Dont change me

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Dear Diary,

Today was such a surprising day. It started off with waking up in Harry's arms, we spent the night out shopping. After going into my dorm and getting a phone call from my boss reminded me of why I came here in the first place. I can't do this anymore, I can't stand lying to him anymore. When I'm with him its like just us in the world, and everything is so perfect. I quickly packed my stuff and headed back to the flat. He held my hand the whole way back, I healed it tight making him serious of what was wrong. I assured him there was nothing wrong, when we got to the flat, everyone was quite surprised by our matching sweaters. It was one other thing that we had in common. After eating fried chicken with the group I ended up going up to my room and writing the article I told them I was doing some reveiw for school before it starts, even thougth we have another month. I thought hard about this, and then i realised that it wasn't choosing between Harry and my job, it was choosing between telling the truth or the lie. Maybe Harry didn't need to know that I only got with him just to write an article. So i began to write my article.

LOVE is like a game of matching, for every card there is one perfect math. And sometimes, we truly believe that one is the perfect match, and then give it a shot, flip to find that it does not belong. Sometimes we must try over and over again just to find the perfect match. But what happens when the match is on the other side of the game? Love is nothing but a twisted game of truth or dare. I was dared to love someone, but know i must fight to keep the full truth away from everyone. That is what love is about, it turns incident people into monsters, without realizing it.  

I submitted the article to Ms.Heather and received an email from her after an hour saying that it was brilliant and that she was just going to edit it. I thought she meant make it more sentimental. I closed my dairy and left it on Harry's bed, I was copying the article into my diary because it had value to me. I headed out on Harry's balcony to clear my head. Thoughts raised through my head like a cheetah races through its habitat. How do we get so lucky? How does one opportunity end up changing your whole life. I remembered how i first started working, how much i had passion of writing. I  wrote sassy poems about people that my friends and I didn't like. I remember the school bully Ashley and how when she picked on one of my friends, i wrote her a poem to make her feel better. That was when I loved writing. It was something everyone enjoyed. Remembering that made me giggle. I placed my hand on the railing and took a deep breath. what a great view, i thought to myself. I was lost again in thought when my phone buzzed. It was Nick texted me telling me " I never knew you had that side in you, never the less good job and i hope they pick you" i didn't know what he was talking about. I returned to the room and took out my lap top to see an email from Ms.Heather. This is what she did to my article

LOVE is like a game of matching, for every card there is one perfect math. And sometimes, we truly believe that one is the perfect match, and then give it a shot, flip to find that it does not belong. Sometimes we must try over and over again just to find the perfect match. But what happens when the match is wanted by all the players in the lead. What are the chances of you winning when there are way better people out there. Love is nothing but a twisted. A One Undercover direction love that might end up in the direction of love or falling down with heart breaks.  This writer is not afraid of making her own rules, but just falling is only the beginning

My heart began to race harder and harder, how could she, I did not right that how dare they change my writing. That is not true, I love Harry. I wanted to scream at that moment, but couldn't because everyone would want to know why. I sat there on Harry's bed in silence not making a move. i stared at my phone and at the article. This is only submitted to the committee and the only people that have access are the people inside the company and the committee. What will happen when this goes out to public? I felt the tears stream down my checks and land on my lap. I texted Nick explaining how that is not my writing. He replied by saying not to worry and that he could help hack into the system and put in my real article before it is published, but for now we would just let her submit what Ms.Heather. once its published its published and she cant change it. relief filled my heart, i thanked him like a million of times and put my phone away. I took all the pieces that were crumpled on the floor from me trying to write the perfect sneak peek article and ripped them into  small pieces. It looked like a shattered mirror. I stared at the shredded pieces of paper and thought to myself, if later on I ever forget why I fell in love with Harry i will re put all of these pieces back together. Because i only submitted the beginning of what i wrote, but the rest of it was just talking about Harry and I, why i fell for him. I pulled out a small bag from Harry's dresser and collected all the scraps being careful not to leave a single piece behind. I logged out of my email and hid my diary under the mattress, then headed downstairs. I was not going to let anyone ruin this thing we have got. Its like Harry has a spell on me, that makes me fall in love with him every time i look into his eyes. When I reached the bottom of the staircase, a smile grew on every one's face. Eleanor was snuggling with Louis on one couch, Daniella was sitting on the floor with Liam's head in her lap. Zayn, Nail and Harry were all spread out an the couch right in front of the TV. "There she is, how was the review hour?" asked Eleanor. "well thank you" i replied.  Niall told me to sit beside him and Harry, as i approached the couch, harry grabbed me from my waist and pulled me against him, I landed in his lap. "Cozy" he whispered in my ear but loud enough for everyone to hear. "very" i answered. He quickly pecked my cheek. I rested my head on his shoulder as he rapped his arms around me. Yup nothing will make me stop loving Harry Styles

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