Chapter 6: Reactions

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3rd POV:

As Nezu and Gran Torino entered his office, they just sat there in silence for a while before Gran Torino spoke up. "You know the rush interrogation will lead to Eraserhead, All Might, and the detective likely looking into the case? I know we couldn't do a really correct one since they would have had doubts if it was anyone but the detective but still it may raise doubts regardless due to how quickly you went through it?" Gran Torino said and Nezu could only nod his head. In all honestly, he had some other questions he was going to ask but having all of the students and staff present for the questions wasn't initially planned so Nezu didn't want to ask the other questions which included if Izuku ever had suicidal thoughts or anything due to his past. He wanted to hit it for a home run on the motive but what he did should suffice for now as he would run interference on the others looking into it which should give them time for Izuku to join the League and find the real mole.

While Nezu and Gran Torino sat in the office there were others that were trying to deal with the emotions and new information they have now gained. These people were all of 1-A, 1-B, All Might, Eraserhead, and the rest of the staff. Eraserhead was standing in 1-A dorms trying to wrap his head around everything that just happened but he was broken out of his mind when he heard sniffling in the common room area. As he looked up he saw his other students starting to break down from the information they had learned so he did what he could and tried to support them. 

As he was supporting them, Uraraka spoke up and asked her teacher and the staff a question. "Sensei?" She asked and Eraserhead and everyone turned to her as he asked what she needed in a soft tone. "What... what did the Principal mean in the questions about Deku having motives for turning on us? About how UA failed him as well? I don't understand..." She said and everyone agreed that they were wondering the same thing as well but that was the thing as he didn't know what the Principal meant either. "I don't know... but I will go try to find out so can you all wait here for me to see if he will give me anything that explains this?" Eraserhead asked them all which they nodded their heads. Even 1-B nodded their heads as well as they wanted answers. Even though some like Monoma was always hostile to 1-A, the boy still had some respect for the green hair student who always tried to help everyone but now they were wondering if it was a mask.

As Eraserhead left, All Might and the detective both decided to join him since they wanted answers. As such, they soon arrived outside of the principal's office Eraserhead knocked on the door and waited to be let in. After a few seconds, the door opened slightly by none other than Gran Torino who All Might asked if they could come in. The man only opened the door wider and let them in without speaking. They entered and saw Nezu at his desk typing away quickly because, in truth, Nezu was working on Izuku's information network that he would use which he would already have access to. Nezu was creating some things on there for preplanned conversations for Izuku to use to check in with them once he reaches certain stages like finding a place to stay safe in the next few days.

"What can I help you with because I am a bit busy preparing things regarding Izuku Midoriya?" Nezu said without as he was careful with his words since the detective was in the room. It's why Gran Torino hasn't said anything yet either since they knew the detective found the entire thing a bit fishy since Nezu questions were not typical ones. Then again, nothing about framing your own student is typical!

Eraserhead was the first to speak up and ask what the hell happened regarding Izuku Midoriya which caused Nezu to pause for a second before typing again. "I'm assuming you're talking about his motives on why he agreed to become a UA traitor?" Nezu asked with a raised eyebrow since he needed them to direct the conversation so he didn't accidentally say something in front of the detective. Even though Nezu was smarter than most humans, watching every single word in a situation like this was a bit of a task to accomplish with a lie detector who could call you out on the smallest lie. Eraserhead nodded his head and directly asked the question he wanted to be answered, the question that his students wanted to be answered. "Explain what you know about Izuku Midoriya past that would cause him to become a villain and how UA failed him!" Eraserhead asked as the man wanted to know if he could have prevented this. Could he have changed the path that Izuku Midoriya took before it was too late?

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