Chapter 15 Someone New

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~jesse's POV~

Fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me! It's been somewhat days since beca's birthday and I'm flipping out. I lost the love of my life. Im such a fucking mess. When they all came and took all of the girls things and beca's, I was so fucking pissed. I don't want her to leave, I don't the girls to leave either. When they left I thought that would have been the last day I would've saw the twins and beca. But you know obviously I just had to see beca with that stupid guy yesterday night.

Jesus I need to get my mind off of this. I need to go out, I need to move on like beca did. Beca moved on within a couple of days so I should be able to move on within a couple days as well.

I turned the tv off and went to my room. I took my sweat pants off and put on a pair of jeans. I wasn't wearing a shirt all I was wearing was a hoodie so I took that off and replaced it with a white t-shirt. I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

If she can move on that fast then I can move on that fast. I will get a girlfriend tonight if it's the last thing I'll ever do. Maybe I could find that girl from that night, the girl I did it with. She better be there tonight. I'll get with her and do everything for her. She will be my new love. I will find that girl and make her mine.

I walked out and into the livingroom. I grabbed my leather jacket off of the back of the couch and grabbed my sneakers. I put them on and made my way out. I locked the door behind me and walked down the stairs and outside. I went to my car and got in. I started it up and drove off to the club the guys and I went to that night.

I've got this, I can do this. I drove past Stacies house and when I did I slowed down a bit. I saw through the front window, the curtains were at the sides and I saw beca with Bella or Trina in her arms and she was sitting beside that guy laughing, nudging his side and putting her head on his shoulder, he had Trina or Bella in his arms laughing along and doing what beca was doing to him, Donald was leaning against a wall with a beer in hand laughing, Stacie was rolling on the floor obviously laughing. Well everyone seems to be having fun without me in there life so maybe it was good that I had to leave there lives.

I got to the club and got out of the car. I had to wait a few minutes in line then the bouncer man let me through. I got inside and right away I felt def. The music was blasting and the smell of alchold imediatly found its way to my nostrils. I went over to the bar and ordered a bottle of beer. The man gave it to me and I sat down on a stool at the bar. I started looking around for the girl I will soon call my girl. I sort of forget what she looked like but I will know her when I see her.

I put my beer down beside me and looked again. I don't see her sitting down, I don't see her around the bar, I don't see her on the dance-. Holy fuck it's her. I can tell it's her by the way she's dressed. She's got that same crop top on and the same heels, tonight she has different leggings. There black leather leggings with zippers.

She was dancing with some guy, grinding up against him and trying to get into his pants. The guy looked a bit scared but he was trying to want what's gonna happen.

I got up and walked over to the girl. I made my way passed sweaty and drunk people to her and the guy really looked like he wanted to leave.

The guy looked at me and I looked at him. The pointed behind me indicating for him to get lost. He gave me a thumbs up and patted me on the shoulder as he walked away.

I can do this, I can do this. Fuck I can't get beca off my mind. Her being so happy with him it doesn't feel right. What the hell am I doing here anyways? I came here for a reason, I'm moving on. Let's do this thing.

The girl looked around for the guy and she looked mad at me. "What the fuck is wrong with you!? Couldn't you see I was having fun with him!?" She yelled in my face and that's when I grabbed her butt and pulled her up against me. She moaned and bit her bottom lip. "Remember me from some what nights ago, like 6 or 7 nights ago, we fucked in the backroom and my friend came and stopped us!" I shouted hoping she would hear me.

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