Chapter 2 Shopping

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~Cameron's POV~

I woke up this morning to beca pacing around thinking really hard about something. I sat up more and rubbed my eyes with the back of my hands and yawned. I looked at beca and she was deeply in thought so I didn't want to disturb her but you know I did anyway.

"Hey bec, you alright?" I asked dragging her out if her thoughts, she turns and looks at me and smiles. "What......oh um I'm alright I just don't know what to do because graduation is next week and I don't have anything to wear and all the other bellas do and everyone's busy to go shopping and-." I cut her off.

"Listen bec, no matter how boring shopping is I'll go with you and help you find the perfect dress ok. Also you never asked me to go shopping with you, I mean I am part of the bellas, right?" I questioned she stood there frozen for a second before answering. "Of course you are cam, I just know how much you hate to go shopping even if your shopping for sneakers and you weren't graduating either so I didn't think you would want to get involved." She explained as I got up off my bed.

"I will accompany you to go shopping just so your not alone and I promise you this will be the best shopping experience ever for you and me both." I said as I grabbed my clothes and headed to the bathroom to get changed.

I came out all dressed and ready and beca looked ready to so I grabbed my walet and phone and opened the door signaling her to go first with my hand. She walked out the door and when I came out and shut the door she locked the door and we started walking to the bus stop because she doesn't have a car just yet.


We got off the bus at the mall and went inside to a random store that sold gorgeous dresses. There were short ones, long ones, sparkly ones, lace ones and lots more. I never thought I would like dresses but these ones were out of this world.

"So, you ready to look for the perfect dress?" I asked beca and she looked shocked at how the store looked as we walked in. "Sure.....I think I'll be ok." She responded and then started looking at a rack of dresses. I looked at the same rack and then a lady who looked like she was in her thirties came over to see how we were doing.

"So, how are you ladies doing?" She questioned with a fake smile on her face. "Well, I'm not really sure and I'm graduating college next week and I want the perfect dress." Beca replied and the lady looked around the store and pointed to a rack that might be a good one for us to look at.

She helped us look and then grabbed some dresses that looked like they were pretty nice for beca to wear to a graduation. "Ok the dressing room is over there, me and your little friend here will keep looking and when your ready come out and show us the dresses." The lady explained and beca followed her orders. She went in the dressing room and I kept looking for the perfect dress for Beca.

"What is your friend like miss?" She asked me as for my name and what beca likes in dresses and such. "Cameron and beca likes sort of aternative things, she likes to dj and she doesn't like to be around lots of people she doesn't know very well." I exclaimed and the lady nodded her head and started going deep into thought about a dress she might like.

Beca came out of the dressing room with her casual clothes on and with the dresses hung over her arm. "None of these look good on me, nore do they look good at all." Beca said and I nodded my head and kept looking, when the lady started speaking again.

"AHA! I know exactly the dress you can wear miss.beca! I'll be right back!" The lady shrieked and went to the back to get a dress. She came back out with a box and shoved it into beca's arms. "Go and put this on and I'll guarantee you will love it." The lady said in a qieter voice then before.

Beca went into the dressing room and I couldn't wait to see what the dress looked like. "What does the dress look like?" I asked the lady standing there smiling and waiting.

"You will find out soon enough Cameron." She told me and I now was getting really inpatient.

A couple minutes later beca came out of the dressing room and my jaw dropped at the sight of the dress on her. "Holy shit, beca you looked amazing!" I freaked and she looked in the mirror and started spinning around looking at the dress as it twirled along with her.

"Do you really think so?" She questioned. "Of course I mean what I say." I responded.

The dress she was wearing was a black dress that went right down to the point where it's right above her kneecaps, it was a a little poofy at the bottom but that made it twirl better and that part was all lace, the top part of the dress was strapless and there was no lace on that part.

"Well if I honestly look this good then I might as well get this dress." Beca blurted out. "Ok then, you go take it off and I'll ring it up for you." The lady said and beca went back into the dressing room and took it off.

Beca came back out and she had the dress hung over her arm and she went to the cashier stand thing and the lady had already rung her up.

"Ok the dress will be.....$45.00 equal." She said and beca handed her the money and we left with the bag the dress was now in.

We walked through the mall a little more until about 12:00 then we went out to lunch and after that we went back to campus.

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