Authors Note Pitches

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So here we are, my third book published? Not finished but published.

So here's what I was thinking, I have a whole bunch of chapters up right now because I would write them and not publish them so you wouldn't have to keep waiting for chapters, but this is how it's going to work, I'm gonna make a whole bunch of chapters and then eventually post them which will take some time. I know that sucks and your gonna be like why not just post 1 and keep doing it that way but I'll keep making chapters and then publish them because I'm not always here to publish them and I'm not comfortable with getting someone to help me out with publishing chapters.

So that's how it's gonna be I'll start making more and more chapters and then I'll post them all at once so then you have more chapters to read and not just one.

I don't feel comfortable with getting someone to help me with the book because it's my book and I know where I'm going to take it. I know others might be like I well just tell the person what to do and it's not that easy. I wouldn't know but I know.

Now sometimes I might post 1 chapter to get 1 up but I'll usually save the chapters up and then post.

Have a wondertastic day!!!!!!

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