so, I'm guessing you know what I'm talking about here. Of course Brad was working late last night because he took time off for Christmas and new years. So I was left alone with two screaming children.

"Oh wow, hard time last night?" She questions putting on a show I've never seen before and I didn't bother looking at what it was called. "Trina was screaming and then Bella was screaming and Brad was at work and I'm so tired!" I over exaggerated a tad bit at the last part but I don't care right now.

"Adams perfectly fine during the nights, he usually wakes up around 2 and then 6, but then he's out until atleast 8 or 9." She says and I'm thinking wow thanks for rubbing it in.

"That is absolutely, I don't care!" I yell and then start laughing a little bit. Amy starts laughing big time and I shut my eyes ready for sleep to take over.

Then I fell somebody's hands on my leg. I open my eyes and Trinas looking into my eyes with a small smile on her adorable little face. She's standing up and I give her a warm smile.

"You standing up, good job. That's amazing!" I say in a baby voice and she woddles away. I look at Amy for a second and them my eyes shoot back to Trina.

Holy fucking shit she's walking. Trinas walking! Oh my Jesus!

"Trinas walking! Holy shit, she's walking!" I start screaming and bouncing up and down. Amy looks over and smiles. "Yay! Go Trina go!" She screams and then she falls onto her bum.

I stand up careful not to step on Bella who was sitting right there in front of me on the floor and rush over to Trina.

"Your walking! Baby girl that's amazing! Great job baby!" I squeal and pick her up into my arms. She starts giggling and grabs onto one of my fingers on the hand that's not holding onto her. "Your growing up so fast! Soon you'll be talking and I won't even know with you!" I take my hand away and start tickling her belly.

I walk back to the couch and put her on it but she just slides off of it and woddles away again. I neil down next to Bella and grab her hands that were playing with some blocks. She looks up and smiles.

"You ready to start walking too!?" I ask with more enthusiasm then I thought I would use. She holds onto my fingers tighter and I pull her to her feet. She takes a step forward and I pull my hands away to see if she'll walk on her own. She takes the step forward and falls backward onto her bum.

"Are you not ready yet baby? That's ok, you'll be walking in no time." I say to her and give her a bop on the nose. She gets onto her knees and puts her hands in front of her. She pushes off and starts crawling. I smile and watch her slowly crawling around on the carpet.

I crawl over next to her and she stops and sits down. I pick her up and put her in my lap and start tickling her stomach. "I'm so proud of you! Even though you aren't walking just yet you still got a way to move!" I shrieked and she starts giggling.

I put Bella back on the floor and jump onto the couch where Amy's now holding Adam. I grab my phone and scroll through the contacts looking for brads number. When I get to it I click it and the phone starts ringing. After about the sixth ring her picks up.

"Hey bec, what's going on?" He asks and I squeal in his ear. He probably move his phone away so it wasn't as loud. "You won't beleive this, I'm sitting here with Amy right? And then Trina starts walking and Bella starts crawling and oh my gosh!" I scream into the phone giggling and I hear him chuckle.

"That's awesome! I'll be home within, I'd say the next 3 hours. I hope to see Trina walking around the house when I get there, and Bella crawling around!" He shouts into the phone and I start laughing some more. "I gotta go, work. But I'll call you on break ok? I love you." He says and I sigh.

"Ok, I'll be expecting a call. I love you too, bye." I say and then he says bye back and I hang up. I feel so happy right now, nothing can ruin my mood!

"So you gonna call jesse?" Amy questions me. I take back what I said, Amy just smothered my mood into dust. "Why would I call him?" I answer back with a question and she looks at me with wide eyes. "Because he's the father of your children." She answers and I can't help but think that that's so true.

"Your right, I'll guess I'll call him right now." I say scrolling through my contacts again looking for his name. When I find it, I click it and wait for him to answer. He answers on the third ring.

"Beca? Hey, um what's up?" He questions and let's out a cough. I'm thinking that I called at the wrong time for some reason. "Is this a bad time, it sorta sounds like a bad time?" I question and I hear shuffling on the other end of the phone.

"No, no. What's up?" He asks again and I let out a breath. "Ok so I wanted to tell you that Trina has started walking and Bella has tryed to walk but she's still crawling." I tell him with less enthusiasm then I used when I told Brad about it.

"Wow! That's amazing. I wish I was there to see it." He says and that's when I hear it, that's how I know I called at the wrong time. "Jess, where did you throw my shirt earlier?" Lisa. They were, oh my fucking god.

"I'll be right there." Jesse says and then coughs again. "I'll better go, this was bad timing." I say and get ready to say goodbye but he doesn't say goodbye or anything along those lines. "No! No its fine she can wait, nothing was going on anyway." He tells me trying to keep me on the phone but it's definitely not working.

"No, I have to go anyway. Bye." I say and before he can say bye back I hang up. Well that had to be the most weird conversation I've ever had on the phone.

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