Best Date Ever

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Ive changed the name of the magazine from Thoughts to Hello. I want to make this story as realistic as it can be.

MORNING: Next day we woke up in our spots as is. I was the last to wake up. I moved my neck that felt so numb. It was Saturday, Spring break was in a week. Kate and Emily had made breakfast. I washed up and made my way to the kitchen. "Good morning" I said as I walked into the kitchen. "Morning sunshine" replied Kate making scrambled eggs. I sat down and waited for the rest of the girls to gather around. "If you guys, don't mind, I'm gonna spend the day with Harry. I haven't seen him all week" I told them honestly. They all nodded showing they understand. Jenny finally came to the table.

We greeted her and ate our food while watching Pop NEWZ. To my surprise, it was a Hello Magazine story. Mr. Heather appeared on the telly, and he began talking about the competition. "So can you give us a hint to as what your theme is?" asked the interviewer. "Well it's something new. Something that has never been done before. Our article will be something that everyone will relate to, rather then the other companies who seem like they are trying to ruin businesses." answered Mr.Thrasther. My eyes where glued to the t.v. and I was listening to every word he said so carefully.

The interviewer continued to ask questions about the company and Mr.Trasther did a good job. I continued to eat my breakfast and watching the interview, as my nerves began to build up. "Fake, fake, fake, your all just a faker" the voice inside my head began. "You got this spell on Harry, making him fall for you. You are being unfair with him" it continued. My hands curled into a fist and I shut my eyes trying to depart the thought.

"Emma are you OK?" asked Jenny concerned. I just nodded, "Did I ever tell you guys about my article?" I asked the girls. Kate quickly looked at me astonished while raising both eyebrows. "Yea you see, when I was in Canada, I entered a competition and I won" I began to say, as they listened. "Oh wow that's so cool Emma" said Emily. "Thanks love" I replied.

"Well a talent shouldn't go to waste" said Kate finally saying something. I chuckled to myself then continued. "Yea so I got an article published in Hello Magazine" I finished. "OH my gosh that's amazing Emma, how come you never told us this before?" asked Emily. I looked over at Kate who had a warm smile on her face " You should do my papers from now on" joked Kate. We all giggled. "Well, maybe she forgot to tell us" said Kate. I signed and said "Well I totally forgot until I saw this" I pointed to the screen. "Do you know who the undercover writer might be?" asked Jenny. "It could be anyone" I answered.

our eyes turned to the screen as we continued watching the interview. "So how long has your undercover writer been on the job?" asked the interviewer. "Well approaching 3 months" Answered Mr.Trasther. "Well if you log on now to, the preview of the article will be available for you to read"thank you for your time Mr.Trasther" said the interviewer as she shook his hand. "I'm Nichole Pasper and this has been Pop NEWZ.

"Imagine going undercover for 3 months?" said Emily. "I know it must be awful for that writer, imagine not being able to tell people who you really are?" asked Jenny. My nervously began to play with my food. "Well maybe they don't do that, maybe they just continue to live their life, but just hide the fact that they are writers" answered Kate knowing that I am the undercover writer. Jenny nodded but Emily continued, "Well I give that person props, it's hard to do a job like that." said Emily.

Kate changed the channel and we began to watch Alan Carr, who had Justin Beiber star on his show. "Whats up with interviews?" I asked chuckling. I watched about 5 minutes of it and then excused myself. I dropped my dish in the sink and was about to wash it "Don't worry about it love" said Emily as I washed my hands. I left the unwashed dishes, washed up and headed into the shower.

The hot water was soothing for my body. I applied my shampoo which released a really nice scent, and rinsed, washed my body and once again rinsed. I got out of the shower, with socking wet hair, and a towel rapped around me. I dug threw my closet until I found a pair of blue jeans, a nice black t-shirt and my beige uggs. I threw my outfit on and blow dried my hair. I braided my hair to the side and left a little bit of my bang out. As I looked into my full length mirror, I felt insecure not knowing why. "You look beautiful" complimented Emma as she walked in. "Thanks" I replied. "Your missing something" she said smiling and happily going through her stuff. She pulled out a red scarf. She rapped it once around my neck, making it look like a necklace in the middle, but the tails hanging on both sides.

"Thanks Em" I said as I took a final look in the mirror satisfied. I grabbed my sweater off the edge of my bed and headed out. It wasn't really cold today, the snow was beginning to melt, and there was a slight breeze. Finally Summer was almost here. I decided to walk to Harry's house, it was a 40 minute walk, but I could use some alone time. I was half way through when I decided to call Harry and tell him I was on my way. When I told him I was walking, he insisted to meet me at a cafe and we can go on a walk.

I headed into a small cafe that was named Domney's. I ordered a coffee and sat down patiently waiting for Harry. Thoughts from the notes of the night before crashed my head. I pulled out the note that was now crumbled from being in my pocket for so long. i read it once more, I did not want to check my twitter, like it said to, so I angrily crumbled it up and put it back into my pocket. Minutes later, Harry arrived into the shop and searched it for me. "Harry" I yelled in excitement. I dashed across the cafe to and crashed into him. "Ive missed you" I said. " I missed you too love" he whispered in my ears. He loosened his grip on me and reached for my hand. "Come on, I have a surprise" he said as he grabbed my hand and we excited the cafe.

We began to walk in the streets, "Where are we going?" I asked. Like every time, he replied "You'll see". I chuckled to myself making him curious. "What?" he asked. "You always say you'll see" I told him. "Well I like surprising you" he answered. "So how is everything going?" I asked. "Everything is well, I wish I can see you more often" he answered. "Well we have one more week and I can spend the whole spring break with you doing whatever you want" I assured him. He smirked and we continued to walk. "O.k. So since you have been in school this whole time, I want to give you a tour of some of my favourite places in London.

Harry was holding my hand the whole time we walked all the way to Buckingham castle. It was a big palace that was surrounded with pretty flowers everywhere. Harry took my hand and ran in the middle of the field, pulling me along. "Harry wouldn't we get in trouble?" I asked. "No babe this for the public to enjoy. He took out his camera and told me to pose. I spread my arms out and posed. Then it was Harry's choice. Harry made a huge smiling face, that showed his teeth, with his thumbs up. He then pulled out a peace of paper and began to read off of it. " Buckingham Palace is the official London residence and principal workplace of the British monarch. Located in the City of Westminster, the palace is a setting for state occasions and royal hospitality".

Next we walked to the Tower Bridge. It was this huge beige bridge that looked like something that belonged in mid evil times. Harry put an arm around me as we walked along the bridge. Harry once again began to read off the paper "It's a spectacular bridge built in the late Victorian era. It's great to see the bridge open to let ships through, which happens more often than you'd think; around 900 times a year. Walking across the bridge, you see amazing views of London. It really gives you a sense of old London - for me, it's the ultimate London icon." "Harry this sight is amazing" I said admiring the view. I turned around to see him smiling. The sun was shining bright. It felt nothing like winter.

We continued the walk across the bridge. "You can see all of London from here" I said placing my hands on the edge and starring down at the city, Harry came from behind me and placed rapped his arms around my stomach "Emma, you have no idea how thankful I am for meeting you that night" Harry said. I smiled as he pulled me away from the edge and we continued to walk.

Once we made it off, he looked at his clock, it was only 10:00am. "We have a long day a head of us" he said tightening his grip on my hand. "What are you planning?" I said. "The best day of our life" he answered.


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