Chapter 16: Desperation

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3rd POV: 

Eraserhead was pissed because he knew they were getting the run around by Nezu and Gran Torino by this point. It had been over a month and every time they would try to question Gran Torino he would be called away on his so-called hero duties or he would quickly disappear and it pissed Eraserhead off past his point of patience anymore. All Might, the detective, and Present Mic who had been helping more often now had been keeping him calm but Aizawa didn't know how much longer he was going to be able to stay calm since it had been months since Izuku Midoriya had been arrested and then escaped from custody for being the mole of UA which Aizawa finds complete bullshit.

It had also gotten to the point that the students of 1-A had started to lose hope on finding Izuku Midoriya since there had been no reports of him being sighted or committing crimes either for the past month and a half which had Aizawa honestly worried. The class instead has thrown their emotions into training which Aizawa had fulfilled by giving them harder training to help them vent everything out. The class also had to take some time to accept Hitoshi into the class since Nezu had suddenly transferred the boy from general studies into 1-A to replace Izuku Midoriya which had the effect of crushing everyone's hopes since his desk was no longer empty.

One day though they all confronted Eraserhead and asked if they could start an investigation into Izuku Midoriya to try and prove that he was not the mole as they still had refused to believe him. Aizawa was also surprised to find Mintea had joined the group to request it along with the rest of the class which included Hitoshi who had been more or less silent about Izuku Midoriya but Aizawa knew that his adoptive son wanted to apologize to Izuku for what he said at the sports festival. Aizawa said they would all need to answer questions by the detective before they were allowed to start such a case.

This was how they all found themselves in a forest area of the campus where Aizawa was pretty sure there were no recording devices or cameras so the principal wouldn't overhear them. The detective questioned each individual person in 1-A and after a bit of time due to all of the questions and individuals they were able to prove that no one in 1-A was a mole or would leak the information. "Good... now you all might wonder why we are so far out in the middle of the forest on campus and that is due to the fact that All Might, the detective, and I have been actively looking into the accusations against Izuku Midoriya from day one when he was accused. As it stands, this is off the books since Gran Torino and Principal Nezu seem to be actively blocking us from looking into this. We believe that they have some hand in why Izuku was accused since the question the Principal asked weren't standard or clear enough to prevent loopholes. Everyone understand?" Aizawa asked as he wanted to make sure they understood that they were indirectly opposing the school itself by looking into this case.

They all nodded their heads and Aizawa started to explain the entire situation from what they understood. Though unknown to all of them, Nezu had a drone in the air above them listening in to the entire conversation. "Now Aizawa... I am shocked you wouldn't account for me spying on you with a drone... nowhere on campus is safe from my eyes if I really want to know something." Nezu said to himself as he texted Gran Torino the fact that all of 1-A is now looking into the issue but also that no one in the class was a mole which was good. Though that didn't exclude 1-B or anyone else in the entire school who had the ability to give out information.

Now while all of this was going on things for the League of Villains haven't been the best as even though the league had been working non-stop for the past month and a half to try to defeat Gigantomachia, the giant wouldn't give though they kept getting closer and closer. However, things sadly took a turn for the worse with a simple phone call that they received from Giran or so they thought. As they were resting while Gigantomachia was asleep on his normal schedule, they were talking about how to move forward against the creature since they were getting closer and closer to having it done when Twice answered his phone.

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