winter feast

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I woke up to the ringing of my phone. "Hey, did I wake you from your beauty sleep?" a voice said, it was Nick. I giggled he told me he was in the airport, I told him to wait there until I got there and he agreed. I hung up and headed out the door, I was a mess and couldn't go see him like this, so I took a cab back to the dorm. When I got there i took a quick shower, blow dried my hair and threw on a cute shirt and jeans and let my hair run down my back naturally and headed to the airport. The way to the airport reminded me of the first day when I came to London, how it was snowy and cold. It was still winter in London, but a little less cold and just the right amount of snow. The taxi stopped and I payed the taxi man and got out of the taxi. There were a couple of people heading out of the airport with luggage's making their way to cars. A pair of couple cough my eye as the girl held on tight to a boys arm. He had one  arm rapped around her as the other pulled a luggage. I headed into the airport and find groups of people scattered all over the airport. I scanned the place looking for Nick. I took a few steps further into the airport but he was no were in sight. Ready to take another step, a pair of arms rapped around me from behind. "Looking for me?" a voice said, I realized the voice, it was Nick. Joy filled my heart as I turned around and rapped my arms around him squeezing him with all the power I had. My face was berried in his chest as tears began to flow from my eyes. When he realized he was crying he pulled back and his thumb against my cheek as he whipped a tear away. His soft touch made me smile, I looked up to meet his eyes. He had an arm behind his arm, he smiled at me and pulled a beautiful and elegant  flowers and handed them to me. I looked at him in disbelief. "What I can be a sweetheart" he said shooting me a wink. "Come on let me drop my luggage and we can go out. I nodded and we headed back to the hotel. After we dropped his luggage we went out to a restaurant to eat. I explained everything to him, from how Harry asked me out to how he hurt me. His head fell to the ground in disappointment. I got very teary but held it in. "Maybe it wasn't what you think?" Nick finally spoke. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well maybe . . . ." he paused. " If he cared about you as much as you are sayen, then that clip girl probably just set him up" he explained. " That's true, I never thought of it like that" I said. "How much longer are you off break?" Nick asked. "Well i have to go to school in a few days" i told him. I really didn't want to start school, but i had to. "Well for the next days you Emma and I are going to have the best time as possible, you understand" Nick said smiling. "Well then Nick, what do you want to do first?" I asked giving him a big smile. "Doesn't matter" he replied. We finished eating and headed out of the restaurant. Nick told me about his grandparents and how they used to live in England, he had a really interesting family history. We walked right into a winter fest, they were selling ice cones. Nick went over and got two ice cones one blue and one red. "Really, in winter?" i asked. "Why not?" he said. I took the blue one and started eating the cone. We walked at a slow paste, we had walked for about 5 minutes now, we saw everything from really tall people to music. When we reached someone strumming and singing to a slow song, Nick turned and took the ,now, empty snow cone out of my hand and tossed them in the garbage. He then faced me and put his hand out, asking me to dance. I hesitated but took his hand and began to dance. I placed one arm on his shoulder and the other in his hand. His soft touch made shivers run down my spine. My eyes did not meet his. "what?" he asked. "Nothing its just were the only ones dancing" I told him. "well that's cause we are unique. Emma you have to not be afraid to be different or to be something that you ARE. Sometimes you should just be free and do what you want. And I think that is what you need. Don't let the world see who you are. He let go of and said " JUst breath". I took a deep breath. A near by guy looked at us and said "he's right". He grabbed the guys hand beside him and began to dance. Up-beat music began to play. The couple began to dance. I smiled and said "Nick", he smirked at the people and we began to dance to Justin Beiber beauty and a beat. It was a blast, Ive never felt like this for a long time. "Whoa" I said as the song finished. I grabbed Nicks hand and made our way out of the crowed of people. i giggled and laughed, "never knew you were a good dancer" i told him. "well you know" he said whipping his shoulder. I rolled my eyes and continued to walk towards a carnival ride. "Ive always wanted to ride one of these" said Nick childlike. "come with me on one please" Nick asked. "wha. . . no" i said without hesitation. Nick tugged on my hand " come on Emma be a wild child" I rolled my eyes but gave in. It was a big double loop roller coaster with many high ups and downs. Nick knew I was scared of heights, he was standing behind me waiting to get on the ride. He placed his and around me and whispered/said "don't worry I got you" just what Harry said. The thought of Harry's name made me frown. Nick must of realized because he cut me in line and faced me. " Emma, forget him for the next few days and just have a blast" Nick said. "Your right, he's Harry Styles he's probably busy doing whatever, not even remembering who I am" I said out loud. "Yea sure, I love him, what happened to that? I told you" the voice in my head began. We were now in front of the line and Nick held my hand as we got into the ride. A man dressed in a uniform shirt buckled us in. "Remember to keep feet in at all times, do not use any phones during the ride, Enjoy" he said pulling the medal bar down. I smiled and said "o.k." "You know what this reminds me of? Final destination" said Nick. I playfully smacked his arm. He giggled, "You know I don't like these things" I said. " I know I was just kidding. The ride began shortly. As it began to go up I heard Nick screaming " I