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                                            A brunette lady opened the door "Hi Honey" she said as a big grin appeared on her face. She gave her son a heart filled hug. "Hello sweet heart. How are you?" She asked as she gave me a tight hug. "I'm good thank you" I replied. She stepped out of the door way and welcomed us in. Once we were in we were greeted by Harry's step dad, and Harry's grandparents. They were really nice people. Gemma and mike; Harry's step brother greeted us "Emma you look beautiful" said Gemma; Harry's sister while hugging me. "Hey Harry" she said grinning while hugging her brother.

                                     "Lets have a seat in the living room" said Anne said. We all heated in to the living room and had small talk. "So how are you guys?" asked Harry. "We are great, how about you love?" said his mother. "I'm great" he replied with a smirk. "How are you Emma, How is Uni?" she asked. "Uni is great, classes are well" I replied. "What are you studying?" asked Robin. "I'm studying business" I replied politely. He nodded and smiled. We began conversation about small things, and having a good time. Gemma and I were having a conversation about Kim kardashean while everyone else was having their own conversations are.

                                This was the first time I saw Harry's home. It was really nice and big. Everyone seemed happy which made me happy. When it was time for dinner, Anne, Gemma and the Granny Styles went to the kitchen to help prepare. "I'm gonna go see if they need any help" I whispered to Harry and followed them into the kitchen. I walked in and helped Gemma set the table. "Oh I can do that" she said but I refused and continued to help her. Anne and I were having a conversation while we were setting the food when I realized she had made Lazanyea which looked similar to my grandpa's recipe "Ms.Styles is this double stuffed lasagna" I asked. "Honey call me Anne, and yes, it may seem weird but trust me its really tasty" she said. "No my grandpa used to make it like this too, I just never thought someone else would do it too" I replied with a smile. She chuckled and said "Well then I hope its as good".

                                By the time we were done, the table was set with many different foods. From mash potato's and hamburgers to lasagna and fried chicken. The boys came and we all took a seat. I sat beside Harry and Gemma. food was passed around, Harry fixed me and then himself a plate. Gemma just looked at him and chuckled. "What is so funny?" I asked''. "I just never see him this polite" she said and I giggled along. We ate our dinner and talked about whatever came up. Harry got quite. I nudged him and asked if he was O.K. he said "I'll tell you later" I nodded. "O.K. O.K. O.K." said Robbin. "I just wanted to say that being here with all of you tonight has made me so happy. I am happy to have each and every single on of you in my life" he said with a warm smile. "And I am thankful for having two wonderful kids, who have grown to become wonderful people. Emma, Josh I hope one day you two will become my son and daughter in laws." she said addressing each and everyone of us. We all smiled at her. It was a great feeling having the family get together.

                               After dinner was finished, Harry and I offered to do the dishes. Once we were finished we joined everyone on the back patio. It was a beautiful night, the moon and stars were out, just the way I liked it. We sat down beside Mike and Grandma Styles. " Gemma decided to tell a really embarrassing story of Harry when he was a child. Harry went a little red as everyone including me chuckled. I placed my hand on his knee. A lot of stories were shared amongst everyone. Harry shared on tour stories, and I just sat and listened and laughed along.

                                       Having this dinner was great. Not only did I get to know the family, but it also helped me see that what people see Harry, isn't true. He is such a down to earth guy. He is just like anyone else, but is just known for his singing. This would be great for the article. I thought. "Emma, Emma?" said Robin taking me out of though. "Yes?" I asked. "How was it like living in Canada?" he asked. "Oh it was wonderful, my mother and I lived in a small apartment, and I went to uni and worked." I answered. "What did you work as?" asked Grandpa Styles. "Um- huh I worked at a magazine company" I said trying not to lie but not being honest at the same time. "So were you a publisher?" asked Anne. "No I entered a competition while I was in high school and I won, they liked my article so they asked me to work for them." I said smiling. "Oh yea Emma keep going, tell them you are undercover and playing with her son's heart too" The voice inside my head said. My breathing got heavier. Harry's arm was wrapped around me shoulder. "And then she got in to the university here and she came" he said smiling. "Mhhmm" I agreed.

