Chapter 2: The Will Of The Users & Decision

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3rd POV:

As Izuku Midoriya was sitting in his dorm room thinking over the request he received a few days ago he knew that if he made the decision to do the mission then everything he was working for was gone. He likely would never use One For All to uphold society like All Might wanted from him which was the biggest thing that held Izuku back since All Might gave him One For All to uphold society as a symbol. However, unknown to Izuku the past users of One For All heard this entire thinking and knew all the details he was told about the mission since they were a part of him. As such, they got the exact information he knew and they felt that they needed to make their will known. This decision led to Izuku finding himself within One For All once again like he has been a few times before but this time it was different as all of the users were present and visible.

 This decision led to Izuku finding himself within One For All once again like he has been a few times before but this time it was different as all of the users were present and visible

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Izuku noticed two users were facing the wall and hiding their faces for a reason. Izuku decided he wasn't going to question it since the users must not want him to know about them. It was most likely due to something they did or they might not just like him. For example, Izuku was betting they may have been a bit more extreme in their actions back in the past since the quirk riots and all of the chaos. This would likely lead to them believing Izuku is too reckless, too forgiving, and many other things due to how their time shaped them which Izuku was fine with for now but he did hope to talk to them one day so he could understand them.

Izuku tried moving around and saw his feet were stuck in place but he was able to move his arms and head. "I see my mouth isn't blocked like last time? Is it due to the % control I have?" Izuku muttered out loud and they all chuckled and told Izuku that he was correct in his assumption. Suddenly a chair appeared and Izuku found himself sitting in it just like all of the other users were sitting down outside of the two in the back.

"May I ask why I am here?" Izuku asked and the first user smiled sadly. "As you know we are a part of you. This means we get fed information from the current user body such as memories if we choose to look for it and unless you are doing something indecent we are typically always watching so we can constantly know how things are in the living world. As such, we know about the mission you've been asked to complete and your thoughts regarding All Might." said the first user, and Izuku's eyes widened a bit but he quickly controlled his emotions and just watched as the users spoke up in and started to speak about his worries. Nana Shimura looked at Izuku as she spoke and he held eye contact with her as well. "Izuku... I want to correct something about One For All that you hold in your mind. One For All was never meant to be used to uphold society as Toshiniori has done. Its goal, its purpose was to defeat All For One and his associates. I believe you can understand the issue if every single One For All user started to appear at the top of heroics due to our quirk which only grows stronger and creates a larger gap from others that are ranked lower? It's why I kept myself lower in the ranks around the top 50 in my prime since I didn't want to create the effect Toshinori has done where everyone was too reliant on him." Nana said and Izuku was confused as Izuku knew parts about how All Might gained One For All and that it was his dream to become the symbol of peace and Nana nodded her head hearing Izuku's thoughts. 

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