HATE PIZZA". I didn't know what to do, laugh because of what Nick was screaming or scream because of the ride. At the next loop I decided to scream something crazy "Why is vanilla ice cream white when vanilla extract is brown?" as the coaster went down Nick giggled and asked why I asked that. I yelled back i really want to know. When he reached a high top, the two boys from the dance floor yelled " I'M GAY" I laughed in shock. At the next height I yelled " I'M EMMA AND I WORK FOR THOUGHTS MAGAZINE. Nick screamed " I'M 19 YEARS OLD" I never really new Nick's name he just looked in his 20's. But then again i only saw him at work. He wore a shirt with tie and dress pants. At the final height i yelled " I LOVE HARRY STYLES" I looked at Nick who just smiled. When we got off the ride I looked at Nick and told him "You are the funniest and stupidest boy I've ever met. He smiled, we continued walking when my phone rang. It was Harry, I looked at the phone as tears began to fill my eyes. "Answer it, see whats up" he said. Nick grabbed my head and we went through some bushes to get away from all the sound. "Hello?" I spoke into the phone. "Hey Emma, look I know your mad and upset and probably hate me right now" Harry began. "Probably i mumbled quietly. "OK maybe really but you have to understand its not what you think, where are you? He asked. I looked at Nick and covered my phone with the hand not holding it and whispered to Nick "he wants to know were we are"  Nick mouthed back "tell him". I breathed and told Harry we were at the winter feast. Harry said "Great, stay there" I said "OK" and hung up. I rolled my eyes and put the phone in my pocket. "SO . . "asked Nick. "He is coming" I said. Nick grabbed my arms and said " I don't like seeing you like this and I don't want him hurting you. Just understand what happened and if it was real then leave him". " you always knew the right thing yo say" I told him. We were really close, face to face. He pulled away and said "I love you" I told him "I love you too" we headed back into the the feast. We spent the whole day at the feast, just dancing eating and riding some ridiculous rides. Nick really had this special thing about him, he made the true me come out. We took a walk over on a field of grass. I took a seat down and Nick sat beside me. I explained to him what I wanted to do. How I wanted to quite thoughts magazine, tell Harry the truth and everything else. Nick's eyes where huge by the end of me telling him. He looked me into the eyes and made me promise that I wouldn't quit. He told me about all the trouble it would cause, and if I really don't want to  work anymore, wait for this article to be finished and then quite. I agreed and we continued to sit there in the field. "You have to stop shutting everyone out" Nick spoke firmly. "Emma you are smart, beautiful and very talented. But your also very fragile but come out as this strong person. So you get hurt easily, but sometimes its good to let other people in. You don't have to be so alone, there are people out there just like you , and there is someone perfect out there for you. Maybe its Harry, maybe it's not." I cut him off "Nick for a guy who is a little nuts, you have important things to say, and I'm fine, trust me. As long as I have you as a friend, I don't really care about anything else. And don't worry about Harry, I feel really guilty for lying to him about this career I have. I don't like the fact I dated him because I had to."I began."Do you really like him" Nick asked. I paused and thought about it. "Yes" I finally answered. "The voice inside my head argues with me all the time telling me stop lying." i told him honestly. "For your own good" the voice said. "That's just your inner emotions, your scared of getting caught or hurting Harry's feelings" Nick said. I laughed and told him he should be a phycatrist. He smiled, the sun began to set and it started to get dark, why don't we go back to the feast, Harry's probably looking for us. Nick got took my phone and took a picture of us. Then he went threw my contacts and saw that I had Victoria Duffield's number, he asked if he could have it and I said yes. He then went to the bathroom and when he came back  he held his hand out for me to grab. I grabbed it and when i got up, he picked me up and said "come on slow poke". He took me back to the fest and placed me down. It was now dark and the feast was filled with even more people. We rode some more fun rides and then began to walk more into the feast. I liked how everyone was gathered around enjoying the winter season. It was even better being with a Canadian. We told funny stories and laughed. Then Nick stared into the night sky. "Emma you love looking at the moon and stars, have you ever seen it from that" said Nick pointing to the fairies wheel. "No" I said. Without another word we were on the fairies wheel on the way up. The city of London looked amazing as we began to get higher and higher. All of a sudden, the wheel came to a stop, but it wasn't at the top, we were one seat away from the top. Music began to play and someone began to sing from the one above, I looked up to see Harry singing and looking down at me. "Truly madly deeply I am. . . he began, all eyes turned to us. He stopped singing and began to say " I'M SORRY EMMA I NEVER MEANT TO HURT YOU. I WOULDN'T EVER DO THAT, IT WAS A MISUNDERSTANDING. He yelled for me to hear. Nick smiled at me and Harry jumped to get to my floor and Nick moved up to where Harry was. Harry continued to sing "want you back" and when he finished we sat down and he explained everything. When he finished I hugged him tight. " I would never cheat on you, there is a reason why i took it slowed and asked you out in a special way. He quickly placed his lips on top of mine and a smile grew on his face wile kissing me. He looked into the eyes and said "I feel happy", and so did I. I looked at nick wha was now under us and he smiled and yelled " I told you baby". I smiled as Harry rapped his arms around me.


Hey lovelys thank you for eveyone who was been reading. I really appreciate it, please comment tell me what you think. :)

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