Out of this world

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         We walked off the bridge and into the city. Without saying another word, Harry got a taxi, and got inside. "Where to?" asked the driver. Harry leaned and whispered to him a destination. The man chuckled and began to drive. The ride was quite long, I leaned in and placed my head on Harry's shoulder. "Tired babe?" asked Harry. "No, I just like being in your arms" I replied. Harry pulled me closer and hugged me.                             

 The driver turned on the radio and the song "Glad you came" started playing. I started tapping my leg and moving my head to the beat. "the sun comes down" sang Harry. "The stars come out" I sang back. "And all that counts" sang Harry. "Is here and now" I sang dancing from the waist and up. The driver began to sing along.  "My universe will never be the same" I sang louder.  I glanced at Harry who was sitting up right with  his hands in the air and was having a good time. The driver looked at him in the rare view mirror and chuckled. "Sorry love, I'm not much of a dancer" said Harry. "It's OK, I'm not a good singer" I said.                           

  The driver rolled the window down and turned the volume louder. We began to drive down a street that didn't have as much cars. I moved closer to the window and poked my head out, there was less buildings, and more open area, I took off the scarf that  I was wearing and threw it to the side, as the temperature began to increase.  Live while were young began to play, and Harry grabbed my waist "Hey girl I'm waiting on ya, waiting on ya" he sang. "Come and let me sneak you out" sang the driver. "And have a celebration" Harry and I sang together off beat. We jammed the whole way until the car came to a stop.                        

We excited the car and we were standing between a big gate and a sign that said "The London Zoo", excitement filled my heart. Harry swung his arm around me and I pecked him on the cheek. The taxi man came along, but was way behind us. "Well, this is one of my favourite places in all of London, and since you said you've never been to a zoo, I thought Id bring you to one" said Harry. We entered the zoo and saw many so many different animals. The zoo was huge, we walked into many different themed areas.                         

The first one was "Into Africa" where they had weird animals that I've never seen before. We walked by the giraffes and Harry grabbed  leafs and began to feed the giraffe. Harry passed me the leaf and rapped one arm around my stomach as the other hand held the leaf and fed it to the giraffe.  A flash went off I turned around to see the taxi driver taking shots of us. Harry said he hired him to do so.   Next was the "Rain forest Life" it was a walk through an indoor rain forest. I was fascinated by the golden headed lion. My eyes where wide open, and I couldn't help but smile. The lion was so cute as he was trying to impress a girl lion. The driver kept taking pictures of us when we weren't paying attention.                

My favourite part was when we passed by Penguin Beach exhibit. It was amazed by all the cute little penguins. Harry pulled out two pairs of sunglasses and passed me a pair. I put them on. "Thanks love" I said to Harry. He just smiled and examined the site. A penguin began to wattle towards us. I stared at it while it came closer to us, I let out  my hand to touch the penguin, but it just slapped my arm with its little fin and waddled away to Harry. "Hey!" I complained. Harry chuckled, as the penguin hugged him. "Well I guess someone doesn't like me?" I said as we walked away. We were going to watch them swim, but Harry had too much in store. I thought he was just taking me to the zoo, but it became something much more.               

 It was 2:00, and we were exhausted from all the walking that we did. We stopped at a restaurant that was inside the zoo, we asked the taxi driver to join us, but he decided to go to another restaurant. We sat at the table and a waiter came and took our order. "I'll have cheeseburger and fries please" ordered Harry. As the waiter wrote down his order, she asked me what I wanted. "I'll have a normal burger and fries" I replied. "Drinks?" she  asked. "Two cokes" said Harry. She smiled and walked away. "So are you having a nice time?" asked Harry taking off his sunglasses. I nodded," So tell me the highlight of your week?" I asked him. "Well, we preformed at Odyssey Arena, and it was a packed show. We played such a good show." said Harry smiling, you could tell he was proud. "That's great I love hearing things like that" I told him.                 

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