Chapter 3 Graduation And A Life Long Commitment

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~beca's POV~

I'm sitting in my dorm with Cameron the night before graduation. Tonight there's supposed to be a big party in the gym and every student is invited.

"So, you ready to head to the gym?" Cameron questioned me slipping her shoes on. "Sure, I mean there's nothing better to do." I replied and we both laughed. Cameron and I weren't wearing anything fancy because it's just a normal party and it's not graduation just yet.

We left and when we stepped foot outside we could already hear the music blasting from the gym. We started walking toward the gym when someone started yelling are names. "BACA, CAMERON!!" Stacie screamed running up to us with her heels in her hands. "Stacie are you ok?" I asked and she stopped to catch her breath.

"Well...fat Amy is kill Candace...because she caught...her staring at...bumper in the gym." Stacie said in between breaths and I emediatly booked it to the gym almost falling a couple of times when Candace ran out of the gym and I stopped right before running into her.

"Candace..are you..ok?" I questioned in between breaths like Stacie. "No, Amy's been looking all over for me because she thought I was staring at bumper but I wasn't I was just looking around the room and now she wants to kill me." She explained and then Amy came storming out of the front doors.

I held Amy back from Candace until Amy stood perfectly still and wasn't trying to run at her. "Beca let me at her she was staring at my man!" Amy freaked. "No Amy she wasn't, she was just looking around the room and then you went all fat Amy on her and didn't give her time to explain." I said and Amy made an are-you-serious face.

"Really, Candace is that true?" Amy asked feeling bad now. "Yes, I was just looking around the room I would never do that to you." Candace replied and then Cameron walked up to us.

"Ok, since that all cleared up why don't we go get are party on!" Cameron yelled and we all started walking inside finally.

We walked into the gym and the whole campus was there. I was looking around for 1 specific person and then I finally found him in a corner with the rest of the trebles. Be looked at me and looked right in my eyes, he started walking toward me and never broke eye contact.

He stood right in front of me and smiled.

"So I see your finally here." He said still smiling. "Ya, there was a big misunderstanding outside and we finally solved it." I replied back and he locked his lips to mine and didn't pull away until air was necessary if we wanted to live. A slow song came on and his smile got even bigger, he stuck his hand out for me to grab it and I did and he led me to the dance floor.

It was the song 'stay with me by:sam smith'. I put my arms around jesse's neck and put my head on his chest and he put his arms firmly around my waist.

As we stood there swaying he started softly singing in my ear.

"Guess it's true I'm not good at a one night stand, but I still need love cause I'm just a man

These nights never seem to go to plan, I don't want you to leave will you hold my hand

Oh won't you stay with me cause your all I need, this ain't love it's clear to see, but darling stay with me." He stopped singing there and I looked up at him and whispered in his ear. "I will always stay with you through anything because I love you jesse Swanson."

He cupped my cheeks in his hands and smiled. "I will always stay with you too because I love you Rebeca Mitchel." I smiled and got mad at the same time. "I thought I've told you never to call me Rebeca?" I question and he just smiled even more. "Well this is a serious situation and you know im not lying when I call you Rebeca." He said and I smiled and snuggled into his chest again.

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