Time flies

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I ran to Harry's move to answer. It was Ms.Heather, she was just checking up and wondering how things were. Ms. Heather started talking about how serious this is and how proud of me she was. She said that I showed a great deal of leadership that she hasn't seen any other writer at "Hello" show.

           For the rest of the summer Harry and I enjoyed each others company just enjoying the summer sun. Sometimes we went out for walks and other times we just stayed inside for lazy days. Some nights we went back to the roof and watched the stars and moon and the way they shined through the darkness. Days and nights passed and we were back to the start.

          A lot of things happened in such a short period of time. Danielle packed her stuff and left, things between her and Liam didn't work out. Liam went back to his home town where he brought back Sophia. Sophia was a really sweet girl. While the boys went on their "Were We Are Tour" Eleanor, Sophia and I bonded. We spent the summer together laughing and creating fun memories as the boys toured around from city to city living their dream. We went to a few shows. It was cool to see how excited the fans get. A stadium of thousands of screaming fans from varying ages were dancing and singing to every song and singing all the words. I went back home to Canada for a week and visited my mum. She was very happy that I was home. When I told her that I was worried about what Harry would think, she told me that if the article was sincere, he wouldn't mind. The rest of the week was spent visiting family and just hanging with my mom.

       When the summer was over I headed back to school and enjoyed being occupied with something. It was Christmas time again and a perfect blanket of snow covered London. I parked my car outside of the lads flat and headed inside. I knocked on the door, but there was no answer. I knocked a few more times before Eleanor opened the door. "Hey, come on in" she greeted me. Once I was inside we hugged as I asked "Where is everyone". The flat was offely quiet. Sophia came running down the stairs. "Sophia how are you darling?" I asked giving her a quick hug.  The boys are off doing some interview for their new album release. "Alright cool". Eleanor and Sophia exchanged confused looks before their eyes landed on mine. "you haven't forgotten . . . haven't you?" they said at the same time. "Forgotten what?" I asked. They both smiled and began to giggle. "What. .. . why are you giggling?" I said getting curious. "Are you ready to go?" I asked. They nodded and we headed outside to the car. Once we arrived at the mall we spent a good 2 hours going from store to store in search of great presents for the boys.

        From shoes, watches, sweaters, dresses, to makeup, shirts, and colognes, we gathered our Christmas gifts and headed off to the cashier. Once we made it back home, we began to carefully rap the gifts in the extra room that Sophie, Eleanor and I stayed in when we were over. Different objects and rapping paper was scattered all over the floor. "Ugg I can't do this properly" screamed Sophia in frustration. "This is harder then i thought" I laughed. "Here let me help" I said giving her a hand while she rapped Zayn's gift. After hours of rapping we finally placed them neatly under the Christmas tree that the boys have decorated.

        "I think we did a good job, don;t you?" asked Eleanor giving us high fives. Just as we sat down the door opened. "Hey pretties" greeted us Liam. Harry made his way over to me. "Hey, you made it" he said as I wrapped my arms around him. "Santa Clause is in town" Louis came in with his best old man voice. A tower of gifts was in his hand. Zayn stuck out his foot and sent him trembling. The living room broke out in laughter. Niall came in with another pile of gifts. "Want some help mate?" asked harry helping him. "Oh . . . I feel the love" said Louis as Eleanor helped him out.

        Funny stories from the tour was told at the dinner table as we ate mashed potatoes, chicken, rice and a bunch of other dishes that Liam and Sophia cooked. Then Zayn put on a Disney Channel movie and we gathered around the living room and watched. I was lost in the movie when I caught Harry staring from the corner of my eye. "What?" I said. "Nothing I just missed you" he said looking away.

      It was not until bed time, when reality hit me. What would happen when all this is gone. I knocked at Harry's bedroom door. "You know you don't have to knock right"  he said giving me a cheeky smile. "Harry. . . I wanna ask you something" I began. "Yes you can spend the night here . . . because I'm irresistible" he said leaping into bed and tapping the empty spot beside him. I walked over and took a seat. "What is it?" he said as his hand rapped around my waist and my head landed on his chest.

     His even heart beats where so soft. "Harry" I spoke softly. "This can't be a mistake can it?" he said. I closed my eyes as I listened to his voice echo through the room. He must have been saying something important but I couldn't hear it. There was just something about the way his arms wrapped around my waist. The way his touch made me feel so secure. Everything felt just right. Time had passed, but the way it felt to be in Harr'ys arms hadn't.



Hey guys, sorry for taking so long to update. I know it took forever it's been 2 years (Seriously) but school has been hectick. But I'm back and I already got the next few chapters in process. Thank you for your pacients and for reading. It really means alot! tell me what you think :)

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