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          Authors Note: HELLO LOVEY PEOPLE :) This chapter goes out to Hiba :) Sorry haven't been updateing and it's a short chapter :) Enjoy

  Taking a deep breath, I became quite. He sat up and turned on the t.v. at was hanging from the wall in his room. "Wanna watch some t.v.?" he asked. I nodded and sat beside him. He swung his arm around me and I snuggled into his right shoulder.

          Harry's Point of view: We snuggled together and began to watch t.v. An episode of X-Factor was on so we decided to watch it. This brings back good memories since the lads and I practically started on this show. "What would you be doing if you weren't in One direction?" she asked. "I would probably be working in a bakery still and in Uni" I said.

           She was about to say something, but my phone rang which made her jump. I chuckled at her reaction and re-assured her that it was just my phone. "Hello" I said. "Hello honey how are you lovely?" said the person on the phone, it was my mother. "Hey mum" I said happy to hear her voice. "I was wondering if you and Emma would like to come over for dinner, Robbin and his mother are getting together and I would love to have you and Emma here." she said. "Mum that would be great, I'm sure she'll say yes" I said. We then said goodnight and hung up.

               "Who was it?" asked Emma. "My mum" I answered. "Aw how is she?" she asked. I loved how caring she is, she didn't just say OK. "She's great" I answered. "She wants us to go over for dinner, my step dad and his family are getting together and she wants us to go" I said with a smile. "Oh that would be great, I always am willing to spend an evening with your family" she said grinning. It's great to see her so excited

           After a while I began to think about how I never get to see her family. I know they live in Canada and all, but it would still be great to at least get to meet her mum or dad. I thought and thought until I decided I would surprise her with tickets to Canada during the summer. I know how it feels to be away from home, we go on tour for so long. I guess I was really lost in thought because the next thing I realized was Emma staring at me with her chocolaty brown eyes.

         "Maybe we should go to bed, we need to get up early tomorrow" I said. She nodded and we turned off the lights and went to sleep. "Goodnight beautiful" I said placing a kiss on her temple. "Goodnight" she whispered. Only if I knew what goes on in her head. That's what I need to do, I need her to open up to me.

Emma's Point of View:

Next Day: I woke up to a guitar strumming and 5 voices singing. Niall sang "its time to get up, in the morning." Louis joined in " In the morning got McDonald's breakfast for you Just for you. Zayn sang" or any other brand" Harry began with "we drove 2 miles just to get it" Liam then sang" So you better get up and eat it. You don't wanna be a selfish lazy (crazy)

girl" Then they all joined in singing and jumping on the bed "So we gotta get up!Time to get up! Its time to get up! its time to get uupp. ITS. TIME. TO. GET .UP I just sat up and realized how stupid               I must look with my hair everywhere. I pulled the covers over my head but it was no use. "Come on love get up" yelled Lou pulling the cover away. "OK I'm awake I swear" I giggled getting up. They all cheered and as they left, I brushed and threw my hair in a messy bun. I brushed my teeth and made my way downstairs.                    "Wow you guys actually got McDonald's" I said shocked. "Why yes of course" said  Zayn tapping the seat beside him. "Morning lads" I said to Eleanor and Danielle. "Morning" they replied. I sat down and started eating my breakfast bareto. "What do you guys want to do today?" asked Niall taking a bite out of his eggMc muffin. "Well Emma and I are going over to my house for dinner with the family" said Harry as everyone nodded. "What do you guys want to do then?" asked Liam. "ROB A BANK" yelled Lou. Eleanor slapped his shoulder playfully. "You want to get arrested mate?" I said. "Lets leave that to Zayn" said Danielle giggling.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked. "Bradford bad boy" said Liam. Zayn nodded. "Why don't we just chill out" I said. Everyone seemed to agree. So after we ate breakfast we all grabbed a spot in the living room and started watching a drama t.v. show. I took a seat beside Zayn and Niall, Louis and Eleanor sat on the couch beside each other while Liam, Danielle and Harry sat on the other couch. After watching a bit of the show and getting board, I took out my phone and began typing bits and parts of the article. I wanted it to be as honest as possible, so Harry wouldn't completely hate me. That's it I thought, I would write the article and then tell him about who I am.

               I was in the middle of a sentence when my phone buzzed. It was a message, I opened it to see it was from that anonymous person again. I ignored it continued writing. "What are you doing?" whispered Niall. "Working on last minute paper, finals are next week" I whispered back. He nodded and said "Good luck". "So are you staying here for the summer?" asked Zayn. "I don't know I might go visit for two weeks, I miss home" I said honestly. "I know how you feel, but just come back" he said. "Of course" I said. "Harry really cares about you" said Zayn. I smiled as my cheeks went red.

           We spent the whole day practically doing nothing but watch T.V. , eat junk food and tweet to each other. When it was 6:00pm Harry looked at me and I nodded. It was time for us to get ready for the family dinner.

             I ran to my room and took a shower, I then blow dried my hair and let it flow down my back naturally. I looked through my closet trying to find the perfect thing to wear. There was a knock on the door, "Come in" I said. It was Eleanor and Danielle, "can we help?" they asked with puppy dog faces. How can I say no. I nodded and they began going threw my stuff. After looking through everything, we finally found the perfect thing to wear. I put on a black tight skirt with a really nice flow pink top. I found  pink flower clip that I added to the side of my hair. I applied mascara and lip gloss, grabbed my clutch bag and headed downstairs. "You look beautiful love" said Eleanor shooting me a wink while Danielle agreed. I "Thanks beautiful" I said. I began walking downstairs to find Harry already dressed and ready to go. His eyes shot towards me as I made my way down. A smirk appeared on his face. "Wow you look pretty" said Liam, "Thank you" I said.

             Harry quickly came to my side and took my hand, "Don't wait up" he yelled as I put on a pair of black heels and made it out of the door. Once we were out he said "You look beautiful" "Thanks, you look handsome yourself" I complemented.He was dressed in black dress pants and a gray dress shirt and a black cardigan on top. We made our way to the car and he began driving. As we approached the house I began to get more and more nervous. I've met his mother before, but I just don't know what to say. Harry must of realized because he took my hand and squeezed it, "Don't worry, my mum already thinks your wonderful" he said. I smiled and was quite for the whole car ride. He finally parked the car and we were heading in. What will his sister think of me? I took a deep breath as the door opened.

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