Drown Drown

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I read the message over and over again trying to process it threw my head. "Confess or I will do it for you". My heart was ready to explode out of my chest. What was this all about? Who is this person? Why are they doing this?

"Emma" asked Harry. "Hm" I replied trying not to show the fear in my voice. "Whats wrong you look like you've seen a ghost?" he said chuckling. "My mum didn't scare you too much did she?" he asked giving the cheeky smile. "Uh no" I said avoiding eye contact. "What is it?" he said a bit more concerned. "Nothing" I said giving him my best re assuring smile.

The rest of the car ride was quite. Thoughts were running threw my head. No one knew who I was other than Kate, and the company. Who could be so jealous to do such a thing. People ran threw my head trying to analyze who it was. I glared at the moon. "Nothing really is as it seems is it?" I asked breaking the silence. Harry didn't answer. He just continued driving.

Once we got to London which was about an hour drive, we headed right towards the flat. We got out of the car and headed in. The flat was dark. "Everyone must be asleep" said Harry. I went straight to my room to change, and Harry did the same. I made sure I was

Once I was in my pajamas I went to the kitchen for a cup of water. The dim lights were just enough to make out were everything was. I took a sip out of the cup and placed it on the counter. Pulling out a stool I took a seat. A sign escaped my mouth as my eyes shut. My phone buzzed, I picked it up to see it was from the anonymous person again. This time it said, "Don't risk it".

I turned my phone off in anger not wanting to get any more texts. I rinsed the cup and was gonna head back to my room when Harry came down. "Hey" he said. "Hi" I replied. "Harry I had a wonderful . . . " I began to say but was cut off. "Emma I . . sometimes I wonder what I would do if I haven't met you" My eyes shot up to look at him. "And then I think its be. . . " he began to say when we were both interrupted by a text. It was twitter. Gemma tweeted to us. "We should go to bed" I said. Harry nodded. I pecked his cheeks and headed down stairs to our room. "Goodnight Harry" I said. "Goodnight" he replied. Eleanor and Danielle were fast asleep. I fixed my bed and hopped in.

Morning: It was dark. Laughter was heard from the other side of the room. "O.K. lets do it" a whisper was heard. It got quite for little, when something smacked my face. "Ow" I whined lifting my head off of the pillow. "Good morning" Eleanor and Danielle welcomed me by smiling at me. "Morning to you too" I chuckled grabbing my pillow and playfully hitting them. "Hey stop it stop it" cried Eleanor. After a few minutes of play fighting we stopped and all collapsed on my bed.

"So how was last night?" asked Danielle fluttering her eyes. "Tell us did u like his family, did they like you?" asked Eleanor. They all looked at me listening intently. I explained everything to them. Their expressions were so happy. When I finished I asked them what they did and I was told that they had a movie night.

We decided to head upstairs since it was 9:00am. The living room and kitchen were still empty. "They must be asleep." I said. We decided to make breakfast. The smell of food probably woke them up because 5 minutes later Niall came running down the stairs, coming straight for the kitchen. "I smell food" he said sniffing the kitchen. "Pancakes" sang Danielle. He smiled in satisfaction and began to set the table. Soon the boys were all down stairs and we were all enjoying the pancakes.

Once we were done the boys did the dishes and the girls and I headed to the living room. "Hey we should go somewhere" I said. "Yea we should, but were?" asked Eleanor. After trying to think of places to go we finally thought of a place.

We told the boys to get dressed and we did the same. I thew on a pair of shorts with a purple t-shirt and my converse. I let my hair down naturally and headed out. We went for a walk in the city of London. Eleanor, Danielle and I went into a few boutiques here and there. We were having a great time.

London was really a beautiful city, since it was the summer time the weather was nice and warm. Around lunch time we went to a small restaurant and had subs.

Then we hit the streets again. Nothing we nicer then spending the day with the people you love. Zayn and I spent most of the time cracking jokes and what not. When it got dark Harry said "Hey do you guys remember that place near the river?" "What place?"asked Niall. "The place were it's always a little chili, behind all those trees?" Harry continued. "Haz you o.k. mate?" said Liam. Everyone had a confused look except Harry. "Guys you know the place, the grass is a bit tall with mini rocks" Harry described the place. "Ohhhh" said Niall realizing what Harry was talking about. "The river shack beside that ice cream parlor?" asked Zayn. "Yes that's the one" said Harry. "We've all been there" said Eleanor. "Except Emma" said Harry. They all smiled and started walking in a different road. "Lets go" said Zayn.

Harry took my hand and we began walking. "Your gonna love it believe me" he said. I chuckled. When we finally got to the place it was really dark. "Hold on" said Louis. He took out his phone and turned it on for light. We crossed the trees and there it was. A beautiful little pond. "O.K. whats up with you and these little areas" I said. Harry chuckled, "Well we have been living here our entire life" said. "Eleanor found this place" said Louis giving his girlfriend a smile.

"Come on" said Eleanor grabbing my hand. We climbed down some rocks and got really close to the water. "Aren't you guys afraid were gonna trip?" I said. Niall laughed. "Take a chance Emma" he said.

We sat there and took in the beautiful scene. The moon was out shining bright and there was a few stars visible. I sat on a rock and stretched my legs out. Harry just stared at me and then chuckled to himself. "What?" I said nudging him. He just shook us head and smiled. I couldn't help but smile. His green eyes looking beautiful in the moonlight.

After a while we decided to take a small walk around the park before heading home. "Last one to the river buys dinner tomorrow" said Liam as he began running ahead. "Hey that's not fair" said Danielle. chasing after hi,

Everyone began to run trying to get there first. Liam tripped and fell, while Niall got a head of them. Everyone gave up and we just watched as Eleanor and Niall ran to the end. "Come on Eleanor" cheered Lou. "WOOT goo Niall" cheered Zayn. We all laughed, but we stopped them. "Wait wait wait" said Harry. "Let us get there first to see who wins. We ran to the edge of the river and screamed "GO" and they began to race. "WOO" said Niall throwing his hands in the air and acting silly which made us all laugh.

There was just a little left. All they had to do was cross the road and the winner will be revealed. Eleanor was a head, she was about to win. When all of sudden a car's head lights were seen, it blinded us all. I squinted my eyes in because of the light. The engine noise grew louder and louder. We moved out of the light to see what was going on.

Eleanor turned around to be faced with the car. She screamed but the car had pushed her into the water. "ELEANOR" screamed Louis. Eleanor's name was yelled by all of us. Louis and Harry jumped in to try to save her. she was drowning. "Oh my god" cried Danielle. What was happening. Louis and Harry were able to get her out of the water.

I ran over to her, "Eleanor are you O.K?" I said embracing her into a hug. she was soaked from top to bottom. Her hair was soaked, she gasped for air. Louis embraced her in a hug. "You alright love?" he said. She nodded still breathing heavily. "Who is in the dam car?" screamed Liam in anger. The car was in the water, it was completely sunk, except for the top. "I'm gonna go and make sure there is no one in there" said Harry jumping back into the river. He came back a few minutes later saying that there was no one in the car. Just then Eleanor's phone vibrates and it was a message saying wasn't that a fun swim?"

Then my phone vibrated and I opened the message to read it. This time I was left breathless. I looked at Eleanor, I had to do everything I can to protect them.

A/N: Heyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry havent been uploading got lazy. Hope you enjoyed the twist at the end. PLEASE COMMENT AND TELL ME. And if you know any good stories tell me cuz i wanna read. Lots of love :)

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