The Sky is the limit

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My heart raced, as we approached the back door. We walked in silence to the elevator and waited for the doors to open. Harry just smiled and waited patiently, I watched him with a mischievous face. "Harry what are you u. . ." I was interrupted by a ding, and people exited the elevator. We entered the elevator and he pressed the top floor.

Harry faced me and bought his body intensely close to mine ,allowing my body to be pushed against the elevator door. "We just keep finding great places to make-out in" he said as a smirk appeared on his blushed face. He placed his hands firmly on my waist and smashed his lips on to mine. He quickly pulled away and whispered "This is gonna be my favorite part of tonight". I chuckled and said "Being with you is the best part of any night". He blushed even more, we once again heard the elevator ding and exited the elevator. "Come on" said Harry grabbing my hand and turning towards a black thick door that read Stairs.

He opened the door and we were in complete darkness. He pulled out his phone for some light. It was just like the dark stairs in the mall. We climbed the stairs and it lead us to the roof. I laughed as the door closed behind us. It was a perfect night, the stars were twinkling in the dark sky, and the full moon looked so big as it sat in the sky. Harry turned me around, to reveal a little red and white checkered picnic blanket. A smirk formed on my face as I began to say "Harry you didn't have to do this any of this, being with you is all I . . . . " "None of that" Harry said shaking his head and sitting on the blanket. He tapped beside him telling me to join this. Harry took out two peanut butter and jam sandwiches. "One for you" he said handing it to me. "And one for me" He said opening the bag and taking a bite.

As we ate, I kept staring into the night sky. "Harry do you know what this reminds me of?" I asked. "Uhh-ohh" said Harry with a mouth full. "The night when we first met" I replied having flashbacks of that night. "We sat there on the grass and stared into the night sky" I added. "What is it with you and staring into the night sky?" he asked. " I don't know? How can you not enjoy or want to look at it? I asked him. He just smiled and criss-crossed his legs. He leaned his head closer to me and said "What do you see when you look into the sky?"

I didn't answer at first, "Well . . . It's really peaceful, it's relaxing, it calms my nerves" I stuttered trying to look for an answer. " you think of the world and at how many people are doing the exact same thing as you in this exact moment" I said. "What else?" he asked "I guess it's fascinating, it makes you happy, especially when its quite and it's just you, the sky and the wind blowing against your face, it makes me feel like I'm on top of the world, it's more then just ordinary or what other people see it as, it's not just beautiful, its something no words can describe" I said in a soft tone. Harry was silent, and then he said "That's what I feel when I look into your eyes". A small smirk formed on my face, as I looked away from him shyle. Did he really just say that? What can he possibly see in me, I'm nothing but just a liar a monster. Thoughts ruined the moment for me.

I feel a nudge to my side. "Is everything alright love?" asked Harry concerned. "Yea as long as I'm with you, nothing can go wrong" I answered honestly. I finished my sandwich and put the crust back into the bag. Harry did the same and took our bags to put them back into the basket. He then pulled out two tiny pillows and placed them behind us. He lay ed down and I did the same.

"Emma, is there something bothering you?" He asked sternly. I shut my eyes, as it was too painful to say no. "No" I replied after a few seconds regretting the word. "Why do you ask?" I asked trying to change the mood. "Ohh nothing, you just don't seem like yourself" he said. "No I'm just really tired" I replied turning my head to face him. "Of what" he asked turning his head to face me. "Having expectations, and meeting what people want you to meet" I answered seriously. "Tell me about it, everyone expects me to do things that are just too much. Mum expects me to be a good boy and not break any ones heart. The public just see me as a bad boy. Someone who dates older women and just dumps them. When we first preformed WMYB, I was called so many names that it just hurt."

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