Chapter 21: War is Knocking!

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It was now closing in on the second month since Izuku Midoriya had made his report about the coming war. During that time he had made a total of 6 communications but on the last one, he said he would be going silent as he would be dedicating himself to training and would only reach out if he learned of anything that could change the outcome of the war. As such, it had been about 2 weeks since then when they received the last communication as Nezu knew it was the best move since more communications would indeed risk Izuku's position since he didn't need to do it for money since the Paranormal Liberation Front was bringing money in via the businesses that were connected to it.

However, that didn't mean that the heroes side stopped working hard for the coming war. The commission had brought the detective in to question all of the staff involved in the case in the upper management of the commission and the Prime Ministers' office to clear everyone before they started to get work on gathering heroes. The detective was confused at first until he was read in on everything that was going on but he still did not learn of the truth regarding Izuku Midoriya as no one except those initially involved in Izuku's case knew the truth as it would be kept that away as long as they could.

The heroes did have a list of known PFL members that Izuku was able to slip into his analysis by providing their ranks instead of names and other information. This was also a part of one of the last messages that Izuku had ever sent to them as well but it was still a large amount of information that they were thankful for since it made clearing out the heroes much easier to do as they needed to prepare their war force. This was how all of the main heroes of the attack force were gathered in a briefing room together where the detective was reading everyone into the current mission. As it stood, they were able to gather their forces and would be launching the assault soon within the next few weeks which would be about the middle of the third-month stage for the procedure that Shigaraki was going under. They hoped interrupting it would prevent him from gaining the power or at least only partial power.

As Everyone sat around the table which did include Nezu since he was a part of the planning for the war, the heroes and some police were told what was going on with the targets they would be going after. "As it stands, the commission has been gathering a large number of heroes for a war that they have discovered that will start soon. They are hoping to attack first to have the upper hand but we still will be fighting an uphill battle. The enemy is the Paranormal Liberation Front which is a merged group of the League of Villains and a return of the Meta Liberation Army. As it stands from what the commission had gathered they believe the forces amount to over 116,000 individuals though we will be attacking the main base and the lab that Shigaraki is held in undergoing an experiment to gain more power." the detective said and some asked how the commission found this information out but the detective shook his head. He explained that he was not informed of how they obtained the information as they have been using him mainly to clear who was a PFL member or not.

"As it stands you are not allowed to talk to those that are not on the approved list as they may be a PFL member or haven't been cleared by being questioned like all of you have been." The detective said and that earned nods of heads from everyone. The detective explained that they were evacuating cities already by the commission faking a chemical attack by a villain on the cities between the mountain villa and the hospital. Some asked if that would not alert the PFL which Nezu spoke up at.

"We've planned it quite well as we are going to have it covered by the Media as it happens so the PFL will learn about the attack as heroes will chance the staged villain down. It will be staged as a group that aims to cleanse the earth of people with mutations which several of the cities in the path have a larger population of said quirks." Nezu explained as he said the attacks would happen on the same day so as not to arouse suspicion and nothing will be prepared in advance so it looks like a real rush to secure the citizens and move them away from the chemical attack. The citizens would then be moved to a few cities over where they knew it had enough places to hold the people long enough. 

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