I loved you first Harry styles love story part 3: Love game

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             They ended their performance with “one thing”. After that a DJ started to play music, and everyone gathered on the dance floor and began to dance the night away.“Come on let’s dance” screamed Emily as the four of us linking arms and  made our way down the twirled stair case. We stepped on the dance floor and danced to Trayz songs Jingle bells and other Christmas music.  It was a lot of fun. They started to play deck the halls, and I began to sing along, when I felt my leg vibrate, it was my phone. I unclipped it from my shoe and the caller ID  read  Ms. Heather and had a little phone sign beside it. I answered it but couldn’t hear her over the blasting music. "Hello?" I yelled into the phone. I excused myself and headed to the door. 

                    There were so many people that I didn’t know what way out was. I pushed and shoved my way through the crowd. Bumping into girls who were dressed really nicely, and boys who were all suited up . Girls where dressed dressed in a short skirt that looked like a Santa Claus outfit, another dressed like an elf. I was half way out when I felt a push on my bum that sent me crashing softly on to the floor. someone bumped into me. 

“I’m so sorry. Are you OK?” she asked apologetically, putting her hand out for me to grab. “Yea I’m fine” I replied with a smile, as I got up and turned around to continue my way when a boy with soft white skin, forest green eyes and curly hair stood in my way. I turned around and tried to continue my way out but did not know where I was going. “Are you alright?” he asked softly. “I’m fine thank you” I answered shivering. “It’s pretty crowded here isn’t it” he asked yelling over the music. I smiled and nodded. 

  People started to form a circle around us and the music suddenly stopped. The room became dim, and spotlights were shining down on different parts on the room. One of the spotlight landed on Harry and I.  I looked around and saw smiling faces around us.  Oh-no attention, that’s the last thing I needed right now. I glanced at him to see him smirking. I shrugged my shoulder. His hands where in his pockets and he glanced down rocking back and forth. Then he glanced back at me and  pointed to something above our head innocently.  Green leafs that branched off in different directions, with a red bow nicely tied at the stem was dangling from the ceiling with string that was attached with tape to the top of the ceiling. It was a mistletoe. We looked around the room to see about 10 other mistletoes dangling down everywhere. He began to giggle as he said childishly “Now you have to kiss me.”  I glanced into his forest green eyes, that had a sparkle. After 3 seconds I  got lost in his eyes and quickly looked away. My heart was raising fast . . . really fast. "Way to get his attention" the voice inside my head said. 

             He took a step closer and placed his hand on my shoulder pulling me closer to him, leaned in so that we were only an inch away. I did not move an inch, but just continued to stair into his eyes. He shifted his face to the side of my face and  pecked me softly on the cheek. I could here a few girls fan girling behind me, but that didn’t matter. This was perfect. I got his attention now I have an excuse to talk to him again. My life just got easier. My phone began to vibrate again. I turned my head scanning the place for a way out. As the room got dark again, and the dancing lights re-appeared, and the music began to play I began to detached from Harry. But a hand  gently landed on my shoulder  and turned me around  “Where are you going?” Harry asked. "I need to get out of here" I told him. But it was too crowded for me to escape and too loud for him to hear. He took my hand and he lead the way out. He knew where he was going, as if he lived here.  We pushed and bumped our way out.

 He led us  to this beautiful  open area. It was quite, and all grass.  A few trees were scattered along with a few benches. In the middle of the field there was a little fountain that had water running.  “Oh we made it out alive. why were you trying to get out?” he asked. “Oh my phone was calling but it’s kind of too late” I told him hesitantly . He smiled and asked if I wanted to take a stroll. I nodded and we began to walk side by side. “You’re not from here are you?” he asked. “No I’m from Canada, I’m going to school here” I explained. He nodded “I’m Harry” he introduced himself. “Emma” I told him my name. “Nice name” he complimented. “Thanks” I said. I could feel my face turn red. “So Emma, I was raised to believe that it’s wrong to just.  ... just kiss a girl without getting to know her after.” He began to say stuttering. Wow its seemed like he was nervous, but he was Harry Styles if anyone should be nervous it should be me. "Yea you should be nervous, after all you are going to lie and break his heart" the voice inside my head said.  We have to hit it off to a great start I said to myself. “OK let’s play game.” I said. How about we each ask five questions to each other and we have to answer honestly? He nodded and I began.

       “What’s your favorite food?” I asked. “Tacos” He answered. He thought for a minute and asked “Have you ever told a lie?” I hesitated and my head fell to the floor knowing . “No, other than the occasional white lie” I finally replied. He let out a little smile and I quickly asked “ would you rather suck peanut butter off someone’s dirty toe nail, or lick an old man’s sweaty armpits” trying to get off the lying topic. He chuckled and said “wow that’s really gross but um I’ll take the peanut butter.” I laughed at the thought of that, “nice going Emma know he thinks you’re a freak” a little voice inside my head said. “I’m sorry you must think I’m weird now.” I told him looking away and blushing of embarrassment. “Not at all, you’re quite funny” he said giving me a cheeky smile. He continued the game asking me what was on my Christmas list, and normal typical questions you’d ask. He asked things like did it bother me that I had to kiss him and of course I said no, but this time I meant it. We ended up strolling into the middle of the field, when he popped down and I sat beside him. We were sitting in the middle of the field on the grass starring up into the night sky. I let my legs stretch and placed my hands behind my back on the grass. “It’s beautiful isn’t it?” I asked. He nodded; I could feel my body shiver from the calm wind breezed through the air and hit my body. 

                                 My eyes were glued on the moon. I could her him wrestle around. I turned to look at him to find him taking off his jacket and placing it on my back. “How cheeseLy romantic” I thought to myself as he pulled me close and swung his arm around my shoulder forcing my head to land right onto his shoulder. “My turn” he whispered gently. “Would you like to hang out . . .  maybe tomorrow?” he asked gently. I was filled with over joy, and relieved feelings operation Harry was working perfectly. I lifted my head and starred and softly said “I’d love to A little feeling of guilt filled my heart as I stared into his beautiful green eyes. He leaned in again and gave me a little pick on the cheek.

        “It’s getting late, let’s take you back inside” he said as we both rose. He intertwined his hands with mine as we headed back inside. “Wait, you have one more question” I reminded him. “I’ll ask you later” he said smirking. We made it back inside. There were less people. 

      Harry was greeted with his band mates. I made it back to Kate. “Where were you?” she asked. “We saw that kiss oh my god you kissed Harry Styles” Emily screamed/whispered in excitement as she squeezed me

  “It was just on the cheek and it was the mistletoe it’s not like he wanted. “Lie, lie, lie wow Emma just keep doing that” the little voice in my head began to say. “I was talking to my mom she called. They believed me, when we got home we all changed into our pajamas, said our good nights and headed to bed. “What a good party?” they all thought out loud. “Did you have fun Emma?” Kate asked. “Yea it was great you English people really do know how to party” I said giggling. “Of course she had fun that wouldn’t have a good time smooching Harry styles.” Said Jenny, with a fantasy voice around Harry styles while pointing to the poster that hung from the wall. We said our good nights and went to sleep. I stayed up writing this diary entry and then went to bed. 

Authors messege :

Here is part 3 and it has been edited. Please vote, and comment what you think. I would love to hear what you think. Please don't judge, I know my spelling is not  the best. :) enjoy

I loved you first - harry styles love storyWhere stories live. Discover now