I loved you first Harry styles love story part 2: The Party

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The plane ride felt like it took forever, I spent it watching movies, and whatever t.v. shows were available on the plane t.v. that was connencted to the chair infront of me. I fell asleep and didn't wake up till the pilot made an announcement "Attension Passengers of Plane 34563 to London, the plane will be landing in 10 minutes. When we finally landed in London, I gathered my bags and headed off the plain and into the airport it was packed with people . As I waited for my luggage I seen families and couples hugging and welcoming people back . 

                     A man cought my attention, he had a sign that read Emma Ranoe. He dressed in a clean and crisply pressed dark suit with a white dress shirt and  black leather gloves and black footwear. He had gray hair, blue eyes and a heart warming smile. Ms.Heather thought of everything" I said to myself. I went over and introduced myself. "Hello , Im Patrick, I will be your chofure. If you need anything at anytime, just call me. If anyone asks, I am your uncle." He said smiling and handing me his number. He grabbed my bagd and  I got into the car and he began to drive. London was beutiful. "So have you been in London before?" he asked keeping his eyes on the road. "No this is my first time." I responded. "Well it's a beautiful city to live in" he said smiling. He was right. There were so many buildings and red telephone booths. We got to the university dorm. They didn't have busy traffic. We arrived at the dorm, and he wished me luck. With a smile he left. 

                       I made my way into the building the headed to the deans office, like I was told by Ms.Heather.The  lady was really nice, she showed me to my dorm.  There sat a blonde, and two brunettes. " Hi I’m Emily pleasure to meet you" one of the brunnetes said. She seemed really peppy. “I’m jenifer but you can call me Jenny” the other said sticking out her hand for me to shake. I’m Kate, it’s nice to meet you, why don’t we help you unpack and show you around" she said. " "That would be great and I’m Emma." I replied giving them a smile. They helped me unpack my things. They told me about the school and the ferocious things that have happened. One thing I could never get used to their accent. " So this Friday, is the annual Christmas party. School finishes this week and Maria holds the party every year she is one of those snotty rich kids. She is getting one direction to play. Are you familiar with them?" Emily asked as I giggled. My eyes widened, what a perfect opportunity. " um I think so" I replied." All of us are here on scholarships" added Jenny. " So how did you get here, and where are you from? asked Emily giving me a me mestivuose look. I hesitated at first but then I answered “oh I'm also here on a scholarship. I heard you guys had a really good business program, so I came here.  “Yay your one of us!” Cheered Jenny while folding one of my blouses. "Yea we all are studying bisuness as well" added Kate. "But we are also taking english, and art because I love to draw  and Kate is an amazing writer." said Emily. "Hey . . . What about me?" said Jenny jelously. "Jenny is great at fashion" said Kate. I giggled, "well thats great because I also really love to write, I couldn't think of a better group to room with, we all have things in comman. " I said smiling. We spent the rest of the day unpacking, and geting to know each other.

               By lunch time, we went to their favorite restuarant called Nandoes. "Oh my gosh I hope I see Niall!" said Jenny exsitingly. "Jenny over here is a huge directioner, one direction usely comes here to eat, and she believes that her and Niall are one day going to meet here and fall in love" said Emily. I giggled and laughed. I secretly hoped they'ed come too so I can meet Harry.  We ordered our food and enjoyed it. I had a burger with fries. I told them about my home and we talked about music, and had normal conversations about todays life.  After we went for a walk through london and went back to the dorm. They watched Misfits. "What's Misfits?" I asked. " It's  a British show about a group of kids who get in trouble and than  have to work in a community service programme, where they obtain supernatural powers after a strange electrical storm" explained Kate. "The guy who plays Jake is one of my favourite actors" said Emily turning up the volume. 

