Chapter 20: Preparations

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3rd POV:

While Nezu and those involved in the case started to prepare for the coming war, the students were thrown into new work-studies since the hero commission issued a request or rather demand made out as a request that any hero student with a provisional license was to be conducting work-studies moving forward. This was to help them gain as much field experience as possible before the time ran out as Izuku was able to give them nearly an entire four-month warning of the entire situation since Shigaraki had gone under the process the same day Izuku warned them about the Paranormal Liberation Front.

This however didn't mean that the students of 1-A gave up on trying to find out the truth of Izuku Midoriya. They also enlisted the help of 1-B as well in their case with the detective clearing them all which was surprising that even the Neito Monoma was willing to help look into Izuku Midoriya's case as well. Monoma said he didn't like the fact that Izuku was accused of something that he likely didn't do since unknown to everyone else, Izuku helped Monoma out every so often in making his quirk stronger with his notes. As such, Monoma knew about the notes that Izuku had on him and doubted Izuku would willingly show people if he really was the mole. 

Nezu wanted to inform his staff and students of the truth but the situation had become increasingly dangerous for Izuku Midotiya if one single person slipped up and revealed the information since they didn't know where the Paranormal Liberation Front was watching or had their undercover agents located at. They had discovered quite a few Pro Heros that were across the ranks that had connections to the PFL. As such, after talking about it amongst everyone at the top of the case it was decided to keep the mission a secret as long as they could. Izuku's life was on the line and Nezu wasn't going to have him killed because he couldn't take the heat from his own students and staff. No, he owed Izuku Midoriya too much to bow under any pressure from them.

In other news, the search for the hospital was progressing well as they have likely located the said hospital itself and as it turns out the hospital was located in Jaku city which was roughly 80 kilometers away from the Paranormal Liberation Front Villa! This was overall good since it would allow them to start planning on how to deal with the civilians near the battle sights but there was slightly some trouble as Izuku had warned them in a coded message that he sent in an analysis that he did on some of the pro heroes of UA at Nezu's request to make it seem like he was giving out information to villains. The message said that they would need to also clear out any city between the hospital and the mountain villa due to Gigantomachia which confused them until nezu received another portion of the code in the next analysis that explained why. 

It explained that if Gigantomachia finds out that Shigaraki was in danger then he would likely ignore all other things and go for the best path possible towards Shigaraki even if there were cities in his way which meant they would be wiped out. Izuku suggested faking a villain attack that forced evacuations of the entire towns like a gas quirk that made it seem like it was poison to stay near the town until the government could clear it out. Overall, it was a smart idea and would be a good way to get people out of the cities that were on the path but they would need to think of different things for each city else people would likely notice before they were ready.

Outside of those few limited contacts, Izuku had been silent in making contact due to the risks that he was taking even sending that information. Now switching back to Izuku himself who was sitting in one of the meeting rooms, they were talking about the future plans on how they would start launching their attacks on hero society when Shigaraki awakens. Overall, they were planning to launch attacks on each major city in Japan which would destabilize Japan due to the lack of Pro Heros since random villain and villain groups would likely take it as a chance to start crime which was true.

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