Night out

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Part 14 The past week has been pretty weird, I found out what really happened with Harry and now we are OK. I also started school again, so I'm back at the dorm with the girls, I told Kate everything that happened leaving her in shock. And now it was time to face The clip girls, somehow they have discovered that I am a writer for "Thoughts Magazine". Ive never really been good at lying, for I was an only child who behaved the right way. I always got straight A's and never got in trouble, I was the quite one amongst my friends and never had to deal with drama. My mom says I'm like my grandma, quite but very talented. Enough about me. So this past week was all school work. I had English, first thing in the morning, great right? Wake up feeling sleepy and begin to read a boring novel. But that's OK, I enjoyed the writing process that came with it. I got out of my bed and looked at my phone, it was 3:00pm, I had to go to the washroom. So I got up and went, when I came back and just when I placed my head on my pillow I couldn't fall asleep. On Friday Harry surprised me with a middle of the night. I haven't seen him since the day of the winter carnival. "Emma are you awake" he said in the phone sounding wide awake. "Hello" I whispered into the phone. He asked to meet me in front of the lawn and that he wanted to grab a bite. "Right now?" I asked confused. "Yes right now, I haven't seen you in forever and I must . . ." he began to say but I cut him off with a simple "O.k ill see you in a bit". I got out of bed and wandered around the dark room trying to find a sweater I could put on, I accidentally ran into Jeane's dresser. I let out a silent cry of pain. I turned around and felt my way through my closet and picked out a sweater. I put it on and headed out the door leaving my phone behind. I was waiting about 10 minutes in the lobby when I heard the elevator beep and someone exited it. It was the dean Mr.Armoury Carter. "Emma, what are you doing up so late? he asked. He wore a solid navy blue robe, that was tied very neatly. He brushed his  golden blond hair with his hands as he spoke firmly and softly. "Um just couldn't sleep so I'm meeting a friend" I said honestly. "Alright, just stay safe" he said as he smiled and went back into the elevator. Harry arrived shortly after Mr.Carter left. Harry got out of his car and ran towards the building. I met him half way with my hands in my pajama pockets. I giggled as I hugged him, his grip on me was tighter then usual. "Ive missed you Emma" he said letting go of me. "Ive missed you more, how have you been?" I asked. "Well, just the usual meeting with Simon and went to preform in a few places" he said as we walked to the car. I opened my door and hopped inside and so did he. "So are you really hungry?" I asked seriously. "MMMHHHMMM" he said with a little smirk. "Well maybe you've been spending a little bit too much time with Niall" I said jokingly, and we both laughed. The car came to a stop in front of a little restaurant that had a 24HOUR sign hanging in neon blue. we exited the car and entered the store, it was almost empty, there were one old couple in a far corner and another in the opposite end of the room. "Let me show you the best seat" Harry said grabbing my hand. We headed deep into the restaurant, the people became nearly invisible. We sat down and a waiter came to us and took our order. "Early birds?" the lady asked with a cheeky smile. Harry chuckled and answered "No mam i just haven't seen her in a while, so I decided i needed to see her". The waiter smiled and asked if our parents knew we were here. I explained to her how I'm a student and were both 18. "School does this to ya" she said as she handed us the menu. "Harry took the menu out of my hand before I even could look at it and handed it back to the waiter, "Id like to have the "English Paraclet" the lady wrote it down and took the menu's. "Whats the English Paraclet?" I asked as the lady left the table. "You'll see" said Harry giving me a wink. "So . . . . how was your week?" Harry asked looking into my eyes. "Well . . . It started off with thinking that you were kissing "The clip girl", and then I tried to take it in, but it didn't work. Then I found out that I had it all wrong. Then I went back to school and started the new semester. It's pretty boring, but I got to work through it, and I've just been living. . . normally" I told him honestly, as I spoke Harry kept his eyes glued to mine, listening very carefully. "And here it is" the waiter came back interrupting us. She placed over 10 plates on the table. There was a range of mashed potatoes, pancakes with hipped cream and chocolate syrup, pizza, chicken and much more. I smiled and looked at Harry " O.k. did you switch bodies with Niall, Is this freaky Friday" I said seriously. Harry giggled "No love,I'm just really hungry".We ate almost everything there, I didn't realize how hungry I was. While we ate, Harry told me about everyone and how they were doing.He told me  a really funny story about how Zayn ended up in a pile of mud and then chased by a dog. Now he was afraid of dogs. Danielle and Liam had a little competition with Louis and Eleanor, which couple could eat the most heart shaped chocolate chip cookies. Louis and Eleanor won, but mostly because he took a handful and shoved it all in his mouth. I chuckled as he told me, we finished eating and the waiter came back with desert menu's. "What would you like?" asked the waiter. "Ummm Ill have a chocolate shake" said Harry. "And ill have a Sunday" I said handing the menu back to the waiter. "Really, a Sunday on this cold night?" asked Harry. I shot him a wink "What can I say I'm Canadian". We took our dessert and headed out of the restaurant. "Lets take a stroll" he said looking in the opposite direction of the car. I nodded and followed, "You know Emma, my mom always told me to never let a good thing slip away, and as a girlfriend or a friend, I really don't want to lose you. After what happened last week, I've realized how easy it was to lose you.One minute you we were both happily together, and the next your in tears not wanting to see my face.People hate and are viscose, I'm pretty sure there is people out there who hate you and are super jealous. But that's not how it should be, if anyone is jealous it should be some guy out there because I'm extremely blessed to be with you.  I am pretty social and talk to a lot of people but because of the career I have, I'm surrounded with a mountain of people but they all want something from me. Like when I'm with the boys, its guy time. And when I'm out doing my job I see the signs of people saying " I love you" and stuff but sometimes I wonder if I was date one of them would they be understanding." Harry said making no eye contact with me. "Harry, I don't date much and when I met you that night at the party, I could see it from the way you looked at me. And when you took me up to that mountain and we built a snowman, I could tell that you really liked me. I felt the connection. It was like peanut butter and jelly. And every time I look into your eyes I get this secure feeling, like I'm back at home. When I'm with you I don't care about the world, you make me feel like there is nothing wrong. And you have to promise me that if anything happens we stay in touch." I said truthfully. Harry stopped and cut me off by standing in front of me. He held his pinkie out and said"Promise" I intertwined my pinkie with his. He looked at the pinkies and said "Why you have the smallest hands." I giggled and we continued to walk. We ended up reaching a park. The street was so empty with no one in sight. "Your crazy" i stated. "What? Why?" he said offended. "Well, for one you call me at 2:00a.m. and ask me to go out, and then we go eat mashed potatoes with pancakes,and chicken. And now we are walking through a park with cold drinks in the middle of winter." I said laughing between each sentence. "We should do this more often" Harry said while grabbing my hand. I nodded and we took a seat down on a bench. Harry rapped put his arm around my shoulder and tilted his head so mine could rest on his. "Don't you feel like were the only people in the world?" asked Harry. "Yes" I replied. He grabbed my hand and we continued our little stroll. We ended up going into the forest were we found a really quite place, Harry sat down beside a tree and I sat down beside him. I rested my head on his chest as we listened to birds chirping. I looked up at him to see that he was staring at me. He leaned in and placed his lips on mine. His soft lips intertwined with mine and he lightly bit the bottom of my lip. He pulled back and said " I love you". I leaned in and whispered "I love you too" and he leaned in and placed his lips gently on mine. After a few seconds I pulled back leaving him wanting more. I rested my head back on his chest as his arm came around and placed on my back. Authors messege Hey guys thanks to everyone who has been reading. Please comment and vote, tell me what you think. I work really hard and would appreciate a comment;)

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