                       We all gathered around and watched the episode. The show wasn't that bad. After that we watched an episode of Pretty Little liars, which was one of my favourite shows, I was suprised to see that they had some American shows. And we spent the rest of the night watching whatever was on T.V.  By the time we watched everything that could posibly be watced, we got ready for bed. I grabbed a pair of sweats and a shirt and went to the bathroom to change. Once I was in there, I brushed my teeth and exited the bathroom. As I made my way to the dresser, I opened my hair and brushed it. When the girls were all ready, they hopped into bed, and we turned off the lights. "Goodnight lovelys" said Kate. "Goodnight" we all answered back togather. I shut my eyes and tried to fall asleep but couldn't.  

                   After a while I looked at the clock that sat beside my bed on the dresser that read 1:00am. I turned around and was just about to go off in my sleep when  my phone began to vibrate, it was Ms. Heather. I tiptoed into the hall way carefull not to wake anyone . “Hello” I spoke quietly. " Hey it’s Ms.Heather, I just called to make sure your ok and to tell you that One direction will be playing at Senatere theater so you can " she began to explain when I inturapted. " oh you don’t have to worry about that, there going to be attending a University party and so will I. Ill make my move there" I assured her. She then again wished me luck and goodnight. I went back to bed and fell asleep. 

MORNING: something hit my head. I raised my head to find out it was Jeanny. PILLOW FIGHT! She screamed. I threw the pillow right back at her and we had a little fus. “Good morning Emma, how did you sleep darling?” Emily asked. “Very we’ll thank you” I answered putting my pillow back where it was and getting out of bed. Today was my first day at the new school.  I hopped in the shower and got dressed in my shirt and jeans. I was about to leave through the door and wait for the others to get ready when Kate stopped me at the door and told  me I had to wear I uniform. I rolled my eyes at the thought of it but went to  changed and headed out the door. Luckily all 4 of us had all of our classes togather. Which means we would pretty much spend every day all day togather.  It was a really awkord day for me, because I'm not used to going to a uniformed school. "Here in the UK all the schools are uniformed.  Everyone would stare at me when I spoke because of my American accent. Gosh I hated the attention."It's ok, they'll get over it" assured me Emily.

         The rest of the week went by quickly. I spent my free time researching about this Harry. I got to know each one of the girls really well, and we became best friends. Kate was the mechure one. She was like the mom of the group. She is also really fun. I was the organized but wild type. And Jenny was the party and smart one of the group. And me, I was the smart one. I got really good grades. I was also the shy and quite one. I got to know all my teachers and before I knew it it was Friday. Today was the big party. We entered our dorm and threw our bags on the ground we quickly ate, showerd and got ready for the party. I searched my dresser for something cute. I ended up wearing a knee length red and white flower patterned dress with a thin white belt bellow the bust. I curled my hair and put I little white headband that had a flower to the side. I let my bangs out from the head band so that it was to the side. and let my hair flow to the back. I wore very light make-up. A little mascara, and shiny pink lip glos. The other girls were all ready. “You look fit Emma” Kate said. “Pardon” I replied with a confused look. “Oh I’m sorry, Fit is another word for hot” Kate explained to me. " Why thank you you look breath taking darling" I said emitating her in a British accent. She smirked and we headed to the party. "You know, I can get used to alot of things, but never that british accent you all have" I said chuckling. We got to the enterence, Jenny checked us in. 

              I could hear the music blasting. This is it.i said to myself it’s time to work some magic and make Harry fall in love with me. I stepped in to see a group of screaming girls lined up facing a stage. A boy spoke into the mice " introducing Niall, Liam, Zayn, Harry and Louis it’s one direction. The scream grew louder as five boys appeared on stage.   My heart began to race when the boy said Harry.the song began to play and he began to sing I had to admit he had an amazing voice. His eyes scammed the audience. “I know we only met” he sang I glen ex at Emily who was jumping and dancing I looked back at him to see him looking at me singing " but lets pretend it’s love". I gulped and my heart began to raise he let out a smile and continued to scan the audience but kept looking back. Pretend . . . Pretend. . . Pretend the word replayed in my mind. I took a deep breath and glanced Kate reliesed he was staring at me because she began to nuged me. I smirked at her and began to dance like everyone else. Operation Harry was on its way to succes.

AUTHORS NOTE: Here is part 2 :) please vote and tell me what you think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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