Trip Down Memory Lane

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A/N: HEYY everyony:) don't hate me but I haven't updated in a while because school got in the way!!!!! Here is the next chapter, it's a really cheesy chapter but the next one is good:) sorry for the long wait and tell me what you think:) 

One month later. . . 

         It was a hot June day and the boys had just come back from a week long tour. I was almost done with school, and the smell of summer was in the air. Now usually I'd be excited about this type of weather but this just meant that the due date for my article was coming closer and closer. 

          Kate and I had just come out of class and where heading back to our dorm. She was telling me about her holiday plans and how her family was planning on visiting France. By the time we made it to our dorm it was 5:00pm and the other girls where getting dressed to leave for their Friday night out. " Look who it is, it's the the school devoted girls" said Emily turning away from the mirror. "How was English?" asked Jenny. "Pretty boring" replied Kate setting down her school bag. "Where are you guys headed?" I asked also setting my bag down. "I'm meeting up with some friends" said Kate with the hint of excitement on her face. "And I'm heading out of town to meet some old town friends as well" said Jenny. "And I'm going bowling with some friends, What about you Emma? Want to to tag along?" asked Kate very politely. "No you go out with your friends, I think I'm going to head over to Harry's, but thanks" I replied heading in to take a shower.

         The hot water was soothing. I closed my eyes as the steam hit my tense shoulders. I took a deep breath trying to let my worries wash away. After what seemed like an hour I turned off the tap. When I got out the dorm was empty. "Must have left already" I mumbled to myself. I was so happy that I got thrown in with this group. They are honestly really nice and good friends. They always made sure that I wasn't left out, and they never failed to make me smile. 

           As I began looking for an outfit, something caught my eye on the dresser. It was a note that read "Have fun with Harry, hope you don't mind us leaving you. If you need anything call one of us . . . love Em, Kate and Jenny."

            I smiled as I set it down and headed to my closet to find something to wear. It came down to a pair skinny jeans and a nice light purple laced top. I blow dried my hair and let it down showing off my natural curls. I applied some mascara and cherry flavored lip-gloss. With a few sprays of strawberry perfume, I was ready to go. I then grabbed my keys and headed out.

                 On my way to Harry's flat I stopped to get us some scones, one of the first things that Harry has ever got me to try. It was around 6:30pm when I arrived at the flat. I knocked a few times before Harry opened the door. "Emma" he said as a warm smile grew on his face. "Hey Harry" I greeted him with a big hug. "You look beautiful as always" he said as I stepped inside. "Why thank you?" I said with a smile. The flat was quite and still. "Where is everyone?" I asked making my way to the living room. I was so used to having a bunch of guys around. "Well everyone is visiting their family, Niall is in Ireland and Louis and Eleanor are out on a date." "And what about you? Hope I didn't ruin any plans?" I asked feeling guilty for not calling before coming. "Well . . . " he said looking down at his clothes. He was dressed in black pants and a really nice grey dress shirt. " I've already visited my family while you were in school, I was going to come over to surprise  you but you beat me to it. And my only plans are with you" he said being really cheeky leaving a light kiss on my cheek.

              " I got you something?" I said pulling out the paper bag that the scones where in. "Emma, you didn't have to . . . " he began but I cut him off. "Just guess what it is?" "Umm" he took a moment trying to think of a good answer. "I don't know what is it" he said getting in patient. "Well . . . " I said handing him the bag and giving him a mischievous.  "Remember when I first met you, you took me to this little cafe?" He nodded with a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. "Well I thought I would bring those memories back by getting us " "Scones" we both said at the same time." "Well, why don't we go for a walk and enjoy these scones"

           Harry took my hand as we headed out the door. We wondered through the park. "Remember when we came here?" He said as he looked around taking in the view of the beautiful green trees. He passed through some trees and bushes and it all came back to me. "Yeah I do" I said. We were heading to the waterfall that was hidden by all the trees. This was Harry's place where he came to escape from the world. As we got closer and closer we could hear the water. "Here we are" said Harry as he jumped the bush. I followed his footsteps. 

              The scene was breathtaking. Still holding my hand, Harry made his way near the water and took a seat on the glass. "So how was school?" He said swinging a hand over my shoulder. "Very educational. How was your week?" I asked as I watched a few ducks landing in the water ahead of us. "Very restful, it was nice to go play shows and hang out with fans and now getting back here and living my normal life, I just feel really lucky you know? Then my wonderful girlfriend shows up and I don't know how much more happier I can be" he finishes saying. I was glad he was happy but will he still be happy when he finds out that it's all for an article? Will he believe me when I say I actually liked him after. "Your almost done with school right?" asked Harry handing me a scone. "Thanks, yeah I just have to write these exams and then I'm done for two months" I said taking a bite. "Good because I got a cool surprise" he said. "Your just full of surprise" I replied. 

             We kept on talking about our summer plans and cracking jokes. "And the fish's name was golly, my step dad got it for me, and it swam happily for a while. Then it stopped swimming and my step dad asked "did you feed it?" and I told him "I didn't know I had to feed it?" and a week after I got it food, my sister Gemma ended up accidentally flushing it down the toilet while she had it siting on the bathroom sink, trying to clean it's tank. " I giggled at the story, "and that's why you are not allowed to own a pet fish" I said. We continued telling stories from our past and as it began to get dark,we found ourselves laughing even harder. The moon soon came out and silence came over us, as we stared at the moon that was our only source of light.

               "My mom said we should visit her again sometime?" he said breaking the silence.

            "We should". I glanced at his green eyes that where glowing against the moonlight. 

A light giggle came from beside me. "Whats so funny?" I asked. "No matter how many times we go out at night, your eyes always wonder back to the moon" . I smiled looking down in embarrassment. That's what I mother always told me. "It's getting late, maybe we should head back home". We got up and made our way back to the flat, enjoying the cool summer breeze. 

             Once we were back at the flat we found the boys all back, I greeted them with welcome back hugs. We all where gathered around the t.v. as Louis was trying to pick out a movie to watch. "your phone is vibrating" said Liam. I looked down to see it was Nick.

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