I loved you first Harry styles love story part 4: snowtime

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 I woke up the next morning around 5:00am. I was an early bird ,so I took a shower and changed into black skinny jeans, and a white cashmere sweater.  I looked outside my window to see a perfect white blanket of snow. It was a breath taking scene. Not that I haven’t seen snow before, I do come from Canada I practically grew up shoveling snow every morning.  But it just made me feel a little homesick. Noise of shuffling and tossing interrupted my thoughts, it was Emily waking up. “Well good morning hot stuff” she said yawning and getting out of bed. “Morning beautiful” I replied. While Emily was taking a shower, I made everyone pancakes. I wasn’t the best cook, but I made some darn good pancakes. The smell of food had wakened Kate and Jenny up. “You should have moved in months ago” said Jenny. “Good morning to you too” I said giggling.

             We all sat at the table and enjoyed the pancakes, while Emily was twittering, “So . . . are you going to tell us about Harry Styles, what happened yesterday?” Jenny asked. “Umm well nothing really happened we just kissed and then went outside and he asked if we could hang out and I said yes. Emily finally looked up from her phone and started moving her eyebrows up and down. “Emma and Harry sitting in a tree” sang Kate. I rolled my eyes, “its business related I told myself reminding my goal .” I took a sip of my orange juice, and was about to say something when I was inturapted by Emily screming. “What’s the matter” screamed Emily angerly. “Oh my god Harry Styles just tweeted that he can’t wait to hang out with Emma” she read off her phone.  All eyes turned to me, their faces will filled with excitement. “Oh my god he’s already tweeting about you” Kate said shaking me. A smile grew on my face, “he forgot to take my number” I mentioned quitely and shyly. “Beauty and brains, this he's a keeper” said Jenny shooting me a wink. Emily private messaged him and told him that I was her friend and we should meet in an hour. Her face was priceless as she was tweeting Harry. I straightened my hair put on my white coat. I rapped a red scarf around my neck. “Very fashionable!” Kate complimented winking at me. “Thanks love” I said giving her a hug. 

                 An hour passed and I headed in front of the dorm waiting for Harry. A black car pulled up and a boy with a black cashmere coat excited the car. My heart rate increased as I saw him walk towards the building. I was never good at talking to guys, I didn't know what to say, with anxcouis and nerves in my blood stream, I slowely made my way to him. Little white snowflakes landed on his curly brown locks making him look atractive."Things could be worse, I could have been assigned to someone who was ugly" I thought to myself. I ran out the door to him. “Hello there beautiful” he said in a soft voice. “Hey” I said giving him a cheeky smile. He held his hand  out as he opened me the door. I crawled in and he got in on the other side. The sudden warm heat hit my face, making me feel comfortably warm it felt really nice. He turned on the radio and “all I want for Christmas” was playing. “ So Emma, you family isn't here, do you have any Christmas plans?” he asked as he began to drive. “Well yea, I was thinking something going along the lines of going to a party and kissing a really nice boy under the mistletoe” I said. He chuckled a little, "uh-oh too sassy" I thought. “Umm actually I don’t know I’m not going back home for the holidays” I said in a slight sad tone. I really did miss my mom and family. “Why don’t you come spend it with me?” Harry asked. “You can come meet the boys, there really fun and if you want you can bring your friend, come one Emma it would be fun” he continued trying to convince me to go. “O.K.  I’ll come, but only if it’s ok with everyone else!” I told him. He smiled with excitement and joy filled my heart, this was great, know I've been invited into his house, this is going to be any easy article to write.  I began to tell him about my family traditions and what we used to do at home, I told him how much I missed it. He talked about his families Christmas traditions, his family seemed really sweet, they seemed very welcoming. We ended up driving up to this great Mountain View. The view was breath taking. “Oh my god this is beautiful” I said. I turned around to find Harry not behind me. “Harry” I say softly. “Harry” I say louder. “Ha. . . “I began to say when a snowball hit me from behind.

              I turn around to see Harry standing behind me smirking. “Harry Styles your goanna get it” I said picking up some fluffy white snow and throwing it at him. I wasn’t aiming for it, but it hit his face. “Oh I’m so sorry “I appolagized thinking he got hurt. He whipped it off and began to chase me. I began to run but he was pretty fast. A pair of strong arms wrapped around me as his body crashed into mine. "Got you" he whispered before we both trampled to the ground. The white snow made his eyes stand out, making his eyes irresistable. I couldn't help but stair back. He let go of me and we just laid there watching little snowflakes flutter in mid-air .

                  It was quite for a while, but than I heard shoveling, I glenced to the side to see Harry trying to make snow angles. He looked at me with innocent eyes and asked me to join him. Without hesitation, I did. Once we finished he helped me out and he took a picture of it.  He grabbed my hand and said “come on let’s build a snowman” and we did. It was such a nice snowman.

               I broke off two branches off a tree and attached it to the sides. He took out a bag from his pocket which had a carrot, twizzles and a bag of cookies. We used the carrot for the noise, a twizzler for the mouth and the cookies for the eyes. I began to laugh at how the snowman looks. It turned out pretty good. 

                  We turned around to look at the Mountain View again, and then all of a sudden it begins to snow again. Little white snowflakes begin to fall. I turn around to find Harry staring at me with a slight smirk forming between his two soft cheecks. His locks were  filled with little white particles. . I took a little snowflake and said “You have something in your hair". He began to blush and chuckle to himself. The wind began to blow against our direction very rapidly, which made me shiver. He pulled me into a hug, my face berried in his chest, a warm and safe feeling filled my heart. For some reason, whatever neurve or overwhelmed feeling I had, disapeared.  I could feel my face blushing, as I heard his little heart beats. I lifted my head off his chest and looked at him. He stared into my eyes and said “Do you still feel homesick”? He asked. I smiled and blushed even more than I ever have in my life. “You have a good way of making someone feel at home?” I said. The wind began to pick up pretty fast causing our teeth to chatter. We headed back to the car and drove to a little café. We had a cup of hot cocoa. I was in really deep thought, when he nudged me. "Are you ok love?” he asked. “I’m fine” I assured him. We drank our coffee and talked about our lives. By the time I got home it was 6:00pm. The car pulled up to the dorm building. “I had a really good time harry. Thank you for making me feel less home sick” I said gazing in his eyes again. “I’m glad you had a good time, don’t forget, Christmas with me” he reminded. “I won’t” I assured him. He leaned in just like he did the night before and pecked me on the cheek and I headed inside. I stood inside the glass and waved as the car disappeared into the distance. I walked up to the dorm and headed in. It was empty. “Where is everyone?” I thought to myself. I walked towards my bed as I took off my coat. I found a note that read. “Out shopping well be back shortly love Kate.” I changed and began to write my diary entry. Shortly after, the girls returned. I helped put the groceries away, and told them everything. We decided to go Christmas shopping tomorrow. We had dinner and headed to bed. I woke up at 4:00am with a phone call from Ms.Heather asking if I have talked to Harry. I explained how I have him under my spell, and little did he know anything. 

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