Chapter 12: Inko Midoriya

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3rd POV:

It had been about two weeks since that meeting that All Might, Eraserhead, and the detective had together in the secured room in the bar that Underground Pro Heros used a lot. All Might need to time his so-called accidental meeting with Inko Midoriya since Nezu seemed to have been keeping a closer eye on all of them whenever they were in UA. They had no proof but they felt as if they were being watched more often and there was no real good place to speak about Izuku Midoriya without Nezu finding out in UA. As such, when All Might needed to go off campus for an already scheduled doctor's appointment at a hospital he decided to make a stop before returning to UA since he didn't have any classes for the day.

This was how All Might found himself in front of Inko Midoriya's front door where he knocked on it and waited for it to be opened. After a few minutes, the door opened and there stood one Inko Midoriya whose eyes widen greatly at seeing All Might. "I'm sorry but I can't talk to you. You need to leave." Inko said before starting to close the door but All Might put his foot in the doorway stopping it. "Mrs. Midoriya, please hear me out... I feel as if something is off about young Midoriya's situation. I just want to help him! Please!" All Might said with his eyes begging to be let in. Inko froze at what All Might said and she decided to let him in against her better judgment as she was more or less risking her son's life if the mission somehow got out.

Inko brought him in and had him sit down as she made some tea. "Why are you here All Might... didn't UA give you the reasons why my son has turned out like this?" Inko asked and All Might said that they did but there were those that believed differently. "I am working with another teacher and the detective with the lie detector quirk. The entire situation is fishy and I don't believe Izuku would have ever done this. I believe he is being forced or blackmailed into doing what he is doing." All Might said and Inko tensed slightly which All Might noticed. 'She knows something but the question is what!' All Might thought as he took a drink of his tea.

"I have found out about the abuse that Izuku went through at the hands of his previous schools and everything else. He indeed would have many reasons to turn but the person I knew wouldn't have done it even with everything else going on. I admit I failed him even more but I still don't believe he is doing this willing so, please... if you know anything that can help me save him then I need to know." All Might said as he begged her to provide anything. He could see her grip the teacup a bit tightly as her knuckles turned slightly white. 

"All Might, what would you do for him if he really was doing it without being threatened? What if he truly turned?" Inko asked as she looked at him in the eyes. All Might knew to watch his words carefully because for some reason this felt as if it was a test. "I don't know... All I know is that Izuku Midoriya is a kind boy that I know would have his reasons for doing whatever he was doing and I would try to turn him back to a better path as I walk it along with him." All Might said and she sighed as she set her teacup down. In all honestly, Inko Midoriya didn't know what to do because if she gave anything up to about the mission then it could lead to her own son's death but her son was working out there without much support either. 

"I think it's time for you to leave All Might." Inko said and All Might was caught off guard but stood up as she did. Inko stepped next to the counter for a second as All Might stepped towards the door. As she directed him out of the door she reached to him and suddenly hugged him out of nowhere. "Thank you for still caring for my son but I don't have anything I can help you with. Nice coat by the way." Inko said as she let go and closed the door behind him. All Might sighed in disappointment as he went to his truck in which he drove off in.

As All Might came to a stop sign on a street a few blocks away he felt something move inside of his coat pocket. "What is this?" All Might said as he pulled the object out which was a notecard that he had felt. Nothing was written on the front of it until he turned it to the back and saw something written. "What!?" All Might said confused as to what he saw written on it. 'What is the meaning of this... I know I didn't have a notecard in my pocket. Wait... she said nice coat and she had suddenly hugged me. This is from Inko Midoriya but why this name!?' All Might thought as he drove forward as he sent a message to both the detective and Eraserhead to meet him at the bar location as soon as possible since classes were already out for the day.

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