Chapter 4 Starting Are Life Together

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~jesse's POV~

It's been a couple days since graduation and me and beca are still at Barden trying to find a place to live. We've looked online and we've called people and there's still nothing good.

I'm looking online right now and I think I found something actually good, it's says here that there's 1 bathroom, a reasonable sized kitchen, a small dinning room, 2 bedrooms and a small balcony. This sounds pretty good to me, I'll tell beca and we will set up a date to go look at it.


Today me and beca are going to see the appartment that I saw online.

We pulled up outside of the building and there was someone there waiting for us. "Hello are Jackson sanders?" I questioned as I got out of the car and ran to the other side to help beca out. "Yes I am, you must be jesse Swanson and beca Swanson." Jackson said coming toward us and shaking are hands.

"Shall we go inside now?" Jackson questioned pointing toward the door. "We shall." Beca said lacing fingers with me and walking toward the door.

We were looking around in the appartment and it was perfect for us and are baby. I walked into a room where beca was standing and put my arms arms aound her waist. "So, do you like the place?" I asked her and she turned around to face me.

"Yes I do, this could be the baby's room and the other one would be ares and this place is just the right amount of perfect for us." She said and kissed me softly. I pulled away from her when I heard someone clear there throat and it was obviously Jackson.

"So, do you like the place?" Jackson questioned and I stood up straight and looked around the room. "Yes and we would be really happy if we could have it." I said and Jackson came and shook my hand again and I was confused for a moment until he started speaking again. "Well then, it's yours." He said and I looked at beca and she smiled at me and nodded her head.

"That's great, thank you so much, when can we start moving in?" I questioned eager to know. "In a couple days or so you can start bringing stuff down here." He said and I nodded at him and we went to the kitchen and signed a couple papers and we were all ready to be moved in.


Beca, Cameron, tanner, Donald, Stacie, fat Amy and I just finished bringing everything inside and we are so tired. Do you know how hard it is to work in the blazing sun all day?

Beca and I plopped down on are newly bought couch and drank some water. Stacie and Donald were laying on the floor together and fat Amy, Cameron and tanner were all standing in the small dining room drinking some water to.

After we were all cooled down and ready to work again, we got up and started putting things it there rightful places. We left the babies room alone and closed the door. Since Donald was the one who brought the moving truck over to Barden for us, he decided he should take it back and Stacie said she would go with him.

We put almost everything away and fat Amy decided she was just gonna leave because of all the work she has done. Cameron and tanner were sitting on one of are new chairs together and me and beca were cuddling on the couch together. "So, how was everyone's day?" I asked jokingly. "Exhausting and hot." Cameron replied for all of us and we all laughed.

"So, when are you to supposed to go get an altrasound to find out what the baby is?" Tanner questioned just trying to make conversation. "Well, we are supposed to be going in about 3 weeks unless are date gets changed or something like that." Beca exclaimed and tanner nodded his head.

"What are you guys hoping for?" Cameron asked wondering if we wanted to give her a niece or nephew. "I'm hoping for a miny beca." I said and beca looked up at me with a surprised face. "And I'm hoping for a miny jesse." She said and I looked down into her eyes and she was serious. Cameron was looking at us and didn't know what to think about are answers.

"I didn't know you wanted a miny me." Beca said to me and smiled. "And I didn't know you wanted a miny me." I replied back and she leaned her head up to kiss me. I kissed back and before we knew it Cameron had cleared her throat and started giggling at us. "What, it's not like you've never kissed your boyfriend." Beca said to her and I chuckled at that statement.

"I have but you know I haven't done it like that in front of company." Cameron said back and the look on beca's face was priceless. "Well then get out." Beca joked and Cameron through her hands over her head and got up. "Wait, I didn't mean for you or actually leave." Beca said and looked at her with a sad face on.

"Well, we actually should be getting back to campus since we don't want to just sit here and be bored. We'll see you guys some other time, bye live you guys." Cameron announced and beca got up off me and gave the 2 a hug before they left. "Bye, love you guys." She responded and opened the door for them and when they walked out she shut it and walked back out in the living room and stood there. I got up and hugged her tightly.

"Are you ready to start are new lives here?" I questioned her and she dug her face more into my chest. "Yes, as long as I'm starting my new life with you, then I will always be ready." She replied and I pulled her head up and kissed her with so muh passion and love.

"I wonder how good of parents were gonna be, I mean you will be just fine but then there's me." Beca said and I looked deep in her eyes and I could tell she was scared about having this baby. "Beca, you will be a wonderful mother and are baby will love you as much me, I promise you that ok never doubt yourself." I responded back to her and she dug her face back in my chest and hugged me tighter.

"I love you so much and I never wanna let go." She said and I held her even tighter then I did before. "I love you to and I will NEVER let you go." I replied back to her and I could feel her tightening her grip even more then before.

I slowly knelt down to the ground with beca still in my arms and we were now sitting on the floor hugging until the very end.

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