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My eyes shut as I layed in bed sleep. Ms.Heather woke me up at 6:00am with questions about the article, and I happily answered them. My eyes shut as I lay ed in bed sleeping, when a scream causes my eyes to open. "What . . What's going on" yelled Danielle getting up from the bed. "I don't know" I replied following her footsteps. We sneacked upstairs and searched the living room and kitchen, but there was no one there. The boys ran down and asked what was wrong. "Where's Eleanor and Lou .. . . ?" I asked ceriously. The scream grew louder, and louder. "Who is that" asked Liam frustraited. We all turned to face the stairs, in attempt to go up, when noise came from behind the couch. It was loud screams. We turned around to feel cold and wet water splash on our faces. My eyes flinch as I proccesesd what was going on. I ran to the side and saw Lou and Eleanor standing there, with big smirks on their faces. "LOU" yelled Zayn running and tackling him to the ground. Eleanor, Danielle and I laugh historically, as the boys sprayed him with his own water gun.

"O.K O.K that's enough" says Liam pulling everyone off. "Lou that wasn't very funny" said Danielle chukling. "Yea it wasn't" said Niall agreeing. "Then why are you laughing irish boy" said Lou still smirking. "We got you" Lou and Eleanor cheered, high fiving each other. "We made breakfast" said Lou innocently. "Why don't you all go get dried up so we can eat." Added Eleanor. We went back to our rooms and changed my wet shirt. I went into the kitchen to see Zayn, Harry and Niall already seated. "Morning love" Harry said as I sat beside him. "What a morning" I replied as he placed a kiss on my cheeck.

Liam and Danielle finally joined us at the kitchen table, as we ate scrambelled eggs and bacon. "This is delicous" said Zayn taking a bite out of bakon. "Thank you" said Eleanor proud of herself. Taking a sip of orange juice, my phone began to vibrate. Another message from Ms.Heather. "Sorry" I said lifting it up after it made an awful vibrating sound. Harry looked over but proceeded 

"O.k. guys so what are we doing today?" asked Harry. Looking at one another, we started generating ideas. "I have the whole day planned" said Lou taking a bite out of a piece of toast. "how about we go to the fair?" suggested Lou. "Yea lets go" said Niall. We agreed to go to the carnival. "Then, I made reservations for a fancy dinner. "Why fancy?" I asked. "Well I figured we never spend time together, and so we need to" he answered seriously. We quickly finished eating our breakfast and got dressed.

I dug through my clothes for something to wear. I took out one of my summer dresses. It was beige with an orange flower pattern. It was right above the knee, tight from the top, slightly flows out from the hips and down. My phone vibrated once again, it was another message from Ms.Heather. I answered it then straightened my hair and put on a pair of flats. "Looking hot" I said as I saw what Eleanor was wearing. It was wearing a leopard print skirt that was long from the back and short from the front, topped with a black t-shirt nicely tucked in. Danielle came out of the bathroom wearing a knee length dress similar to mine, but pink with white flowers. We huddled around the mirror as we did our makeup, and put on an accessories. "Emma I think you should wear this." said Danielle as she handed me a necklace that had a key at dangling at the end of it. "Thanks" I said as I put it around my neck. We headed upstairs to find the boys all waiting for us.

"Ready to go" chirped Liam as he saw us walking towards the living room. We nodded, Harry quickly came to my side and swung his arm around me. "You look beautiful" he whispered. "Thank you" you whispered we got into the car and Lou drove us to the carnival. We talked about whatever there was to talk about on the way there. Ms.Heather once again sent a few more messages. Harry looked down, "Is everything O.K.?" he whispered. "Yea it's just my teacher from Canada. He nodded in understanding. The car finally came to a stop and we got out.

We can see the carnival from a distance. The place wasn't too busy. There was a couple of kids and their families, and some other people. As we approached the carnival, the music grew louder, and so did the voices of workers persuading people to play their games. It was quite fun, there where many games to play and rides to ride. We played some of the games, and watched as other people made a fool out of themselves playing games. Then we went on some rides. "Hey, lets go on the wheel barrow" said Harry tugging on my arm. We made our way to the wheel. While we waited in line, Harry took goofy pictures of us. 

Liam ran over to him after a couple of shots and whispered something in his ear. Harry smirked and sprinted to me, picked me up in his arms and Liam took a picture of us. He then put me down, and rapped his arms around my middle, placing his chin on my shoulders. I just smiled as Liam took pictures, I turned around to see the others doing the same thing.

Some one cleared their throat from behind us. It was the man waiting for us to get on. We smiled and Harry apologized. We got on the wheel. There wasn't enough room for all of us on one, so we split up. Zayn, Niall, Harry and I in one, and the others in one. It was settle for a minute, but then it began to move, causing me to jump. "Whoa" I said as it began to move. "You o.k. babe" said Harry moving closer. I just nodded. "Oh my god Were going to DIE" yelled Niall dramatically shrieking and throwing his arms in the air."Look at that view" said Zayn. Looking down as we went higher and higher up. I took out my phone and snapped a shot of the scene. "I could use this for my article" I thought and messaged Ms.Heather. I snapped a quick picture of Harry when he wasn't looking. And then I took a head shot of us together.As I lay ed in his arms, he planted a kiss on my forehead. Ms.Heather sent me another message and I answered her.I was carious as to what was going on. The ride went on for a couple of minutes, and we just talked about school and my family back in Canada.

We reunited with the group and continued on with our day. We stopped at the food shack and got ourselves some hotdogs. Fans would stop and ask for pictures and the boys where more then happy to do so. We had an amazing day, we rode some more rides, and played some more games. Then we went back home and got ready for the fancy dinner. I quickly ran in and took a shower. Then I looked for somethings to wear. It was pretty warm outside, I decided to wear an off-white capped sleeve dress with a thin black belt. I blow dried my hair and let it flow naturally with its curls. Putting on mascara and lip gloss only, I grabbed my clutch purse I walked upstairs to see everyone except Harry and Lou dressed and ready to go. "Sorry I took so long" I said smiling. "You look amazing" said Zayn stretching the word AMAZING. "Thank you" I said looking down a little embarrassed. I took a seat beside Niall and Danielle and waited for the rest to come down. Niall swung his arm around me and whispered "You do really look great". "Thank you, so do you" I said. He chuckled 'Your so shy, why?" he asked shaking his head. I shrugged, "That's o.k. just don't be afraid to let go everyone once in a while" he said. Harry and Lou came down shortly.

I must say, Harry looked really good in his black dress pants, plain white dress shirt that was neatly tucked in and a black jacket on top. He snapped his finger at Niall and said "Off". Niall giggled and took his hand away. Harry took out his hand for me to grab and I took it. I stood up and met his level. "You look breath taking" he softly said raping his arm around me, bringing me closer to him. "It must be your eyes" I said flirtingly raping my arms around his neck. He smirked exposing dimples on his face. He leaned in and planted a kiss.

"Were going to be late" interrupted Liam, we turned around to see the living room empty, and everyone all ready outside and in the van. We got in the car and we were on our way to dinner. When we arrived and exited the car, Harry quickly intertwined his hands with mine, as we walked into the restaurant. Getting to our table and being seated, and Ms.Heather once again sent in another question. Anger ran within me, I was fed up, I grabbed my phone off the table and was sliping it under the table, but a hand reached to grab it. It was Harry's.


Hey lovely people THABK YOU to everyone who is reading I'm still editing and adding detail to the other chapters please comment and tell me what you think and vote. Do you like the plot twist

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