Chapter 27: War Climax!

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Izuku and Shigaraki were both flying through the air exchanging blows left and right as they were trying to find the opening that would end the battle because whoever won this fight really won the war if Shigaraki was able to escape to recover. As such, Izuku knew he needed to somehow bring his opponent to an end. "There's no way you will just surrender to me is there Tenko?" Izuku asked as they both jumped away from each other after a fierce blow between them. "Nah, you know I won't give up that easily. It's not the game over screen yet as I can still win!" Shigaraki said with a small smile as he removed the hand that covered his face. Both of them looked at each other in the eyes before charging at each other again.

While this went on, the fight down below got fierce as more pro heroes were arriving and started to overpower the remaining PFL members while having to deal with the Nomu's that had come at Shigaraki's order since he knew he needed to deal with his former teammate who was really a mole in his organization. "Do you think you could have truly joined me?" Shigaraki asked and Izuku kept fighting while thinking about an answer to that question. "Maybe... there indeed was a chance I could have if things were slightly different. I have many people I want to protect which includes my former classmates down below even though they might not accept me back for the harm I caused them!" Izuku said as he used Black whips to keep Shigaraki from going back down to the ground and dusting everyone who couldn't get into the air on their own powers.

"What do you think will happen to us if you win?" Shigaraki asked Izuku as he used an air blast attack to try to hit Izuku who dodged thanks to danger sense. "I don't know but I won't stay silent if they want to execute you all because you don't deserve it. This society is what created us so it wouldn't be right for them to just kill you all off for what it made in the first place!" Izuku said as he got close to Shigaraki and landed a kick to his guts but got hit by Shigaraki's arm as well which sent them both flying towards the ground at the same time. Both of them stood up and looked at each other as they both understood that neither of them was going to give up which meant one of them might end up dead at the other hand. The thing is though, neither surely wanted that as they could see it in the eyes of each other. "We truly are similar Izuku Midoriya," Shigaraki said as he wiped the blood away from his mouth as his body was breaking even more as he was so badly damaged without time to recover due to only being half-baked in a sense in regards to his body being changed to hold All For One.

"Indeed we are Tenko Shimura, indeed we are. Crafted by society but in our darkest moment, we were picked up by two polar opposites of people. If All Might didn't decide to change his mind regarding me that day I likely wouldn't be here anymore as my will to keep pushing forward was so close to being burned out." Izuku said as he had a sad smile on his face and Tenko nodded his head. Both of them charged a powerful attack as they knew they needed to end this. 

Back at the other fight, Endeavor had stood up again and was helping end the fights as any hero capable, even rescue type heroes, were helping out as they had finally detained the former league members. Only some Nomu's were left which they were finishing off when a large blast of shockwaves pushed them all down to the ground. Everyone turned to the source and saw a large cloud of dust was pushed into the air as Eraserhead and all of the students from 1-A were running off in the direction where the blast happened. Endeavor didn't know what the truth was about Izuku Midoriya but he did know if he didn't end up fighting Shigaraki when he did they might have likely lost or Shigaraki would have escaped.

As the villains were being put in quirk cuffs, others started to move towards where the dust cloud happened since that is where the two S - Ranks Villains were at even if no one knew if Izuku Midoriya was still a villain since it was unclear. As we moved to the dust cloud, we can see Gran Torino blasting past Eraserhead who wanted to shut the man's quirk off since he didn't want to trust the old man since he knew something about this entire situation and decided to never inform him who was the homeroom teacher of Izuku Midoriya. 

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