Chapter 24 I Just Don't Wanna Be Bothered

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~Brads POV~

It's been a week since beca's miscarriage and beca hasn't left the house once, unless she was going grocery shopping or picking up diapers and baby things. Beca hasn't told anyone about the miscarriage, she hasn't talked to anyone period. Beca doesn't wanna see anybody unless it's me or the twins, so our house for the moment is a friend free zone.

All beca does is sit on the couch cuddled up with a blanket watching tv or movies, while the twins lay on the floor in front of the couch, nap upstairs or play in there playpen. Me, well I work from 6-5 everyday. I come home and beca wouldn't be doing anything, I mean I don't blame her. If I was a girl and I went through what she went through I probably would have never wanted to be seen ever again.

Right now I'm sitting on the couch with beca cuddled up into my side. We're watching The Fault In Our Stars, it just happens to be on tv. Bella is laying on the floor chewing on her teething ring and Trina is playing in the playpen.

The movie is practically almost over and I started hearing sniffles. I looked at beca and she was crying.

"Bec? Are you ok?" I ask her moving a peice of her hair behind her ear. "I-i just can't beleive that Augustus dies without even a goodbye to hazel." She says and starts crying even more. I look at the tv and hazel is crying in her bed while her mom's trying to comfort her. "Ya, it's a horrible ending to the movie." I say trying my best to act upset.

"It's just so sad." She starts crying a bit harder and I have to say that she is like so adorable right now. "It's ok becs. It's ok. It's just a movie, it's just a sad movie." I said trying to comfort her and she wraps her arms around me and holds me. I wrap my arms around her and hold her tight to me and she swings her legs onto my lap so she's practically straddling me.

She snuggled into my chest holding me closely to her. I'm holding her so close to me and I can feel her tears soaking into my shirt. I don't really care about that though, I hate seeing her so upset like this even if it is about a movie.

"It's ok bec." I'm saying trying to make her feel better. I started stroking her hair and I could sense that she was starting to calm down. Eventually she stopped crying but she was still sniffling. "I'm ok now, I'm ok," She rested her head on my shoulder, "I've never cried over a movie before. Well that's sorta of a lie, I have but like once." She said with a small laugh.

"It's ok, I'm always here to hold you no matter what your upset about, even if it is a movie." I said with a small chuckle and she giggled. I squeezed her side and she started laughing. "Hey! I'm ticklish there." She exclaimed and I started squeezing her side more and tickling her.

"Stop!....I can't!....Breath!" She layed down on the couch and I was hovering above her tickling her sides as she was telling me she couldn't breath. "If you couldn't breath you wouldn't have been able to say that to me." I say to her and she continues to laugh.

I heard a small giggling noise and I looked at Bella. She was laying down with her legs in the air, she was holding her feet and giggling.

"Really? Your gonna laugh at that, huh? What if I did it to you." I said getting off beca and sitting on the floor next to Bella. "What if I did it to you." I said again and started tickling her. She started screeching and giggling. She made a couple gurgling noises and then Trina started giggling.

Beca got up and picked Trina up and tickled her. Making her do the same exact things that bellas doing. She put Trina down beside Bella and tickled her like there was no tomorrow. "I'm the tickle monster!" I yelled and Bella started screeching even more.

"No I'm the tickle monster!" Beca shouted and jumped on me squeezing and tickling my sides. "Ok!....Ok!....Your the tickle monster!....I'm not!....Beca!" I screamed while laughing my ass off.

I soon flipped us over and hovered over beca while she was laying on the ground. "Oh how did we end up like this?" I questioned her a little out of breath. "I don't know, but I really like this position." She said and I went in for a kiss. I kissed her gently and she deepened the kiss and I started kissing along her jawline down to her neck. "Brad." She said letting out out a moan at the same time as I found her sweet spot.

I started sucking on her sweet spot until I left a hickey. I kissed my way back up to her lips and then I felt something grab my feet. I pulled away and looked down toward my feet. Bella had my left and Trina had my right. They seemed like they were trying to pull themselves toward us.

Bella gripped my foot hard and tryed pulling herself onto my leg. She started gripping my jeans and Trina grabbed my jeans aswell and pulled her way up. They were attempting to get onto my back but they fell on to the ground in either side of me. I sat on the ground beside beca and grabbed bellas hands. Beca sat up and grabbed Trinas hands.

They held on to us and crawled there way toward us. "How adorable are you two." Beca said and put Trina in her lap. I picked Bella up sat her on my knee closest to beca. "They are the most adorable babies anyone will ever meet, they definitely are the most adorable babies I've ever met." I say and I earn a kiss from beca.

Right then the doorbell rang and someone started knocking on the door. They continuously rang the door bell and knocked. Beca put Trina on the floor in front of me and quickly scurried off to the door. I looked over at her as she opened it and she looked either upset or angry, or maybe both at the same time.

~beca's POV~

I opened the door to reveal everyone. The bellas, the trebles, everyone. "Omg! We were all afraid that you were dead or something because we haven't seen you in like a week!" Stacie exclaimed and I looked away at Brad. He put the twins in the playpen and made his way over to me. I don't know what I'm feeling right now, anger, sadness, I'm not sure.

"Um, I just. I've had a really rough week." I say and everyone looks confused. "Is it the hormones, I bet it's the hormones." Amy says rocking Adam in her arms. Now I'm upset, they don't know and they think I'm still pregnant.

I could feel the tears swelling up in my eyes. Brad captured me in his arms and I wrapped my arms around his torso. I started to cry and everyone seemed confused but sad for me.

"Beca what's wrong?" Jesse asked while lisa tried to hold him in the same place so he wasn't tempted to run up to me.

"I-i um, had a-a miscarriage." I said and everyone looked really sad now. "Beca why didn't you tell us!?" Chloe exclaimed yelling and I didn't know what to say. "I don't know, I just didn't want to be bothered I guess. I just wanted to be alone and spend some time with my family is all." I explained and they all sighed.

"Beca we all are your family." Cynthia rose said and I didn't know what to say. Everyone was saying 'ya' or 'ya were your family for life' or things like that but the truth is I just wanted to spend time with my actual family.

"Listen guys, I'll talk to you all some other time. I just wanna don't wanna be bothered with everything that's happening. I'll see you guys again soon." I say and a couple of them hug me and say bye.

Brad closes the door and I hug him again. "It's ok beca. It's better for them to know the truth." He tells me and I nod into his chest.

"It's just wanna be with you and the twins for the time being." I say and he lifts my head and pecks me on the lips.

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