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The next morning, I woke up to sunlight beaming through the window. There was a tight grip on my waist. Keeping my eyes shut, I quietly shifted around to face Harry. Not being able to fall back asleep, curiosity kicked in. I let my hands explore his sleeping body. My hands felt his abs. With every contact my fingers got, a shiver ran through my spine. I let my hand rest on his side, as I nuzzled my face into his chest. The light grew brighter in the room, causing me to finally flutter my eyes open. I looked at Harry, who was wide awake, and staring at me with a smirk.

                "Good morning beautiful" he said in a raspy voice. "Good morning" I replied blushing. "Did you sleep well" he asked still smirking. "Yea . . . your arms are just so comfy" I replied. He giggled, and blushed, "It's 10:00am, we should get up" I suggested. "O.k." he said frowning. I bent over and pecked him on the cheeks as he perked up a bit.. We got out of bed and playfully fought over the mirror as we brushed our teeth. Harry brushed his teeth in circles, as toothpaste  mustache began to form on his face. The giggled as I did the same. "Kiss me" he murmured through the tooth paste.

             Raising an eyebrow he stared at me through the mirror. "Come on Emma" he pleaded with a puppy dog face. I gave in, and faced him, he brought his face closer, as our lips collided, in between the tooth paste. Even though the toothpaste was weird, it was still a sweet kiss. He giggled as I pulled away, and spit out the toothpaste.  He exited the bathroom, and crouched down. "Hop on" he said. "So demanding Styles" I said jokingly, and hopped on.

                    He ran down the stairs, with me on his back. "Here we come" he cheered as we made it to the couch. He dropped me down on the couch. "Good morning" I said, everyone was already up and gathered around the telly. "Morning" replied everyone. "O.K. guys, what are we doing today?" asked Niall coming in from the kitchen. "Lets go sky diving" I said spitting out the first thing that came to mind. With curiously shocked faces staring at me, Zayn asked "Really Emma, you would go sky diving? I giggled, "Maybe" I said. "Well, we have to go for a management meeting in 20 minutes, are you ladies o.k. with staying here while we go?" asked Liam Eleanor, Danielle and I nodded. "We can go do something after" suggested Lou. "Like what?" asked Eleanor. " Why don't we rent some movies and watch em" suggested Zayn. We all agreed, and the boys were off to get ready for their meeting. "Why don't we clean up the place a little, and then we can watch some T.V." said Danielle. This was a perfect opportunity for me to write the article, even if Ms.Heather hasn't asked for anything, she could at anytime. "Umm O.K., but I won't be able to watch T.V., I'll have to do some school work" I said. The girls smiled and said "Awww school is such a pain"

The boys came down and grabbed some fruits for breakfast on the way out. "Bye love" said Harry pecking my cheek and heading out the door, as Lou and Liam did the same. "Where going to be cleaning, so were gonna go into your rooms!" yelled Eleanor as the boys all left, they yelled back "O.K."  Once the door was closed, the music was turned up, and the cleaning began.  I danced and sang around the house, as the music blasted. "Want you back" by Cher Lloyd played.

               Danielle and I cleaned the bedrooms, as Eleanor cleaned the kitchen and living room. We changed the sheets, picked up some loose clothing's they had laying around, and vacuumed the carpets. We dusted the telly's and nightstands, and when we where finished we headed downstairs to help Eleanor. Once we were finished, the apartment looked very tightly. Everything was in top condition. "Good job, Ladies" said Danielle examining the place. I then headed in for a quick shower and began to write the article. "I'm gonna start on my work" I said going to get my laptop from our room. "O.K." said Eleanor smiling. I sat back down on the couch and began to write.

                 As I wrote, I realized how excited I was for everyone to read my article. "This is going to wow everyone" I thought. "Especially Harry when he finds out you only dated him for this article" the voice inside my head said. Shaking my head from the thought, I continued to write.  Once I was finished, I happily join the girls as we watched the telly. After 20 minutes, the boys came back, they quickly changed into comfortable clothes, and we gathered around as we had a lazy day. We did nothing but eat, watch movies, and tweet each other. Harry sat on the floor, his back resting on the bottom of the couch, as I sat beside him.

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