Chapter 28 Birthday Party Surprises

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A lot of you or every single one of you might hate the end of this chapter but you know, I'm just doing what I planned for the book.
~beca's POV~

Today is......the twins first birthday! Eeeeeek! Woah, where the fuck did that come from.

Well im super excited, today the twins turn 1, 1. I can't beleive it's been a whole god damn year, that's so unbelievable.

The twins are upstairs napping and I'm putting up decorations everywhere, when I say everywhere I mean EVERYWHERE. There's decorations in the kitchen, livingroom, dining room, hallways, basement, the staircase, I even put some outside. For their first birthday I'm going all out because your first birthday is always supposed to be the best.

Brad was out picking up a couple groceries, the cake and the present that I had bought a little while ago but never actually went to pick up.

Everyone is invited, Stacie and Donald, Amy and bumper and Adam, Benji and his girlfriend Emily, all the other bellas and trebles........Jesse is invited too and the bitch he calls his girlfriend. Cameron's coming too actually, jesse said that he'd pick her up and bring her over for a little while to see the twins. My dad's invited, brads parents are invited, I actually invited jesse's parents too but they said they had to go out and do some things with work and stuff.

I was hanging up some streamers by the back door when I heard something coming from the baby monitor. Crying. Who's awake now?

I quickly tapped up the rest of the streamers and ran upstairs to get whoever was crying. I opened their bedroom door the rest of the way and walked in to see Bella was awake

"Was today boo? It's your birthday!" I said with a lot of enthusiasm picking her up. I imediatly wanted to put her down. "Wow, who needs a diaper change? You do. You do." I said with no enthusiasm what so ever. I layed her on the changing table and changed her into a nice clean diaper.

I out her on the floor, on her feet and I held her hands as she started walking. She's been trying to walk but I have to hold her or she will just fall to the ground.

I walked her out of the room and when we made it to the stairs I held onto her extra carefully. We were in the middle of the stair case when the front door opened.

"Oh my god its cold outside!" Brad exclaimed walking into the house with a couple bags. I picked Bella up and made my way down the rest of the stairs to get to the bottom quicker. I put her on her feet when we got to the bottom. Brad came over to me and gave me a kiss on the lips then bent down so he was sorta face to face with Bella. "Hey there birthday girl, how old are you today? Your 1." He said holding up one finger. I bent down and held onto Bellas waist as I took her hand and put one finger up.

"One years old." I said and she started bouncing up and down with me still holding her. She started to giggle and I laughed and her silliness.

"Cakes still in the car and so is the present. You did a nice job decorating." He says standing up and I do too. I'm now holding bellas hands and she's in between are legs. "I think you deserve a little something something for doing such a good job decorating, don't ya think?" He asks and leans down to kiss me. He was about to close to the gap between us when Bella started squealing. I smiled and look down at her looking up at us.

"Your such a little creepster." I coo at her and she starts giggling. Brad picks her up and pulls down the shirt she was wearing.

"I better go grab the cake and the present, did you know that you had it pre wrapped?" Brad asks me like he didn't know that was possible.

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