Underneath it all

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Harry's POV: What just happened? Nothing was processing in my head. Emma had just ran out the door. I pushed the girl off me on ran after her calling her name. I opened the door and scanned the hall to find it empty. I sprinted down the hall to the stair case, as i began to make my way down the stairs I heard footsteps other then mine, it was Emma, I caught up to her and grabbed her arm. "Emma wait" I yelled. Words did not escape her mouth, she tugged her arm away from me trying to escape. My grip tightened " Emma it's not what you think" I began, but she did not respond. She stopped fighting my grip and stood there in the middle of the stairs, she took a deep breath and said "I thought we really had something, but I should of known better, your Harry Styles . . . and I'm just Emma. Your life is different then mine, you can have everything and everyone. You go from country to country having millions of girls screaming your name. It's part of your job to embrace it and make it a part of your life. But everything is constantly changing. You don't know how it is waking up everymorning with fears. Everyone knows who you are, you dont have to hide anything. You dont understand how it is to be . . . " Her words created a deep cut in my chest. " but . . . Emma it's not like tha. . . " I began to say but was cut off " You don't understand". she said as she ran out of the building. Anger corrupted me as she walked out of the door. I looked at my phone which said "12:05pm. I went to the arcade room where I found everyone huddling over a game. "Come on Niall" I heard Zayn yell. Heads turned towards me as I entered through the door. Louis came to my side and said "Whats up mate" with a smile. "Where's Emma?" Asked Danielle, at the sound of her name my heart began to ace. I could feel the tears building up in my eyes. Truthfully I've never felt like this before, about anyone that girl had something about her. I sat down at a lime green couch and placed my head between my hands. Not responding to Danielle's question captured everyones attention. "Harry?" asked Zayn taking  seat behind me. I began to sob, not being able to hold back my tears as everyone took a seat. I felt a hand rub my back. " Whats wrong mate? Tell us" conferted Leim. I took a few minutes to calm down and explained to them what had happened. I told them every little detail. Emma and I headed up to the dorm to look for the pair of skates. I was looking in her drawer as she was looking for them in her suitcase when she got a phone call. She stepped out to answer it and I continued searching. As I closed her drawer, I heard an abnormal knock coming from the closet. I slowly approached it and opened it just a little. I waited a few seconds and opened the door, when I did a girl grabbed me and forced me against the wall with my hands pinned to the wall. She was a little taller then I and had blond hair that ran halfway through her back. I asked her what are you doing, but she told me to listen clearly. She began to tell me something but i was absent minded trying to escape her grip. Dam was that girl tough. She kept her grip and then I heard Emma enter the room and call my name. The girl rolled her eyes at the sound of Emma's voice and when Emma opened the door the blond smashed her lips on mine and lifted one of knee's against the wall making it look like we were snogging. Emma's eyes grew and she ran out the door, I chased after her, but all she told me was that I didn't understand and how everything was a big mistake." As I finished recounting what happened, I began to snob. Zayn continued to rub my back, "What am I going to do?" I screamed throwing my head back. Liam advised that we go back home and give Emma sometime, Eleanor and Danielle can return later and talk to her. We got up and left the arcade and headed back to the abundant flat. Not speaking a word to anyone, I headed to my room and just lay ed on my bed disappointed in myself. How did I not push her off in time. It didn't even matter because Emma is all I could think of.

Emma's POV: (from when she left the dorm) I was furious, I though he loved me. My vision was blurry, I felt warm tears ready to fall but I held them in. Not knowing where i was heading, I wondered the city of England. I walked at a fast paste, Ive never felt like this about anything or anyone. That boy had something about him. The more i thought about how angry I was, the faster I walked until cars began to beep louder, I froze as a car rushed in front of me. I didn't realize I crossed on a red light. I continued to walk and walk, until my path took me to this beautiful place. The ground beneath me turned from hard pavement, into soft sand. I looked up to see waves build up and finally smash on the shore. A small smile grew on my face. I took off my shoe and walked closer to the ocean. When I was close enough I took a seat in the sand close enough so the waves would wet my feet when they came. What a perfect night it was. Moon stood in it's perfect position as I spotted three stars that where scattered in the dark sky. I looked around to see a person in the distance just sitting embracing the moment as well. From a distance I could see a sign that read "London Beach" the name sounded familiar, I tried to remember from where I heard it, and then it hit me. Emily told me this is where she had her sweet sixteen birthday party. I continued to look in the distance of the ocean. "It's funny how you think you know someone" I thought to myself. Harry thinks I'm a student when really I'm an undercover publisher, Ms.Heather still thinks that I'm only dating  . . . or dated Harry just to get this stupid article published and be rewarded with my own book, when really I have feelings for him. And now the clip girls know that I work for thought magazine." I thought to myself. I signed and closed my eyes, "why is life so complicated? Why do bad things happen to good people? I thought and thought and finally decided. I just want to escape, I want to run away and hide from everyone even myself. I was going to go to Harry and explain everything to him. After all he is human and he deserves an explanation, even if he did kiss another girl. Maybe he wasn't that right matching card for me. And I'm done with writing, if it's gonna cause me to wear a mask then i would rather not get involved. A month a go, i would of never told a lie, even if I could of gotten away from it, and here I am. A lier, living my life with lies. What is a life when everything you do is fake." I thought. I opened my eyes and took out my iPhone, and went through my contacts list. Joy filled a little piece of my heart when i saw Nick's name. without hesitation i dialed his number and waited for him to answer. "Hello?" he said into the phone. "Nick, its Emma I miss you" I answered him. the sound of his soft voice made the tears build up again, this time not being able to hold back. " Emma what's wrong" he asked concerned. "Nick I . . . " My voice cracked as i began to speak. "Nick I don't like it here, i don't like being like this. I'm stupid" I said. "No your not, what happened." "I want to tell you in person" I said. "Emma I'm going to take the next plane to England I'll be there by morning just stay safe" Nick stated clearly. "Nick you didn't have to, I want to " I began to say but he cut me off. "No I'm coming weather you like it or not, now go get some rest beautiful" he said. I laughed into the phone and thanked him. I put the phone back into my pocket and rested in the sand. Hours have passed when I finally decided to go back home. Only problem  was i didn't know how to get back to the dorm. Luckily I had my credit card with me, so I went in a hotel and got a room. That night when I put my head on the pillow, I was more then pleased with the decision I was about to make, but little did I know that it was just the beginning.

Auther's messege

Hey guys sorry havent been posting had exams but here it is:) please comment and vote, i work really hard and would love some feed back :)

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