They don't know about us

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Harry and I ran to the back, after hearing the sounds. But what I saw was unbelievable. As my heart shattered, and the pain in my chest worsened, I took a few step backwards. It was hurt full. Everything happened so fast. Everyone came running to where we were. "What happened?" asked Liam with concerned eyes. 

His eyes grew, and everyones' jaw dropped at the sight of what had happened. The back of the apartment was spray painted with hurt full words. But who were these words against? None other than me. "Skank, Bit**, Sle*, Ho**, Fat, Faker, ugly piece of Sh**" It was hurt full list of words, with Emma written in bolt. There where a bunch of slurs, "Go back to Canada, Your using him for fame, you'll never last. Untalented liar writer!" That spoke out to me the most. 

I couldn't stand it, it hurt so bad, it leaked through my skin, and lingered in my body, I was never the type to let words hurt me. I was known as strong, but this time, it really did sting. I ran back into the flat, absent minded. "Emma" I heard Zayn yell from behind me, but it did not process in my head. I ran into the bathroom and locked the door. My body hovered over the sink, scared to look in the mirror. I took a glance at myself, pointing out every flaw I saw in the reflection. I turned to the side and pulled my t-shirt back, making it hug my curves. "I'm so fat" I thought to myself. My hair was messy, I had no make up on. "Faker, Faker . . . FAKER" the word lingered in my head. 

I was a faker, I was nothing but a faker, I . . . . . I  don't deserve him. I lied to him, I only got with him for a stupid article. Nothing more, this was too much for me to handle. My back hit the bathroom wall, as my body slid down to the floor. My knees where pulled up and my head lay ed between them. 

 Thoughts raced through my mind, I truly had feelings for Harry, but no one would understand this. I pulled out my phone and slowly unlocked it, I dialed Ms.Heather's number, and waited for the call. I was about to quite, everything! I was tired of being me, tired of being two people. I picked up my phone, and dialed Ms.Heather's number. But she would not pick up. Angerly, I pushed my home but ten. My photo gallery got my attention, I opened it and scrolled through my pictures. 

Pictures of me and Harry appeared. So many pictures, so many memories, so many laughter, but all it did was let tears build up in my eyes, I tried to hold them back, but a few slipped out of my eyes, and slid down my cheeks. "This is so messed up" I thought. 

I couldn't hold the tears inside anymore. The pain in my chest got harder and harder, and the tears fell. "Emma?" I heard someone call, it was Harry. "Where are you?" he called again. He knocked on the door, "Emma let me in" he demanded." Come on babe, open the door" he said softly, as he  played with the handle. I didn't move, but just cried harder. "Emma" he called with a crack in his voice. I finally gave in and reached up, unlocked the door and returned to my position. Hiding my head behind my knees, not wanting him to see me. 

He entered, and slid his body down beside me, as he placed his arms around me and pulled me towards him. "Babe, don't cry" he soothed. But I couldn't help but shut my eyes closed, not wanting the tears to come out. I was never one who cried in front of people. "Shhhhhh . .. . . . . . I got you" he whispered into my  ear. I pulled away quickly, as I felt the tears come down. "Come on, lets get out of here" he said unexpectedly picking me up bridal style. He took me to his room, where he locked the door, and placed me gently on his bed. I sat upright and covered my face with my eyes. Harry bent down and folded his hands right on top of my knees. "Please stop crying?" he asked gently. 

"Emma, you know it's not true, people judge like they know who you are. There just jealous, nothing more!" he said. I looked away, not wanting him to see me cry. "Hey hey hey, none of that yeah?" he said pulling my chin to face his eyes. He was inches from my face. His emerald green eyes stared right into mine, hurt was written all over his face. 

I loved you first - harry styles love storyWhere stories live. Discover now