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I tightened my grip on Harry's hand as I spoke into the phone. It put me back into reality reminding me of who I am. "Hello" I said nervously. "Emma where are you?" asked Ms.Heather. "I'm out with a friend" I said as Harry turned to me with a puzzled look. "Well, Emma don't forget I need the follow up by tonight" she said reminding me. "O.K. Ill get it to you" I spoke firmly. "O.K. have fun" she said before hanging up. I Put my phone back into my pocket disappointed. "What is it babe?" asked Haz. "Oh nothing I just godda do this article that is due by tonight" I said as we walked down the dark hall. Harry frowned and said "but we were having fun"

               "So was I love" I complimented. The officers opened a door and the light was visible again. It struck our eyes causing us to quench. "Why don't we go back to the flat, you can use my computer to do the essay, and you can spend the night with me?" asked Harry. Without even hesitating I nodded and we were back on our way to the flat. We drove up the flat and we got out of the car. "Thanks Paul" said Harry as he shut the door, and the taxi man drove away. "Harry aren't you going to pay?" I asked. Harry just laughed and put his arm around me. "That was Paul" he said in between chuckling. "Yea so" I said looking for a better explanation. "Paul is our security guard, I just didn't want things to be awkward between us, and I didn't want to go out with you without protection. People would have recognize me and so I had to have him around. But it's weird to bring a security guard along" he finished. "I'm sorry" he apologized. I did not say anything but kissed him on the cheek. We entered the flat to find it empty. "The lads must be out" said Harry. I sat down on the couch exhausted from all the walking that we did. Harry went to his room grabbed to grab the laptop. 

I never really payed much attention to the flat, but I must say it was pretty nice. There where pictures on the wall. I got up to examine it. 

                It was pictures of families. "Do you like it?" Harry spoke as he rapped his hands around my stomach. "Its so sweet" I said. "That's my mum right there" Harry pointed to a lady in the far left corner, who had brown hair ad looked just like Harry. "She's beautiful" I complimented. "So what happened to you" I teased. "Hey" he said offended. "I'm just kidding love" I said turning around to face him. 

           "It doesn't matter how I look, as long as I got you" He said bringing his face closer. My heart beat begins to race. His green eyes meet mine and our noses touch. His arms are placed on my mid back. I place my hands nervously on his shoulder, fear runs up my spine. Undefined fear. Harry is leans in for our lips to meet, but stops. "What's wrong?" he whispered, his breath hits my lips. "Nothing" I replay. "I can see it in your eyes Emma" he says in the same position. "Something is bothering you" He says a little louder. "I really don't want to do that essay" I said honestly, knowing what it is about. He smirks and finally leans in and places a soft kiss on my lips. He pulls back and says "the rest is for tonight" with a cheeky smile. He pulls away and hands me the laptop. I sit down on his couch and begin to write the follow up.

           Dating someone who is known is more then just a tabloid crush. LOVE is like a game of matching, for every card there is one perfect match. And sometimes, we truly believe that one is the perfect match, and then give it a shot, and go through all the trouble to  flip to find that it does not belong. Sometimes we must try over and over again just to find the perfect match. But what happens when the match is on the other side of the game board? Love is like a Rubik Cube, there are countless numbers of wrong twists and turns, but when you get it right, it looks perfect no matter what way you look at it. Dating Harry Styles was just a wrong twist. It lead me to become someone who I am not. It made me realize that love is just a twisted game of truth or dare. I was dared to love someone, but know i must fight to keep the full truth away from everyone. That is what love is about, it turns incident people into monsters, without realizing it. . . . . . full article inside. 

          "YESS" I signed while I rested my back on the back of the sofa. I opened google chromed and sent it to Ms.Heather. Remembering what Ms.Heather did to my first entry, I  changed the words around and made it sound like I did not have any feelings for Harry. I sent it to her and made sure to clear the history and the article off of his computer. 

I turned the computer off and placed it on the table that sat in front of the couches. I resumed my spot and spotted Harry with the corner of my eye staring at me. I turned around and tapped the empty seat beside me. He hopped on the couch and asked if i was done. I nodded and snuggled closer to him. "You know, I never thought Id date someone normal" he said staring into the ceiling. "Most people think I am a player who date older women, but the truth is, when I saw you, you had a certain sass to you." he said. He was about to say something when there was a knock at the door. Harry got up to get it but I pulled him down "I got it" I said and I ran over to the door and opened it. It was the 4 boys joined with Eleanor who was holding hands with Lou, and Danielle who was closely accompanied by Liam.

             Niall walked into the flat first surprised to see me. "Hey" he said as he hugged me. "Emma I thought I would never see you again" Louis said dramatically. "Hey Lou" I said giving him a cheecky smile. I finally hugged Zayn and Liam as they came in. "Harry we've missed you" screamed Liam as the 5 boys jumped on Harry. "I can't breath" he squeaked from underneath all of them. They all laughed and got off of him. "What have you been up to?" asked Liam jokingly. "We were having a great time before you walked in" answered Harry. "You boys are crazy" said Eleanor. "So I was thinking, since we are all here now, how about this spring break, since we are not on tour, and you girls don't have school, maybe we could spend it together here at the house, and we can spend each day going somewhere" said Lou. The other boys where all smiling patiently waiting for our response. "How about it Danielle" asked Liam. "Yea sure I don't see why not" she replied. "I'm up for it" I said. Everyone looked over at Eleanor.

                  "Of course its a yes" she said smiling. The boys are cheered and jumped like no tomorrow. The boys carried on a conversation as Eleanor nudged me and asked if everything was OK. I nodded and we continued our conversation. That nigh, we ate chicken for dinner and began to watch the telly. Harry went to his room, showered and came out with just a towel rapped tightly around his waist. I felt butterflies as I saw him shirtless. This was the first time seeing him shirtless. I couldn't stop staring. He walked over to the t.v. and grabbed a comb. " I forgot my comb" he said embraced and continued up the stairs and back to his room. Niall nudged me and said "he didn't forget it" I smirked and looked away to see Zayn laughing to himself. "You know Emma, as smooth as Harry is with girls, you are something special, because you make him forget how to flirt" said Zayn still laughing. We were watching Pretty Little Liars and Harry was flying all over in and out. Harry came into the room and said "Emma may I see you outside" 



I loved you first - harry styles love storyWhere stories live. Discover now