Chapter 7: On The Run!

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3rd POV:

Izuku had broken out of his cuffs in a quick movement and as he did this he grabbed Nezu which resulted in the principal being tossed into Eraserhead to prevent OFA from being taken from him. As Eraserhead was now blocked for a short moment from using his quirk, Izuku quickly kneed Gran Torino as he had One For All to help him quickly do things. Izuku's knee went right at the stomach of Gran Torino which knocked him down to his knees. With that done due to them being the main threats to him escaping in this plan, Izuku activated his quirk once more and bolted. This was the start of the plan and he decided to go from UA and towards his home to help cover up the fact that he needs to get to the secure laptop for his work. The drop-off location was near his home since he couldn't really go anywhere else without raising flags on why he had a place hidden away from his home. 

After a short trip with his quirk on at 50%, he arrived at the secure drop location where he found the laptop and some money. There was also a note as well that told him to be safe which made him smile a bit. 'Goodbye UA... forgive me, my friends.' Izuku thought as he secured the backpack around his back and was ready to leave when he saw her... in the distance was one Inko Midoriya who was far away from him but looking straight at him with an expression of shock and sadness. Izuku put his head down slightly and then looked back up with a smile on his face that was clearly a sad one and conveyed his thoughts to her. 'Goodbye mother...' Izuku thought as he turned his quirk on again and bolted away from the site as he needed to escape as he decided to head towards the prefectures around Tokyo to hide in all of the cities. It would be a good place to hide out in as well as a way to lose anyone that would have tracked him down.

About half an hour into his journey with his quirk on he arrived outside a store in the outskirts of one of the major city areas that were in the prefectures around the Tokyo prefecture. The reason he headed towards this direction was that he had no clear idea nor did the police on where the League was currently based. Also with One For All, Izuku could travel across Japan quite easily at a fast speed since he was slightly faster than the trains going at full speed. There was the side fact that he needed to avoid cameras as well so that he couldn't be tracked down by random people that were after him for his fake crimes. As Izuku took a quick break to get his breath steady and calmed down since he was running non-stop he saw a TV report which didn't shock him one bit about what it was about!

On the TV was a news report that there were rumors that a student had been a mole in UA. "At this time, we are receiving a press release from UA that states the following, 'The former UA student Izuku Midoriya is hereby wanted for the crimes of betraying UA and conspiring with villains. It is believed that he may have assisted the villains in the attacks on the U.S.J. and the attack on the summer camp which allowed them to get to the UA students.' Said the short press release from UA. At this time, if you see Izuku Midoriya the former Provisional Pro Hero Deku then you are to report it to a nearby authority or call the police line at XXX-XXX-XXXX. Do not attempt to come close to this individual since they are dangerous!" Said the tv news report which Izuku stayed to watch so he knew what was reported about him.

After a few more minutes, Izuku headed off to go deeper into the cities as he needed to start finding himself a home to hide out at as well as make connections in the underground world. 'Thankfully I was given information on where a lot of villains meet up in this part of Japan.' Izuku thought as he made sure to study all of the information he could for this entire mission. Izuku headed deep into the heart of all of the villain lairs in the surrounding Tokyo cities and got to work! 'Goodbye Hero world and hello villain world as Accused is here!' Izuku thought as he put a determined face on and had a small smile on his face.

Izuku soon found himself in a dark alley as he made his way past fights that were going on between criminals. Though one guy did want to start trouble with Izuku but sadly for that man Izuku wasn't in the mood as the man tried to mug Izuku he found himself throw into the wall with his knife stabbed into his shoulder. "I suggest you fuck off and leave with only the knife in your shoulder as your only wound. Do you understand?" Izuku said in a tone of voice that expressed that he wasn't to be fucked with. After the man ran away, Izuku soon found himself in a bar filled with people yelling and causing issues though it didn't matter to Izuku as he went to the far back and opened his laptop up.

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