Chapter 30 I'll See You Soon

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It's been a couple weeks since the wedding and I think I've never been happier. Life is just amazing. I've got Brad and the twins, I'm got my friends, I don't think life could get any better.

Brads working a night shift tonight so I'll be going to sleep alone. I hate when he works night shifts cause I can't cuddle with him while I'm sleeping. But atleast I'll be able to see him tomorrow morning, he usually gets home around the time that I'm giving the twins breakfast.

Speaking of the twins, I put them down a little while ago for the night....hopefully. I put them in there cribs and kissed their foreheads, I wished them a good night and said I love you.

At the moment I'm sitting in the livingroom until I decide that I will go up to sleep. At the moment I'm watching 'Air Bud: World Pup', I don't know why but it's in tv so...

I looked at the baby monitor and I could hear the small steady breaths coming from the twins. God they grew up so fast, like it seems like just yesterday They were brought into this world, but it was over a year ago.

I'm starting to feel really drowsy now. I let out a yawn and decide I'll go up to bed now. I shut the tv off and bring the baby monitor with me and I go to the stairs to head upstairs. Just before I step on the first stair there's a knock at the door.

Now, I'm and little freaked out because it's around 10 at night, why would someone come here around that time?

I put the baby monitor down on the first stop and walk toward the door. I look through the window beside and I can't beleive what I'm seeing.

I open the door and stare at the person in front of me. Why would he come here at this time of night.

"Hi." He says a little awkwardly, stuffing his hands I'm his pockets. I look him over and cross my arms over my chest.

"What are you doing here so late?" I ask him and he let's out a deep sigh rubbing the nape of his neck.

"I wanted to talk to you, can I come in?" He asks and I look at him more sternly. It's 10 at night and he wants to talk to me!? He couldn't have waited until morning!?

"Jesse, it's around 10 at night. Why do you need to talk to me at this time, like I was just gonna go to bed. Can this wait until morning?" I ask him and he shakes his head, sidestepping me and entering my home, "Oh ya, come on in." I tell him sarcastically.

"I just need to talk to you about us. I've been contemplating this since your wedding and I just need to talk to you about us. Please, just let me talk to you." He tells me and I shrug my shoulders and lead him into the kitchen where he sits on a stool at the island.

"Get talking." I lean against the counter opposite of him and wait for him to start.

"Beca I miss you, so much. Lisa means nothing to me, okay? I want you back, so bad you don't even know. It hurts to see you with him, it hurts to see him with the twins. Beca I love you so much, and you sorta just threw it all away. Please come back to me, I'd do anything for you, litteraly anything." He says and I could hear the cracks in his voice. His eyes had tears forming and I just stood there, watching.

"Jesse, your too late-." Before I could go on he cut me off.

"I know! I tryed okay!? I'm trying for us, I love you so much it hurts! Beca I want you so bad, in so many ways! I miss you so much."

"You miss me alright, I just bet you do. You know during my wedding I was actually hoping you would say something, but you didn't." I tell him and he shoots me a confused look.

"Say something? What was I supposed to say!? When was I supposed it!?" He questions very loudly. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if the girls were awake with how loud he's being.

"When the priest asked if anyone objected of our marriage you fucking idiot!" I screamed at his, standing up straight and staring right into his eye.

"Beca-." I cut him off.

"When the priest asked if anyone objected, I looked at you. I waited for you to say something, but do you remember what you did? You shot me a fucking thumbs up and started whispering to lisa!"

"I was gonna but-."

"But nothing! If you loved me and missed me as much as you say you would have fucking said something! But you didn't and-!" This time he didn't let me continue.

"Why are you acting like this!? I was gonna say something but I was afraid, okay? Remember you were the one who left me and I didn't think you would take me back!"

"Are you seriously trying to pin this on me!? Are you fucking serious!? I left you because you fucking cheated on me you asshole! This is why this generation is so fucked up because everytime a guy sees another girl when he's in a relationship he just needs to get in there pants! Fuck them senseless and make sure there girlfriend never finds out! That's what you did, you bastard! That's what you did." I trailed off at the end and he looked at me.

"I was drunk and I didn't know what I was doing I-."

"Don't even say that you cheated on me because of the alcohol! Don't blame it on the alcohol! You still have a mind, okay? And you made that decision. I just wasn't good enough for you, was I?" I ask him and he stands up and comes around the island.

"You were more then good enough, bec, way more. I love you with all my heart and if you could just take me back-."

"I'm married you idiot! It's to late for me to you back! We're done, okay?" Now the tears were forming and I took a deep breath before continuing, "I still love you, a peice of my heart will always love you, but I'm with Brad now. I love him and he loves me and I know he's not gonna cheat on me." I say that word like venom and jesse shakes his head at me.

"Fine. I guess I'm done trying. Bye beca, I'll see you soon. Sometime in the future. I love you. So much. Bye" He says and starts walking towards the front door.

"Bye jesse." I mumble as the front door slams shut. That's when I hear the crying, "had that coming." I say to myself, making my way to the stairs, picking up the baby monitor and heading upstairs to the twins room.


It's been a couple weeks since that night that I last saw jesse. He hasn't shown up at all when all of us are hanging out.

I was sitting in the livingroom with Stacie and Donald, while the twins roamed around. Brad was out grabbing a few things before coming here.

"Uh Donald, I have a question." I say and he looks up from his phone and at me.

"What's going on?" He asks and I let out a deep breath, preparing to ask the question thats been bothering me for a while.

"Have you seen jesse lately? Um I know it's none of my business but he just hasn't been around for a while and I'm just curious."

"Curiosity killed the cat." Stacie piped in and I shot her a look that shut her right up.

"You didn't know?" He questions me and I sit up straighter.

"Didn't know what?" I ask with a little bit of concern laced in my voice. Holy shit, what happened?

"Jesse moved." Those two words broke a small peice of my heart. He left, "He moved out of town, out of state I think too. A couple weeks ago he said he couldn't take it, I didn't know what he was referring too, but he then packed his stuff, left. Took lisa with him, moved away."

Oh wow, "Oh um thanks for, letting me know." I say and he sends me a small smile.

I stare at the wall for at second and I can't help but think: I drove jesse away, he left because of me.

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