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I avoided eye contact as I told her everything. I told her everything not leaving a single detail out. From the meeting, to how I got here. When I finished she signed and sat beside me. “Do you love him?” She asked. "This is not fair, your playing with his emotions. "What do you feel when your around him?" she asked. "My heart bursted in feelings. “I .. Everytime he touches me I feel something. When I’m in his arms, I feel warmth and safe, like when we went on that mountain and built a snowman, he makes all the stress go away, and when I look into his eyes, I feel something , I . . . . falling for him, but when I talk to him, I feel so dark I start an argument with the voice inside my head. Im scared Kate. Im scared, I don't know what to do, if I tell my boss I'm starting to have feelings for him she'll fire me, and I can't tell him the truth” I told her. Kate looked at me and rubbed  my back conferting me.  She let out a little smirk. " You have feelings for him, real feelings and its going to be ok, as long as that article is written with love." She said. I laughed and then made her pinky promise she won’t tell anyone. She said " you can trust me." After that we existed the housekeeping storage room and went back to the dorm we must of been talking for ever because when we went back in the girls were all asleep. I said “goodnight” to Kate and we both headed to bed.

                          The next day I was the last to wake up. We had scrambled eggs for breakfast, I offered to wash the dishes. After, Harry calls asking me to go out with him. So I got dressed and headed out. I wore a blue blouse,black jeans and uggs. How do I look?" I asked before I left. “Dashing” they all answered while Kate shot me a wink.

                              I headed out and found his car waiting for me. I stepped out and he came running. "Hey " Harry said pecking my check. " Hello"I said blushing and giving him a cheaky smile. " come on, I want you to meet someone" he said intertwining his hands with mine. I glanced through the car and i seen a figure in the passengers seat. i got in the back seat and Harry ran and got into the drivers seat. " Hello" A beautiful girl said with wavey brown hair. “Hi, I’m Emma it’s nice to meet you?” I said. " Im Eleanor, Louis’s girlfriend". she said giving me a hug. I smiled, she really was pretty. “Oh my bloody hell those are cute boots, from where did you get them?” she asked. “From Canada, we should go there, we can go shopping”I  offered. “Hey dont take my girlfriend to Canada, its too far” Louis said concerned. We all giggled. “How about we go shopping somewhere here in England” Harry suggested. Louis put his hand on Harry’s shoulder and said “smart thinking mate.”

                                “So where are we going?” I asked. “They wont tell you, I’ve tried” Eleanor said annoyed. Harry and Louis exchanged looks, we ended up driving to a really nice restuarant. We got out of the car, Harry crawled from behind me and placed his hand on my hips and Louis grabbed Eleanor’s hand and we headed into the restourant. It was very classy. “Reservations for Tomilson” said Louis to the lady at the front desk. She said "yes I have it right here. And showed us to our table. It was a nice little round, slide in table. Harry and I slid on one side as Louis and Eleanor slid to the other side. Eleanor and I met at the middle. “Nice place” Eleanor said to Louis. “Thanks love” Louis said examining the place.

                    A few minutes later, a waiter named Jess came to take our order. He seemed really friendly. He handed us our menu’s and I just stared at it not knowing what to have. “I’d like the stake special please” Louis said to Jess." I’d like the chicken rap with pasta " Eleanor said . " May I have the chicken special?" Asked Harry. And I finally ordered " Ill have the chicken multi dish please" . Jess smiled and walked

                       Why do you guys name your meals so weird?" I asked. "No it's just this place, weird name but great food" answered Louis. "So what do you do Eleanor ?" I asked. " Oh I’m a university student. She answered. When I told her I was too, we both giggled. " we’ll we make music". Harry said, while  Louis laughed emitating us.

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