                            "Well I'm glad you came other wise curly here would be so lost" said Gemma. Harry stuck his tongue out at her. I love how they love and hate each other at the same time. "But if he ever upsets you, there is always me" said Mike. My eye browse furred but I decided to ignore, there really isn't anything I can say.                                   Harry tightened his grip on me and gave him a glare. Everyone grew quite. He chuckled and said "I'm just kidding" "Good because I don't think I'm going to be with anyone else other then Harry" I said with a little edge. Harry smiled and blushed a little.

                         "Have you guys heard of the plain that crashed in Sanfrincisco?" asked Grandpa Styles changing the subject. I did but the others didn't. As he began to explain what happened. Harry whispered in my ear "Wanna go see the rest of the house?". I nodded and we got up and went inside. Once the backdoor was closed Harry took my hand and lead me up stairs. We entered into his room. "This is where I spent most of my time when I was a little child." said Harry. The room was now Mike's since Harry is always on tour, and during the summer he spends it with the boys because of studio recordings. Harry took my room and we walked downstairs to the basement. "This is where I stay when I visit home." It was a nice basement with a sofa set. T.V. and even a kitchen. There was a bed to the side and it was well put together. "Harry you sure do have good taste" I say. He smirks, "but there is something else". There is a store down the street that sells this type of Candy and I haven't had it in forever, we should go down and get it in a bit" he said. I smiled and nodded.

"What's wrong?" he asked. "Getting with your family kind of makes me realize how much I miss mine" I said honestly. He sat beside me, "well maybe we should go visit then" he said. My face light up "Really, but you have work" I said. "It can wait" I chuckled. "Yea bring him to Canada, that way he discoverers who you really are in a place far away, where he has no one that will listen to him" said the voice. "Come on it would be fun, you get to show me around where you grew up, and show me places and friends. Besides I want to meet your mum and dad. It'll be my turn to get nervous about meeting your parents. And your dad gets to threaten me if I ever hurt you that he wil . . ." Harry went on and on.

                                  A tear fell down my cheeks. "Emma whats. . I'm sorry" he said wiping the tear away. "No it's just your never going to get to meet my dad" I said. "Sure we will tomorrow, We'll book tickets to Canada and it will be great" said Harry. "Harry no" I said. "Why not?" "Because my dad past away when I was younger" I said. Harry pulled me into a hug "I'm sorry, you never told me" he said sympathetically. "He was drunk really badly when he was with my mother in a car. She survived but he didn't" I said looking down playing with the hem of my shirt. He just hugged me and we stayed that way. "Hey want to go on a walk" he said cheering me up. I nodded he took my hand and we headed out the door.

                            We walked through the city of Chechire. It was a beautiful city. Harry and I walked and talked. "So you and your step brother drama?" I asked. He chuckled "No I think he was only kidding, besides I don't have anything to worry about right?" he asked looking at me. with a pouty face. "Of course not silly" I said. He chuckled and when we finally reached the corner store, he walked  in. The man quickly recognized him, "This is Ben he owns the store" he said after hugging Ben. "Hello" I said waving. "And who is this?" he asked looking at me. "This is my girlfriend Emma" said Harry. The man smiled. We bought the candy and headed out.

                 We headed back to Harry's house. It was 1:00am so Harry's grandparents were staying at the house. Harry decided it was time to head back since it was a long drive. We hugged everyone. "If he doesn't treat you right, just tell me I'll have a word with him" said Anne as she hugged me. I chuckled. I hugged Gemma and we made a date to hang out. We headed out and got into the car. Once we were in the car Harry got a text from Gemma, She seems really nice, hold on to her" it said. Harry chuckled. "So did you have a good time?" he asked. "Yes I did, your family is really sweet Haz" I said honestly. He smiled "Thank you". "Sorry about before" He said "Its alright" I said.

A few minutes later I got a text it was from that anonymous person "Confess or I'll do it for you"

I loved you first - harry styles love storyWhere stories live. Discover now