Chapter 24: War! Pt. 3

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3rd POV:

Everything changed in only seconds as the decay was spreading and everyone was running for their lives. Gran Torino who had been part of the raid on the hospital who came in a bit later had grabbed Present Mic and the Doctor as he flew away. 'Izuku warned us about the decay quirk but it seems stronger than he mentioned... did he get other quirks outside of All For One that is boosting everything?' Gran Torino thought as he flew away. As Gran Torino and everyone ran for it, Eraserhead was picked up by the dragon hero Ryukyu but he was saved in the end by the Crust hero who killed a Nomu that had grabbed ahold of Eraserheads leg. 

The doctor spoke in a low tone but it was heard clearly by Present Mic and Gran Torino, "You had us beat but all your work and progress... built towards this day. Now witness a miracle as Shigaraki has awakened!" The doctor said as he got louder in his tone and yelled it out as the decay spread everywhere. Everyone in the town that was still getting people out had sped it up and started to run as fast as they could as they grabbed everyone while some tried to stop the destruction from spreading. 

After a bit of time, the destruction stopped but it still leveled a large part of the city that luckily had already been cleared out by the heroes as the destruction stopped slightly near the range of where people were still at but had escaped as they saw the destruction come. Now though standing in the center of it on a small hill was Shigaraki who had a piece of fabric on that had survived the destruction. Shigaraki moved over to a machine that had gotten badly damaged in the destruction which contained the replicated quirk destroying bullets that Shigaraki had the doctor make. Only one had survived the destruction so Shigaraki grabbed it and put it in his clothing in the event he needed it.

As he looked around he knew the war wasn't going in their favor but that didn't matter to him as it was time for him to get involved. He picked up a phone without turning decay on since he now had control of it and radioed to Gigantomachia who had already stood up when he sensed his masters awaking. "Come to me Gigantomachia and bring the others," Shigaraki said as he wanted the members of the League brought to him to be near his side.

Now though we switch back to the mountain villa where the fighting was still going on strong. Dabi had jumped to where Izuku and the other members of the League were at. "What is the situation?" Dabi asked and Izuku said Shigaraki had woken up so they needed to get to him which Gigantomachia should start moving soon. "When he gets up here we will just get a ride on him to make sure we can get to Shigaraki. Don't aim to kill but just get people out of our way since we need to move fast and the longer we speed the longer we are away from Shigaraki since he isn't completed in the procedure so he should be weaker than what we had planned for which will be critical for us to get there in time." Izuku said and Dabi nodded his head and as Izuku said Gigantomachia started to move around as a large hand blasted through the ground from the basement of the Villa. 

As such, they had their ride but while they had gotten their ride the hospital situation had once again turned into a battle as the number one Pro Hero Endeavor was not planning to let Shigaraki off the hook as he came flying in as he sued several large attacks to burn Shigaraki. Sadly, Endeavor didn't take into account that even though Shigaraki wasn't fully complete he still had more power now than before as he now could regenerate! This fight contained on as Endeavor pushed Shigaraki away the best he could from the citizens that were still nearby as he asked for anyone that could fight without touching the ground to back him up.

Though some like the students from 1-A like Katsuki Bakugo and Shout Todoroki ignored the order to leave the area and decided to go back Endeavor up as they knew that wherever Shigaraki was at there was a chance Izuku Midoriya would be nearby as well! The others knew they didn't stand a chance currently and had to retreat but were waiting for knowledge if Izuku Midoriya was near Shigaraki as unknown to others the students from 1-A had agreed to head to wherever Izuku Midoriya was at if he was found on the battlefield to try and stop him themselves.

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