Chapter 8: Aftermath of Izuku's Escape

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3rd POV:

The next day arrived at the news of what one Izuku Midoriya was accused of and everyone was impacted greatly by the news. Even those in other classes outside of 1-A were impacted as even 1-B expect Momona who was an asshole to everyone was a bit down at what they learned about the green hair sunshine kid from 1-A. Over in the third-year dorms where Mirio sat with his classmates, they were talking about the news they saw on the news channel and had gotten it confirmed by their teacher which devastated them. Mirio was trying to come to grasps with what he learned as he had done a work-study with Izuku at Sir Nighteye's agency and no matter how he looked at it he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Mirio got up and walked out of the third-year dorms as he went to find All Might. Mirio needed more information, he needed to find out what truly drove Izuku Midoriya to this because he couldn't believe this is the actions of the same person he did a work-study with! As Mirio walked to the staff dorms he asked where All Might was at and the staff said he was out walking on one of the paths across campus so Mirio went out searching for him. After about 10 minutes of looking for All Might, he found him standing near one of the small ponds on the campus that the path went by. All Might noticed Mirio but didn't say anything as Mirio came up to him and they both stood there in silence.

"Sir... do you have any information on why Deku did this? It doesn't add up to the individual I knew during my work-study. It doesn't add up to the person that went beyond everything to help save Eri!" Mirio finally asked as he turned to look at All Might who was looking at the rising sun in the morning. After a few moments of silence, All Might explained everything he was told about Izuku Midoriya's past in full without hiding anything except the truth of the quirk. Mirio was stunned but it still didn't feel right to him, "It still seems off..." Mirio said and All Might raised an eyebrow and asked him to explain. "He... everything he has done has been to try and change things. To be a hero to change society from what I can gather in his action, so why would he throw it away now? It doesn't make sense unless he was being forced into this. You said during the investigation he said that there weren't any other options... I think he may have been forced or threatened into the position he was so that is why he would agree to it if someone was in danger if he didn't. Sir... we have to explore the options of him having been forced to go down this path against his will!" Mirio said and All Might nodded his head as he confirmed that he held the same feelings about Izuku Midoriya most likely being forced by others to go down this route.

"I believe Eraserhead and the detective have the same views as us and will be looking into it. I will ask them if you can join us to look into it." All Might said since he knew Mirio would want to join in on the unofficial case since they couldn't officially open a case unless they find proof that he may have been threatened or forced into the position Izuku was in now. Unknown to them all, Nezu was watching this entire conversation go down via a security drone that he had monitoring All Might. 'Well, they worked a bit faster than I would have liked... got to keep them off Izuku's trail for a while.' Nezu thought as he texted Gran Torino what All Might talked about with Mirio. 

Gran Torino had already set off to keep appearances of him tracking down Izuku Midoriya since there had been a sighting of him somewhere near Tokyo after he fought several former Shie Hassaski members that somehow had escaped the raid. Nezu was surprised to find a description of Izuku so quickly but understood why he did when he found out what organization the men had belonged to. 'Even acting as you are you are still heroic Izuku...' Nezu thought as he got to work on some things. 

While all of this was going on, one Katsuki Bakugo was in the gym training as hard as he could even though his friends tried to get him to stop. However, he wouldn't stop no matter what they tried to do as even Kirshimia hardened himself and tried to grabbed Bakugo but the boy just slammed into his friend and forced him away. They were confused about why Bakugo was acting the way he was since they thought he disliked Midoriya. They knew they were childhood friends but they only knew that and how hostile their relationship had been until recently. Though Eraserhead came into the gym since he got notified of his students being in the gym and he was concerned about them driving themselves into the ground as an outlet which he was right but at least for Bakugo.

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