Chapter 3: Plans

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3rd POV:

The day came to an end without anything else major going on throughout the classes but when Izuku was about to leave to go meet up with Nezu his friends asked him if he wanted to go hang out in one of the gyms. Izuku smiled at them but shook his head. "I have some plans today with a teacher that I need to handle. It relates to what I was talking about with them this morning and I don't know when I will be done talking but if I get done at a good time then I will text and ask you where you guys are at and come join you. Okay?" Izuku asked and they nodded their heads and thought nothing of it though Izuku could see his teacher give him a curious look though Izuku ignored it. As such, Izuku left the classroom and made his way through the hallways towards the staff room but he didn't enter it. No, Izuku went this way to give his friends a slip since if he didn't go this way he would have walked with them which would seem odd if he needed to talk to a teacher who would have been in the staff room.

Izuku doubled back around towards the Principal's office which was on the other side of the building with more administrative rooms since the staff room was purposely near the classrooms for the teachers to get to easier between classes. Izuku walked into Nezu's office without knocking since he knew Nezu would be ready for him. As he entered, Nezu brought him into a separate room that was hidden behind a bookshelf. "Nice hidden room, how many staff know about it?" Izuku asked and Nezu said none since this leads to his hidden home which Izuku realized that he nor anyone actually knew where Nezu lived. Nezu chuckled at seeing Izukus face and soon they arrived at Nezu's home after going up an elevator that was in the hidden room. 

"If we are ever talking in secret then we will meet here since we can't have anyone discovering about this. I've set up some screens that we can use to talk to the Prime Minister and the President of the commission since we will do most of this via this method since people would notice if we kept meeting in person for all of the planning." Nezu said and Izuku nodded his head as Nezu told him that he was added to the system as well to get into the private home and he would be given the hidden tunnels later so he could use them to get into UA if he needed to without being seen since only he and Nezu would have access to the systems to get in via them. 

Izuku looked around the house and it was a decent floor plan

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Izuku looked around the house and it was a decent floor plan. Izuku did ask Nezu how no one noticed this room out of the entire building and Nezu chuckled and told Izuku that it was hidden with false walls between a floor that looks like a support structure for the entire tower when it fully a support pillar but just made to seem like it was one entire thing that took up enough space to hide the home without the staff knowing about it. "They all know I live on campus somewhere but don't know where. Most think I have a home down underground which is why I  had the columns made like they were which would support an underground section. It's kind of true but the things underground are the hidden tunnels and some other rooms where I store stuff for big events that we need to prepare for." Nezu said and Izuku nodded his head in understanding. Soon they sat down in front of some monitors that Nezu had set up in the dining room area. 

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