Chapter 14: Confrontations

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3rd POV:

Izuku finally arrived back at the hideout and everyone looked at him as he had some blood on his face from when he threw Eraserhead into the wall and made some open wounds on the man. "What?" Izuku asked as he wondered why they were looking at him. Toga said he looked cute when he had blood on him which confused him until he wiped his face and found the blood. "Damn, he must have splattered some blood when he hit the wall," Izuku muttered as Dabi asked what happened. Izuku sighed as he looked in a mirror and cleaned himself up after setting the bags on the counter. 

"On my way back I heard a commotion and looked to see what was going on from an alleyway. I saw Katsuki Bakugo and Shouto Todoroki fighting some villains that started to rob places and people. They didn't see me but turns out Eraserhead was in the area and noticed me. As I was leaving he dropped in front of me and we fought. I won and he has a broken arm or something. I left as the two new provisional heroes heard the fight but All Might was there as well which caused me some issues. Even though I had issues with the man he still trained me for a while so I have emotions still attached to him. I threw Eraserhead at them and escaped as I dodged some of their attacks and got out of Eraser's view which gave me my quirk back. Don't worry about any tails as I went to completely different cities in the opposite direction before going into the sky as I used clouds to cover my flight here." Izuku said as he finished cleaning himself up and sat down to eat as Toga warned up the food they had made for dinner for Izuku since he missed it.

"Thank you," Izuku said to her and she nodded her head. Soon the conversations picked back up again to what they were before he arrived with blood on him but while this happened, a group of individuals arrived back at UA where they took one of them to the Nurses office where Recovery Girl was waiting even though it was past her normal hours. She was warned that Eraserhead had been injured in a fight and needed medical care but when they arrived there they found Nezu, Present Mic, Hitoshi, Gran Torino (Who had moved on campus after the arrest), the detective, and Recovery Girl waiting for them all.

Present Mic asked what happened and Eraserhead sighed deeply. "I underestimated him... I underestimated Izuku Midoriya and had my ass handed to me. He has gotten really good in close combat since he escaped. I think the worst of it is a broken arm and then some cuts on my face from getting slammed into a wall in the alleyway." Eraserhead said and Present Mic gaps a bit as Hitoshi clenched his hands. "Young Bakugo and Todoroki attempted to get him but even with his quirk suppressed... Young Midoriya was able to dodge their attacks without even seeing them coming. I don't know how he did it." All Might said but Nezu had a clue since they had looked into the past user's quirks which one quirk would likely allow such things and it was called Danger Sense. Though Nezu wasn't going to say anything about it.

Soon, Eraserhead was healed up and his arm was put into a sling to help pull stress off of it since it was the lower portion of his arm that had broken a bit with only pulled muscles in the upper portions. Everyone went back to do their own things as Eraserhead was going to be off the streets for a few days due to his injury since Recovery Girl would heal it in sessions to speed it up instead of doing it all in one go due to Eraserheads lack of sleep all of the time. Though, the group conducting the unofficial investigation still wanted to confront Gran Torino in the coming few days but were unable to since the man had disappeared. When Nezu was asked he only told them that the man was searching for Izuku Midoriya and was going out for a long period of time as he would stay in the area he was searching.

Though, in truth, Gran Torino was doing a meetup with one Iuzku Midoriya due to disturbing information that they had gained via the coded messages that requested a meetup. The reason that Izuku had requested to physically meet was to inform Gran Torino of the horrifying truth of what he discovered. As such, we can switch back to one Izuku Midoriya to see what he had discovered in the few days before Gran Torino was going to be questioned by the others. A few days after Izuku defeated Eraserhead and escape he learned some disturbing information as he came face to face with the giant that Gran Torino had faced. As everyone was sitting in the hideout the ground started to shake which caused them all to go outside to see what it was. 

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