Chapter 11: On The Move!

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As Izuku was accepted into the League of Villains, they took him to their base which was a hideout in the middle of a forest area. Overall, Izuku discovered that the League of Villains was in a critical state for their resources but Giran had mentioned they were still able to produce Nomu's so something didn't add up to Izuku but he held off on asking since if he pushed for too much information right out the gate then he would be raising a lot of flags. As such, Izuku just went with it but did decide to ask what the current plan that the League is doing since he needed to know how to help with whatever was going on.

Shigaraki scratched his neck and sighed as Izuku asked that and everyone looked at Shigaraki since even they didn't know what the League would be doing next. "So I take it there is nothing going on right now..." Izuku said and Twice confirmed there was indeed nothing going on with his two answers which confused Izuku a bit but he was able to figure it out. "We do have the Nomu from the doctor that we could use but got to remember he won't hand us all of the Nomu over since he wants you to prove your capabilities," Dabi said as he spoke and Shigaraki nodded his head before turning to Izuku. "By the way, I believe Giran said the villain name you picked is The Accused One... I'm just going to call you Accused since it's easier. Anyway, do you happen to have any smart ideas on how we can increase our funding?" Shigaraki asked and Izuku choked on the water he was drinking since that came out of nowhere. Twice smacked Izuku's back helping him get the water out of his system since he was still choking a bit since Izuku didn't expect to be asked that.

"I didn't expect that question... um. Quickly? Not really... we could go steal resources from other villain groups to start gathering funds for ourselves. I don't think robbing a bank or anything is a good idea since it would be a sure-fire way to get the attention of heroes on us quickly since they still want to take the League down due to the battle at Kamino so a lot of strong heroes would quickly respond to any sighting of us." Izuku said and Shigaraki nodded his head as he thought it over. As he was doing that, Spinner spoke up as he said there were some Villain groups that hate people with physical mutation quirks that they could go after which caught everyone's attention as Shigaraki asked where they were located at.

As this was going on, Eraserhead was going over security footage, documents, and many other things from Izuku Midoriya's life in the present and of the boy's past. Eraserhead wanted to try and discover something... anything that would prove that there was something that forced Izuku Midoriya to do what he has done against his will. He knew a lot of what Izuku Midoriya had gone through based on what Katsuki Bakugo had told him but there was also evidence that supported that Izuku did what he did. One thing was the multiple quirks that were appearing as it made no logical sense for those quirks to appear together. That was something that smelled fishy as hell since the villain at Kamino had the ability to give and take quirks which didn't paint a better picture for Izuku Midoriya.

Soon though Eraserhead remembered something about what Bakugo had told him that the boy seemed to have not meant to say. It was something about the connection between All Might and Midoriya. 'Bakugo... he said something about the quirk connecting them but he tensed when he realized what he said... All Might knows something!' Eraserhead thought as he decided to go get some answers from the man himself. As such, he crossed the campus from dorm apartment in the staff dorms to the main building where All Might was currently at or was meant to be at based on the last text the man sent to the staff chat.

As Eraserhead arrived at the office location which he knew didn't have any hidden cameras or recording devices, he opened the door quickly and found All Might sitting in the room looking over files which he tried to hide quickly. "What are you hiding?" Eraserhead said as he moved quickly across the room to see the files which All Might was still trying to hide. Eraserhead saw that the files were documents about Izuku Midoriya. "Ah, I take it you're looking into his life like I am... though I guess we both already had the same plan in mind as something is fishy about the entire thing," Eraserhead said and All Might calmed down and put everything back as he forgot Eraserhead was likely already looking into it from what All Might knew previously. 

All Might was just being careful since he didn't need others blocking him from looking into it. "Indeed, the detective also believes something is wrong and so does Mirio since the boy came to me since he refuses to believe what is going on. I think we just need to combine our efforts so we don't waste time." All Might said and Eraserhead nodded his head. "Indeed but first you need to inform me of what you have been hiding from me," Eraserhead said and All Might seemed confused until Eraserhead mentioned what Bakugo had said and that fact that Izuku had multiple quirks showing lately which All Might curse in English at. "Fine, but I need the detective here... don't get me wrong but with the entire mole thing going on I just need to play it safe and have you answer a few questions from him then I will tell you." All Might said and Eraserhead nodded his head as he told him to call the detective to come to the school.

However, it was decided that they would leave the school to go meet the detective in a place without cameras or anything else so the meeting could happen in secret so that not even Nezu could hack a device nearby to hear or see them. They arrived outside of a bar that Eraserhead recognized as one that underground heroes tended to use to trade information with contacts in secured rooms. It was how the bar sustained itself even though it wasn't in the best place for a bar.

After sitting down and ordering basic drinks and a snack, the detective started to question Aizawa and asked if he was a mole or was in contact with any villains. He also asked if he was being forced to provide information to others against his will or with he willing to agree to do so. Everything came back clear and the detective said that the questions he just asked were how the questions Izuku Midoriya should have been asked but Nezu didn't do it as he should have. "Whatever is going on I think Nezu has a hand in it." The detective said which caused both All Might and Aizawa to tense a bit since that was a large ass issue if their boss was somehow involved in the mess. Soon they moved onto the topic of Izuku Midoriya's quirk and let it be said that Eraserhead was pissed with All Might for putting so much pressure on the boy.

"I should have been informed from the start that he was in my class... his broken hands and scars from the quirk is on your head All Might. The moment he broke his bones the first two times should have been a call straight to Gran Torino since he taught the boy to control the quirk in three days while you had many months! I also share some blame for not recognizing he only  had the quirk for so short since if I dug into his file I would have seen the fact he signed up for the exam as quirkless." Eraserhead said and All Might admitted it was indeed his fault for Izuku's broken hands and damaged body. However, before things got even further, the detective decided to inform them why he wanted them to meet at the bar instead of at UA.

"Turns out the kid is already making a name for himself...." the detective said and Eraserhead didn't like the sound of that. The detective showed the note and bag of evidence he had brought. "It seems he has picked a villain name out for himself... he has chosen 'The Accused One' as his villain name. He stole some new clothing off a criminal as the man and some others were going to wrap a woman. Here is the note he left." The detective said as he handed a copy of the note to both of them to read. Overall the note read as the following;

"With my back against the wall, the path I am now on shall be one filled with chaos and I will gladly bear the burden. Until next time Nezu." read the short note and that just confirmed for them that Nezu had some important role in this entire mess that had been created. "The rat... he has something to do with all of this. The way he did the questions, the way he asked Midoriya if he would be forgiven. Something doesn't feel right about this at all!" Eraserhead said and the others could only agree but they didn't know what was wrong with the entire situation. Eraserhead then looked at the detective and asked him if he has questioned Inko Midoriya and the detective's face twisted a bit which confused them.

"She has lawyered up... with the top lawyers of the country. I don't know how she is affording them to begin with but they won't let her answer any questions so I have been unable to ask her anything without them blocking me. I have to go through them for any official matter which makes it impossible to get anything." the detective said and All Might was shocked since he knew for a fact that the Midoriya's couldn't afford such lawyers because even he would have to pay quite a bit for them to represent him. Something didn't feel right whatsoever... "What if I were to go ask her questions? I am not a Pro Hero anymore nor a cop. All I am is a retired pro hero that works for UA." All Might said and the detective said it could work since legally the detective has to contact the lawyers if he wanted to question her since she's already directed him to them once. As such, it was decided that All Might would go visit Inko Midoriya and see if there was anything he could gain out of the situation. 

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