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Authors Messege  

Hey lovely people thank you so much for reading my story I hope you like it please comment and rate tell me what you think :)


 Harry's POV: What was she talking about? Is that what she is bothered by? I stared at her as she slept. I decided to forget it, however the question lingered in my head. I shut my eyes and went to sleep.   Emma's POV: The next morning I woke up to an empty bed, with no one beside me, I got up and looked in the mirror. My skin was pale, and my hair was all over the place. I went over to Harry's night stand and took out my hair tie, and put my hair into a messy bun.  I headed downstairs to find it empty, I looked at the clock it was 6:30am. Wow I was early.  I sat down in the dark and empty living room and turned on the telly.

                 I went to my room and grabbed a blanket off of my neatly made bed, and headed back to the living room. For someone who had 5 hours of sleep, I felt well rested. Today was Saturday and I had loads of homework to do. I took out Harry's laptop and decided to surf the Internet. After checking my tumblr and watching One direction interviews, I decided to call Ms.Heather and see how she felt about my article.   The phone call was rather quick, she told me that my work was perfect and she made just a few changes to it. "So have you been going out with Harry much?" She asked. "Um yea we went out the other day" I answered trying to keep the actual date between us too, after all it was ours. "O.K. I need you to interpret more into the article, add in examples talk about how he treated you" she said. I agreed and asked her if I could not use my actual name. "Why? Emma if you are going to keep doing a fantastic job like you are now, you should get the credit" she said chuckling. "But I'm representing the company so maybe I don't have to put my name" I asked. "Emma your not starting to have feelings for him are you?" she asked as I heard her chair squeal from movement. "No not at all" I answered quietly. I hung up and watched t.v. until 8:00am when Harry woke up. 

               "Morning love" he said coming to the couch and kissing my forehead. "Morning" I replied. "Did you sleep well?" he asked. I nodded, "Harry I need to go back to the dorm, I have a huge test  this week before the big Easter Break" I said looking at the telly. Here in England, they didn't have March or Spring break. They had the week of Easter off, to rest. "No problem babe, I can drive you back" he said. After everyone else was awake and we had breakfast, Harry and I went back to the dorm to get my books. When I walked in, everyone was already up. "Hey" I said as I walked in. "Sorry I left, I had a really nice date with Harry and I stayed the night, I'm sorry I did" I apologized. "No Emma it's O.K." interrupted Jenny. They all laughed and I went over and embraced them with hugs. I loved how understanding they were. I quickly grabbed my books and went back to the flat to study. I took over Harry's room for the whole day just hitting the books. "So you can't do anything?" asked Harry. "No" I shook my head sadly. "Good luck studying" he said pecking me on the cheek and left the door.   

                                             "O.K. Here we go" I said as I opened by business text book. I made flash cards of every definition, and all the formulas. Then I worked on some word problems. When I finished I went back to memorizing the words. No matter how hard I tried, the words where not floating in my head. "What am I going to do?" I asked aloud as I tossed the cards to the floor and face palmed myself. I looked at Harry's bed that was a mess from all the moving. I got up and fixed it, then went back to the bed, I horizontally on the bed with my arms swinging down the the floor where the flash-cards lay ed in a pile. "O.k. I can do this" I said as I flipped a card. TRANSMIT- I read the definition out loud. I turned the card over the card glad to see the right definition. O.K. "Anecdoten?" I thought about it then gave the definition. I flipped the card to find the wrong definition. "Ugggg" I complained out loud. laying back at the textbook. "Sleeping on the book isn't gonna help" said a voice from behind. I turned around  to find Liam staring at me from the door step. "Sorry love just came to grab something" he said as he asked for permission to come in. "Do you need any help?" he offered. "No thanks" I said giving him a smile. He left and I continued to study. "I give up" I thought as my arms dangled of the edge of the bed. I felt a tap at my shoulder. I looked up to see Harry. "How's the studying going" he asked laughing. "These words are not sticking to my head" I wined. "Oh come on how hard could it be?" he asked. I handed him the flashcards, and he took a look at them. "Well maybe we can find a way to remember them. How about we change things around to help you memorize them" he said. My face brightened up at the idea. After an hour of making up silly definitions, I finally got the hand of them. "Anecdoten" H read off the flash card "A short account of a particular incident or event of an interesting or amusing nature, often biographical" I said. "Ambiguity noun" he said "doubtfulness or uncertainty of meaning or intention" I said. "Principle noun" he said. "A fundamental, primary, or general law or truth from which others are derived" I said. "Why do I even bother?" he said kissing me on the cheek. That night I went back to the dorm and slept.   The next day I spent doing the same thing, just studying and getting ready for my tests. That week was pretty stressing.

                                             I did all my tests on Monday, and Tuesday. I got my marks back on Thursday, to find that I aced all of them. And the week went by pretty quickly. Kate, Emily, Jenny and I had a blast just laying around some days, and going out to the park the other day. The weather was becoming pretty warm, but still chilly. Friday was awesome, we didn't do much in class, other then watch movies in class, and just hanging out. It was all fun, until when we went to the cafeteria.

                                          We sat their but then the Clip girls came in. I watched her as she came closer, with her golden brown hair falling from her back. She flashed a wickid smile as she glanced at me. I ignorintly turned around to my food. "uggg, here comes trouble" stated Jenny. "Just ignore her, maybe she'll swim away" said kate. We giggled.    "Oh well lookie here, isn't it the tramp?" said Clippy. "Walk away" uttered Emily. "What if I don't want to" fired back Clippy. "Yea what if she doesn't want to" mocked the little the brunette girl from behind her. "You know Emma, I never told you how it felt kissing Harry Styles, he kisses so passionately" began Clippy. "See he just couldn't help but get his lips on mine" she said. "Well maybe it's because you through yourself on him" said Jenny. "Needy much" I added. She just looked at us with a raised eyebrow. "Is someone jealous?" I asked smirking. "I'm beautiful rich and beautiful, why would I be jealous of you?" she asked fanning herself. "Because I have friends and not pets that you dress up" said Emily as I  tried to hold in the laughter. "You know, yes I am jealous" I spoke up looking at the girls, who gave me a puzzled look. "I'm jealous that I am not smart enough to break into some one's dorm, and come up with creative compliments, you made some really wild predictions. You know we all enjoyed the fat cakes, you left for Kate, it's nice of you to share." I said standing up and facing her. Anger filled my eyes, as I remembered each and every insult.    "What . . . are you talking about?" She said squinting her eyes. "You know exactly what were talking about" I said angrily. "Harry is mine, and that is something that not you or anyone can change" I said stepping closer. "Anyone" I repeated thinking of the article. "You think I'd waste my time with you, Harry is as a fool as a monkey for wanting to be with someone like you" she finished. "Stay out of our dorm Clip" I said despair. "I wouldn't want to be anywhere near your room. I was at a dinner with Jack Blue" she said as she pulled out her phone. She quickly showed us a picture of her and Jack blue at a date, the date of the picture was the same night as when our dorm was vandalized. My eyes grew wider as I read the date. "O.K. Don't drewell over him, he's mine" she said putting her phone away. "O.K. I need to get away from here it stinks" she said turning to us. She and the 2 girls behind her began to walk away.    I sat back down in disbelief. "The date was the exact same date, how could she have done it?" I asked looking at Kate. They all shook their head. "We have an enemy, but we don't know who it is" I said looking around at the cafeteria filled with people. Who could possibly hate us that much. 



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