Chapter 4: Gran Torino & Talk

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3rd POV:

It was now Friday and Gran Torino had arrived on campus. All Might was scared when he saw Gran Torino arrive on campus and asked why he was there. Gran Torino smirked as he spoke, "What, don't like seeing your old mentor? You could at least call every once in a while." Gran Torino said but then told them why he was on campus. "Principal Nezu wanted to speak to me in person for some reason. He said it was urgent and he needed my help but wouldn't tell me without it being in person." Gran Torino said which confused the teachers but just went with it. Gran Torino headed off from the staff room towards the Principals office and was about to knock when the door just opened for him. "I really hate how you do that..." Gran Torino said as he walked in but noticed how Nezu was tensed and seemed off. Now, none of the staff have noticed since Nezu never let it really get to him in front of others but Gran Torino knew quite well due to the sheer years of experience he had on all of the staff. 'This isn't going to be good...' Gran Torino sat down as he noticed Nezu didn't even offer tea like he always does which sent alarm bells off in his mind. 

"Gran Torino... you have been requested to join the UA Traitor case. Do you accept?" Nezu asked without any warning and Gran Torino wondered why he would be involved. "Why me?" He asked and Nezu said many reasons which he can't go into without him agreeing to join the plan since if he knew anything and decided to speak about it before the goal was accomplished then everything that would be risked would go up in smoke. Gran Torino thought it over and he knew that Nezu wouldn't do something without having reasons to back it. As such, he really wanted to know why he was being pulled onto the case. After a bit longer he nodded his head since it would be good to get rid of the mole quickly and he was getting bored lately. 

"Good... our mole is Izuku Midoriya." Nezu said and Gran Torino paled at what he heard but snapped out of his shock as he said that it wasn't possible. Nezu nodded his head in agreement which confused Gran Torino and then the door opened which revealed Izuku Midoriya. "Let's take this conversation up to my home as we will explain what is going on," Nezu said and they soon got up to Nezu's home. Gran Torino was shocked to be welcomed into Nezu's home since he didn't ever let anyone in. Izuku just walked in without a care in the world since he had been in the home quite a few times already during all of the planning and getting used to the tunnels that laid around UA. As Gran Torino stood there he heard Nezu say that the desperate times called for it since they couldn't risk anyone hearing the conversations.

Gran Torino though shifted his focus to one Izuku Midoriya who was sitting down on the couch. "Explain... explain why Nezu is saying that you are the mole brat because if you betrayed Toshinori... betrayed One For All then I will kill you!" Gran Torino said and Izuku smiled a bit and spoke. "I haven't betrayed UA nor All Might but I will be. Our backs are against the wall... it's been decided to send someone undercover into the League of Villains. What better person than the former quirkless child who became All Might's protege who has many reasons why he would have turned to the villain's side? I've accepted the mission at the request of Principal Nezu, the Prime Minister of Japan, and the President of the Commission. One of my conditions was to bring you on the case so you would know the truth since All Might will not be informed of the truth. You will be also assigned to hunt me down as well which will allow us to control those that are hunting me so I don't get caught too soon or at all since this will be a long-term mission." Izuku said and Gran Torino was stunned and he turned to Nezu who nodded his head and started to explain. Gran Torino listened to Nezu explain everything and he didn't feel well at all.

"Kid... you are going to... you might not walk away from this alive. You know that right?" Gran Torino asked and Izuku nodded. "Heroics always carried a risk of death. I know this has one of the highest chances of me dying but you also have to remember that this is the responsibility of One For All as well. I talked to the past users near the start of the week and they support me in my decision." Izuku said as he explained what transpired in his vision with the past users and how they helped him realize his goal wasn't to be the number one but to save people which he could do without being the number one hero. "As Nana and the others said... One For All wasn't meant to always be at the top of heroics. It's one thing for All Might to do it but if I do it then they want me to hold back for appearance sakes so the gap between me and others isn't large when I have full control of my quirk. It's why Nana didn't go past the top 30 since she held herself back in the ranks since she didn't want them to become reliant on her overwhelming power like they did with All Might." Izuku said and Gran Torino was stunned at what he heard from Izuku. Gran Torino still didn't like this at all though. 

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